Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

“Elena,” He sighed.

I waited for him to say something, but nothing came out.

I tried to tune into his thoughts and his aura, but as always, he was one step ahead of me.

He got up from the couch and ran a hand through his hair before turning around and looking me straight in the eyes, “I can’t say it.”

I groaned loudly and fall back onto his couch, “You ruin everything.”
Ignoring my comment he slowly knelt in front of me, “Just tell me when to stop,” He whispered before leaning in.

My heart drummed loudly in my chest, “I-I-I thought you couldn’t do it.”

He chuckled, his lips almost in contact with mine, “I said I couldn’t say it, not do it.” And with that his lips met mine. His scent intoxicated me. It smelt of cologne and peppermint, the best combination that I tried to imprint into my mind. His lips were soft, and mine moved together with his in harmony. His hands slid around my neck and tangled themselves in my hair while he brought my face closer to his in the process. It wasn’t at all what I’d expected, it was better.

He pulled back to look me in the eyes, and they drowned me with affection. I’m pretty sure mine were doing the same.

I’m not sure what made me like him so much. His looks had already attracted every girl in the school like a magnet, but his personality was a different story. He was so… different?

I couldn’t explain it, but the way his lips moved with mine wasn’t comfortable. It was more than comfortable. This was the kiss that felt like electricity bursting between us. This was the kiss that sent warm tingles from my head to toe.

He leaned in to kiss me again, and I once again got lost in the feel of his lips, and his intoxicating scent. But I loved every second of it.


He dropped me home awhile ago, but we stayed in the car and talked some more. I walked through the door and came face to face with an unexpected scene. There was my dad, talking with my mom drinking a cup of coffee-I would know because it’s the only thing he drinks in a mug.

I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, “Dad!”

“Elena, I’ve missed you.”

I pulled away, “You missed me?! I missed YOU!”

He laughed and hugged me again, “How are you?”

“I’m good! There’s so much I have to tell you.”

“That’s good to hear. You normally don’t.” I smiled and nudged him with my hip, “A lot of exciting things happened while you were gone. And by the way, you know you could’ve told me that Micah was coming back!”

He grinned, “I figured surprising you would’ve been better.”

Then mom cut in, “Your dad and I talked about the vacation.”

I smiled at her, “What’s the plan?”

“We’ll go for your Christmas break and visit the slopes.”



I grinned at both of them, “Sounds great.”

“Why don’t you go upstairs and change,” my mom said, “then you can come back down and chat with your father.”

I kissed him on the cheek and run up the stairs two at a time.

I changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a tank top with socks before jogging back downstairs.

Dad and I talked all night. And I told both of them-him and mom-about my kiss with Dimitri tonight. Dad threatened a gun and a few other violent actions more than once, but in the end, they agreed to be normal parents and meet him over a dinner at my house on Saturday.

And I couldn’t wait, considering today was Thursday.


“Hey, Elena!”

I turned around and saw Micah running up to me, that’s when the guilt hit me like stab in the back, “Hey, Micah.”

“So, are we going to hang out tonight?”

“If we do, it’d be as friends.”

“What do you mean,” I watched as his face dropped and the guilt spreads all over my body making me feel weird.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before beginning, “Look, I am so sorry, and I hope we can still be friends after this, I really do, but I don’t like you as more than a brotherly way. I mean, we’re too close to be a couple. I didn’t mean to lead you on, or at least I hope I wasn’t, but I just want to be friends and nothing more. I did like you, and we did have a good relationship in the past, but this is the future, and maybe you should find someone who’s really worth it, someone better than me.”

But he gave me the reaction I least expected, he smiled, “Goodness, Elena. And you had ME feeling guilty.”


“When we kissed, I liked you all over again, but I didn’t realize it was just a sisterly thing. I mean, the kiss was too comfortable.”

That was exactly what I thought, “Really?”

He nodded, “I thought maybe I’d keep dating you for awhile to see where it would go, to see if my feeling would return… but-“

“No need explain.”

“So, since that wasn’t awkward-“

“And easier than expected, do you still want to hang out tonight.”

He grinned, “Duh.”
And then he began to walk away, but he turned back around and said, “By the way, no ones better than you.” And he winked before rounding the corner.


I walked into the class room and sat next to Dimitri, “Hey.” I said.

He looked up to me, His guard was down, but instead of peering into his thoughts, since I felt like that would be an evasion of his privacy, I looked at his aura which was smothered under pink and white, “Hey,” He said smiling.

I sat down and rested my hand on top of my binder, trying to figure out how to break the news.

I mean, we hadn’t even gone on a first date yet, and telling him that my parents wanted to meet him was a bit awkward.

“Something’s on your mind,” He said, his voice caressing my thoughts, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” I mumbled, “I just have a weird question to ask you.”

He grinned.

“You didn’t peer into my thoughts did you?” I asked since I’d left my guard down.

He shrugged, but he had an innocent look upon his face which made me even more suspicious, but I just sighed.

“So, my mom knew I liked you before I even knew,” I started, “And my dad-“

“Your dad?” He said shocked.

I chuckled, “I know I haven’t mentioned him before, but yes, my dad. He was there last night when you dropped me off, and I told him about you too; since I was just so happy about the whole situation.” I blushed after I’d said that, feeling a bit embarrassed. “And they want to have dinner with you.”

“Why’s that weird.”

“We haven’t gone on a first date yet and they want to meet you. We’re not even official; at least I don’t think we are.”

He smirked, “That’s entirely up to you.”

“Well they don’t want to meet you till tomorrow.”

“How about this,” He began turning to face me fully, “We go on a date tonight, and after that date, we’ll be official. Then it won’t be so awkward tomorrow when we got see your parents since we already went on a date and we’ll already be a couple.” He smiled, lacing his fingers through mine. The warm tingles shooting up my spine.

I bit my lip and smiled, “Sounds good.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I forgot to shout out Gootenaf- for being the first one to comment.
Anyway; here's Chapter Ten (:
Notice i'm updating a lot faster now.