‹ Prequel: Turn Left



“Red nine!”

“Damn!” Zacky chuckled in my ear, “You must be my lucky charm!”

“She’s magically Delicious!” Violet called out drunkenly from next to us.

Zacky licked my neck, causing me to shiver.

“You’re right!” he yelled, before pulling his chips out before the next bets were placed.

I giggled and kissed his cheek, “Happy Birthday goober.”

“I know a way you can make it even better,” he whispered huskily in my ear.

“I think you’ve had one drink to many,” I half smiled, knowing he wouldn’t say anything like that sober. Sure, we’re really good friends, but that’s pretty much it. I got over that fact that he wasn’t interested a while ago and was now just content to be his friend.

His full lips instantly fell into a pout, “Nuh uh! It’s my birthday! If I wanna drink myself unconscious I can!”

I chuckled and stood up, pulling Zack with me before we got yelled at for being at the table without placing bets. I wasn’t worried about Violet, it wasn’t her birthday, and she could easily handle herself. I wanted Zack to have a good time, not get kicked out.

“Ellie! I mean it! I want Birthday sex!” he half yelled, half pouted as I dragged him back to the bar where everyone else was. I blushed as a lot of people turned to stare at us.

“Zack!” I exclaimed turning around to swat at his chest as soon as we were out of earshot of most people, “What the hell has gotten into you?”

“It’s your fault for looking so gorram sexy tonight!” he was back to that damn husky voice I could barely resist. He placed his hands on my hips and moved them back to my ass, pulling my body flush with his.

“You’ve been watching Firefly too much,” was all I could think to say as he began kissing my neck.

“Mmmm probably,” he muttered before gently suckling on the spot only he knew about.

“Zack!” I squealed, attempting to push him away, “That is so not cool!”

He pulled back, a serious frown across his face, “Why? What is so repulsive about me that makes you not want me?”

“Zack, I do want you, that’s the problem, and you know that,” I sighed.

“Then show it,” he whispered, pulling my body flush against his and kissing me fiercely. I was shocked, but kissed back. I’m only human and Zack is super irresistible. He pulled my body close, kissing me hard and gripping my ass, using it as leverage to pull me closer.

“Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!” I heard the voice of my five year old son Chance piercing through my dream, “We gonna be late if you don’t get up soon!”

I groaned and playfully rolled over on top of him, earning a loud squeal.

“Ah! Mommy, Stop it!” he giggled.

“Oh fine,” I chuckled, rolling back over before hugging him close, “I can see you’re exited about today.”

“Duh!” he exclaimed. I noticed he was already clothed and I realized it was a smart idea to bathe last night before bed.

“Alright, alright already! I’ll get up and get dressed and we can get a snack for the road, okay?”

Chance nodded vigorously before dashing out of my room. Seconds later I heard his TV turn on and I knew he’d be distracted by the DVD for exactly half an hour before he’d be back on my case. I loved my little boy, but when he got excited about something, there was no stopping him. He definitely got his hardheadedness from both parents.

I quickly jumped up, moving to my bathroom to begin my morning routine. I quickly washed and dried my face before applying blue smoky eye-shadow and black liner. I then pulled my air back into a messy bun and pushed my bangs from my eyes. A bit of pomegranate lip color and body spray and I was ready to put on my clothes. I slid on an oversized grey screen tee and pulled on some worn tan skinny jeans underneath. Next came socks and a necklace I had gotten for my twentieth birthday.

“Mommy!” Chance smiled from behind me. I turned to see him holding my purse up for me. I smiled and walked over, taking it from him and ruffling his hair.

“Thanks little man, you’re the best!” I grinned, pulling my car keys out and sitting on the bed to pull on my boots, “Did you get your backpack all ready?”

He nodded vigorously and ran over to grab it from beside the door. I quickly checked to make sure he had everything and after I saw it all there I nodded and zipped it shut.

“Alright teeth cleaned?” he nodded, “Shoes tied?” he nodded, “Are you ready?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“Alright,” I chuckled, “Let’s go.”

“Fuck! Zack!” I screamed as he we came together.

“Shit, Ells,” He gasped, slipping out of me and plopping on the bed parallel to my body, “Best. Birthday. Ever!”

I giggled at him and rolled over to use his chest as a pillow. His arm snaked around my shoulders, pulling me even closer. Zacky and I cuddled like this often, but never as more than friends and only once before naked after we lost at strip go fish and Jimmy hid our clothes so we just watched our movie naked on the couch. I chuckled at the memory and Zack stirred underneath me.

“What’s so funny?” He asked, gently stroking my hair and back.

“Just remembering the last time we were like this.” I smiled shifting to look up at him.

“On the bus?” he chuckled, “I remember Matt just about had a heart attack when he saw his baby sister naked and cuddling his best friend. Didn’t he try and wrap you up in a tablecloth?”

I burst out laughing and nodded, “Yup, so then Jimmy and I ran around the block in plastic togas.”

Zack laughed and shook his head, wrapping his arm around my shoulders in a loose embrace, “We’ve had some good times huh?”

I nodded and smiled at him, “We totally have. I’m glad I came to stay with Matt.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that all the guys love having you around… Me especially,” he grinned.
I chuckled, “You are such a sap,” I gently nudged his shoulder.

He gaped, “Shut up! I am not!”

I nodded and said with a deadpan face, “Yes, yes you are.”

He rolled his eyes, “Oh yes, I’m secretly nothing but a spineless poet that sits outside you window drying to woo you with my guitar skills.”

I chuckled, “Well lyrics are considered a form of poetry and you and Matt are defenseless against my puppy dog pout…”

Zack groaned, “Don’t even mention that pout! You’ve gotten me into so much trouble with that pout.”

I chuckled evilly, “Yeah… but it was fun watching you get into trouble.”

He grimaced and playfully growled at me, “Oh that kills it! You are going down!”

He jumped at me tickling my sides and pinning me down to the bed. I squealed loudly and began twitching around as he continued.

“Zacky! Stop it!” I giggled trying to slap his hands away, “That’s so not fair!”

“Okay, okay,” he said, sitting straight up, straddling my lap, “I’ll stop.”

“Mommy, Can’t you drive any faster?!” Chance groaned from the back seat, asking me the same question for the fifth time since we had gotten stuck in the midmorning LA traffic.

“Chance! We’re almost there baby, just calm down!” I groaned right back. We had been stuck in the god forsaken traffic for over an hour and we were both getting very antsy, wanting to get to our destination already.

“Fine!” he pouted crossing his arms. I chuckled at him as I watched his antics in the rear view mirror.

“How ‘bout I play your favorite CD?” I asked in a sing song voice.

He looked as if he was thinking and then nodded with a smirk. I rolled my eyes but hit the button to turn on the stereo anyway. Chase immediately started dancing and head-banging along to the music. I chuckled and focused back on the road as the cars began moving. I groaned as we stopped again, ten feet from our turn. I turned my eyes back to my little boy, his clowning around pulling at my heart strings. He looked so much like his dad and acted like him too.

“ELLA!” Zacky yelled, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly, picking me up and spinning me around before setting me back on my feet and kissing me passionately, “I missed you babe! You should never ever go to Europe without me again!”

“Zack dude! I don’t wanna see you mackin’ on my sister!” Mat groaned hiding his face in his hands.

I chuckled and shook my head, dragging Zack away from his living room. I pulled him up the hall stairs quickly and down the hall into his room where I knew we would have at least relative privacy. As soon as I closed and locked the door, Zack had me pinned against it with his mouth over mine in a passionate kiss.

“I really missed you,” he mumbled, resting his forehead against mine.

“I missed you too Zacky,” I half smiled up at him.

“Is that why you came back?” he asked, sighing, “I don’t want to be the reason you left the show. I remember how excited you were when you got the role.”

“No, Zack,” I shook my head, “I had another reason.”

“Why then? I love you, but acting is your dream; I just feel like my dream is holding you back from yours.”

I shook my head, “Zack, I’m pregnant.”

“DADDY!” Chance yelled, running straight at Zack across the parking lot of the studio where the bus was parked. Zack beamed and kneeled down holding his arms open for his son. I chuckled and walked over to them as Zack smothered our child with kisses. Chance wrapped his arms tightly around Zack’s neck and giggled as his dad smothered him with love.

“I missed you so much little man!” Zack exclaimed, hugging his son close, resting his head in the boy’s neck, “And your mommy too! Next time you two are coming on tour with me!”
Chance chuckled and kissed Zack’s cheek, “I missed you too daddy. I love you!”

“I love you too, Chance,” He grinned, reaching out to me with an arm unoccupied by his son. I stepped into his embrace, wrapping my arms around him and our son. Zack kissed me quickly before Chance could object.

“It’s so good to have my family back,” Zack beamed.

“Congratulations Mrs. Baker! It’s a boy!”

I gasped for air, glad my little boy was finally in the world.

“Ellie, baby, he’s so perfect,” Zack beamed, squeezing my hand before moving to cut the cord. I sighed and rested my head back on my pillow, waiting to hold my son. They quickly cleaned him off and checked his health before handing him over to Zack, who stared at him in awe as he walked over to sit on the bed next to me, “He looks just like me, Ells. Our son. He’s so perfect.”

I smiled, leaning over to see my baby over his shoulder. He was big for a newborn, ten pounds, nine ounces, and already had a thick mop of black hair. I smiled down at our little miracle and gently ran my fingertips along his soft cheek. My-scratch that- our son.

“He really is perfect, Zack,” I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Yes he is,” he grinned, “Now aren’t you glad you gave me a chance?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 1,964

I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it :D