Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter One


Look at her, she’s such a freak!

I sighed, taking out my IPOD and turning my music 1,000 times louder than it was few seconds ago-My lazy attempt to drown out what everyone around me was thinking.

You see, I have this problem. I hear thoughts and I see auras. Because of that, I often keep to myself, not making many friends except the two that are currently in a different class-Bree and David.

I can’t exactly tell you how because I don’t know so myself. I’ve done some research though; I was in an accident two years ago when I was fourteen. Bree and I were on a camping trip with her parents. Her dad was driving, and we were all laughing and having a good time. We were soon driving upon a bridge, her dad turned from the wheel for a split second and once he turned back, he lost control of the wheel and swiveled off the bridge-into the water.

The car fell, front first, which gave me time to take off my seatbelt and try to open my door, but with shaking fingers and a heart that’s beating painfully against your chest, it’s pretty hard.

So I never got the door open, and sadly I died.

But not for long, not before I was revived along with my friend Bree. Bad news; She lives with her aunt since her parents didn’t, survive the accident.

Apparently someone had seen the accident take place and called the ambulance immediately. So that’s the story, maybe we’ll touch bases with it another time. But basically my friend and I have kissed the other side-as my research says. And for some reason, I was the only one who came out of it not a normal person. As you all may have realized.

Red: Anger, moody, selfishness, reckless
Orange: Creativity, Expressive
Yellow: Spiritual, positive spirit, wisdom
Green: Jealousy and dishonesty
Blue: Calm
Purple: Artistic mindset, visual, charm, very understandable
Black: Negative emotions; Sadness, fear
White: Truthful, loyal
Pink: Sensitivity, love

Chapter One

Bree peeled the skirt off of her chocolate cupcake, the one with colorful sprinkles on top. “How do you guys eat the school lunch? Its uncooked food wrapped in plastic.” She commented, staring at the ‘French fries’ in disgust.

I laughed quietly to myself.

“It’s actually not so bad,” David protested

I pushed my tray aside seeing the hamburger sitting on one side and just grabbed the apple from the other.

I was vegetarian, no lunch for me today.

I sighed taking a bite.

Bree eyed me down carefully before saying,”What’s wrong, Elena, you haven’t said anything since we got out of class.”

I shrugged, there was no way I was going to tell her that I see auras and read minds. That’s one secret I’m willing to keep.”Tired,” I mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear.

Her aura shone brightly with a brilliant purple although a rich white stayed attached to the edges.

“I feel your pain,” David said, jumping right back in, his aura blue with a permanent white stain also, “sleep hasn’t been coming easy for me nowadays.”

“Is that so,” I said almost to myself as I took a bite of my apple and glanced curiously around the room.

I felt a new vibe, a new aura, a new thought enter my attention.

And so I wasn’t surprised when my eyes landed on a tall guy-about 6 ft- with black hair that was snipped perfectly to his chin. His pale, blue, eyes staring at the teacher who had possibly escorted him here.

Bree noticed my distraught expression and followed my gaze before turning back immediately and nudging my side, “Do you know him?”

I shook my head, squinting, my eyes just a little bit trying to tune out everyone else’s thought’s to focus on just his.

“Really, because you’re staring at him as if you guys were former best friends." She said taking a bite out of her cupcake.

I sighed, seeing she won’t be quiet. “I just find him… odd.”

“Well,” She said with a small smile, “I find him cute. I call dibs!”

David glanced in my direction, “Respect the dibs,” he said arching an eyebrow at me, “It’s practically honor code.”

I sighed and waved them both off, “She can have him.”

David shook his head before leaning over the table slightly and looking us both in the eye, “Dibs? It’s so elementary. In high school; whoever he chooses is who gets him.” He leaned back into his chair, smiling, obviously pleased with his little speech.

I averted my gaze to look at the new boy again, watching as he gazes wondrously around.

“Well, Bree,” I said turning to her, “since you called dibs, why don’t you go make your first move. He’s looking for a place to sit.”

She peeked in his direction before licking he thumb and tossing the remaining piece of her cupcake in the trash. “Be right back,”

I nodded once and she dashed off in his direction.

“You know,” David said once she left, “I have a hypothesis.”

“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” I said looking at him, already knowing what he’s about to say and hardly finding it possible.

“You and the new boy-or whatever his name is-will probably be a thing by the end of the next three months.”

I chuckled and shook my head slowly.

He continued, “If you haven’t realized; ‘Dibs’ hardly count in high school.”

“So you’ve said.”

He put his free hand up in surrender since the other one was stuffing a fry down his throat.”I’m just saying. Even if she gets mad, it’ll definitely fade.”

“I’m not breaking an honor code.”

“There isn’t really an honor code, Elena. You’re basically gorgeous. If… the new guy wants you who can blame him.”

I personally didn’t have a problem with my appearance, but gorgeous wasn’t how I’d put it.

My sun burn from a few weeks ago finally faded, giving me my natural tan color-and not an orange, red-back. My hair was black and curly-close to waves-and a little past my collar bone since I insist on getting a monthly trim. My eyes were a golden brown and I had thick long lashes-which I’m not a big fan of since they’re constantly finding their way into my eyes. I was the height of any normal girl, nothing exciting there.

“Well, she has him wrapped around her finger already. So if I wanted him, I wouldn’t bother anyway.”

He shrugged,”I’m just saying.”

I sensed that there was nothing else he was going to say, so I tuned into Bree’s thoughts.

She approached him, her aura turning into a charming purple as she stuck her hand out almost immediately, “Bree, you are?”
He smiled at her. ”Dimitri,” he said while shaking her hand in an offbeat motion.
“Well,” She said pointing behind her, “You’re welcomed to sit with my friends and me for lunch if you’d like.”
He nodded slowly after shortly hesitating, “Sure, why not.”
She grinned out of happiness, glad she made the score then turned on her heel and lead him in the direction of the table.

I snapped out my daze just in time to see her put both hands on the table and nod her head in the direction of Dimitri. “Guys,” She said with a hint of excitement in her tone, “this is Dimitri. Dimitri, that’s David,” He grasped David’s hand in a swift motion.

“Nice to meet you David,” Dimitri said in a deep, but alluring tone.

David swept his chestnut colored hair away from his eye exposing one blue one,”Yeah, you too man.”

“And,” Bree said, impatient to move on so she can get conversation started, “That’s Elena.” She pointed a black, manicured nail in my direction.

We shook hands ignoring the weird feeling that coursed through the contact.
“Pleasure to meet you,” He said slightly strained.

He let go of my hand, and sat down beside Bree, who sat down beside me.

I tried to tune into his energy, his head, his thoughts, his aura, but every time I tried; I’d get stopped by a black wall.

I tried again, but ended up with the same results, I saw a small smile form on his face when I snapped out my daze.

Did he know about me? What I could do?

“So Dimitri,” Bree said twirling a lock of her blonde hair,”Why did you transfer here?”

Bree had blonde hair, but her bangs were cut straight across, covering her forehead but barley touching her eyes. Her bang was died black, and the tips of her blonde hair were black also. She had dark brown eyes, and her hair made them look even darker. Bree wasn’t the most popular girl around, but she was pretty. She was about an inch shorter than me, but that’s barley much of a difference.

One thing that made Bree, Bree; was that she always brought some kind of cupcake to lunch, and she wore the same pink, strawberry lip gloss on any occasion.

She had curves, just like me, evening out the top from the bottom, although my waist was a bit smaller than hers. It didn’t stop us from sharing most of our clothes with each other.

“I, um-“He cleared his throat as if stalling to think of some reason. “Family… problems,”

She nodded slowly, “Hey, mind if I see your schedule?” She said with her hand out expectantly.
He handed it to her.

“Family problems,” I murmured, “too personal to share?” I asked out of sudden curiosity.

“Yes, at the moment.”

I nodded slowly, “Is there anything you would like to share with us?” I asked narrowing my gaze into slits.

He clenched his jaw slightly and averted his gaze, “There’s nothing to know. Nothing you’d be interested in anyway.”

I had a feeling we weren’t off to a good start.

I arched an eyebrow, “No?”

He pursed his lips as I continued, “I mean in order to make friends you try to find out a bit about that person don’t you?”

As if reading my mind, his aura shone through; a light touch of red, but a bright yellow overlapped it.

Happy now

I stared at him; he was talking to me through his thoughts.

How did he know? He knew about me seeing auras and reading minds?

And I couldn't help but wonder, was he kissed like me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well; That was the first chapter, I hope you guys liked it. I'll be updating the second one tomorrow; so stay tuned (: