Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

“Casual or dressy?” I asked Dimitri at lunch. The others hadn’t come yet, so we had a few minutes alone.

He thought for a moment, and then turned to face me with a lazy grin on his face-one I’d never seen at that, but it was definitely cute- and said, “Dressy.”

“Where do you plan on going?”

He shook his head, but leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, “You’ll see.”

Just then Bree plopped down in the seat beside me, causing Dimitri and me to jump apart from each other. I looked over towards her and she looked exhausted, “You okay?” I asked.

She nodded, “Didn’t get much sleep last night; I was trying to cram for the history test today. Turns out it was postponed today and moved to tomorrow.”

I gave a small smile, “Maybe if you paid more attention in class, you wouldn’t need to cram for history tests.”

She gave me a small smile also, “Not everyone’s as perfect as you, Elena.”

And for some reason, that disturbed me. It reminded me of our argument. And that’s not exactly something I want to remember.

“I’m not perfect,” I said a little too defensively, but she didn’t seem to notice, of course, only Dimitri did, “I’m just prepared.”

“Right,” she mumbled before resting her head on the table.
Moments later, David came strolling by along with Micah.

“What’s with her?” Micah said sitting beside Dimitri.

I patted her back, “She tried cramming for her history exam and stayed up all night. Only to find out the test was postponed.”

“Ouch.” David muttered dropping his backpack, “Care to join me on the line?”

I got up, “Coming?” I asked Dimitri, but looked at Micah to seem like I was asking both of them.

Dimitri shook his head, “I’m not eating today.”

But Micah got up and walked to me, “Well I am.” And with that, I turned around and walked with them to the line.

“I knew my hypothesis was true.” David said as I approached him.

“What hypothesis?”

“You and Dimitri are together.”

“What? How’d you know that?”

“Well if he just goes around kissing girls on the cheek with that look on his face then I don’t know what to think.”

“Wait, you like Dimitri?” Micah asked.

I sighed defeated, “Yeah.”

“Is that why… in the hall…”

“No,” I said quickly, “I was planning on doing that before, it’s just that I liked him, before you even came.”

“I knew it.” David muttered again.

“Okay, okay.” I said grabbing an apple from the tin, “You were right.”

“When did it happen?”

“Last night.”

“Ohhhh, last night.” He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I punched him in the arm, “Shut up.”

“Does Bree know?”

“I didn’t think I’d have to tell her.”

“She did call dibs.”

“She took them off.”

“So as soon as she said dibs off, you attacked?”

I shook my head, “No, I mean… I can’t help who I like.”

He shrugged, “Let’s hope she see’s it that way.”

I took a bite of my apple, “Why do you always make me feel bad about doing something.”

“I’m just trying o keep your mind in reality.”

“Thanks.” I said sarcastically.

“Guys,” Micah said, “your acting like kids.”

I chuckled, “He started it.”

“If Bree gets mad, then she obviously has a problem.”

I stared at Micah, “Didn’t know you felt that way.”

“I didn’t mean that in a bad way.”

“Sure you didn’t. Anyway, if I didn’t make Dimitri tell me, we wouldn’t even be the way we are now.”

“What if Bree really does get mad with you?”

“She’ll get over it.”


“I didn’t expect you to dress up that much.” Dimitri said while eyeing me down, “You look nice though.”

After hours of searching through my closet, I finally picked a dark red dress with a black belt in the middle. Along with a pair of black heels.

“Well when you say dressy, I take you seriously. Where are going anyway?” I asked while taking him in. He was wearing a white button down shirt with a pair of dark jeans.

“A museum.”

“Wait a minute; you made me dress like this to go to a museum.”

He nodded, “Last time I went, there were a lot of people dressed up. It’s an art gallery kind of, it’s filled with paintings not artifacts. So rich people tend to go there. Aka, fancy dressed people.”

I shrugged, “Still, these heels are suicidal you know.”

“Nice to know you’d go through those kinds of extremes just for me.”

A small smile slipped onto my face.

“Right,” I muttered, trying to hide my amusement.

The ride was actually pretty long. About forty-five minutes was my guess.

He finally stopped the car and pulled up in front of- well, the museum. And I’m guessing you guys know what that looks like. Just imagine one, except filled with paintings and art sculptures.

He stopped the car, then came over to my side and opened it for me, then helped me out. I couldn’t stop the blush that crept onto my face.

We walked closer than normal as we made our way up the steps and through the double doors. It was beautiful. Chandeliers’ hung from the ceiling and the walls were painted a golden color. Dimitri gave a man dressed in a black suit tickets.

“You had to pay for this?” I whispered to him.

He smiled, “Of course.”

“I didn’t know that, you could’ve told me.”

“If I told you, you would’ve insisted on paying for yourself.”

“Exactly.” I mumbled.

“There’s a few paintings I want to show you.” He said more to himself than me, but I knew who he was talking to. He unexpectedly grabbed my hand and pulled us out of our group.

“Dimitri!” I said as he walked quickly down a corridor, “We were with that group you know,”

He looked at me, and amused expression plastered onto his face, “I’m sure we won’t get in trouble.”

I pursed my lips, relieved as he started to walk slowly again, considering my feet was already killing me and we hadn’t even done much walking.

He suddenly stopped causing me to run into his back, “Crap,” I said rubbing my nose.

“Sorry,” He said quietly then turned around, “This is it. This is on of them.”

I looked at the painting, and it looked like someone I knew…

The colors were beautiful though, only consisting of bright ones, and I stared at the background in awe. The way they perfected each detail of the garden was amazing. I then returned my attention back to the girl, she was wearing a blue dress and her hair was black and curly. She had light brown eyes and long lashes. Her waist was small, but it evened out her top from the bottom-I gasped, suddenly catching on.

“That’s not… that’s not me…Is it?”

He chuckled, “No, that’s why I had to show you this. It looks so much like you. I think it’s your ancestor.”

I stared at the painting, finally dragging my eyes off of it, to him. He was looking at me with an expression I couldn’t make out. But I didn’t bother to tune into his aura, it’s always blocked anyway.

“She looks so much like me.”

He shrugged, “Who knows. Maybe it’s your great, great, great, great, great, great-“

“I think I get it,” I laughed.

He took a step back from the painting and held out his hand, “I have something else to show you,” he held out his hand and I took it.

He led down a few more corridors and came to a stop in front of a sculpture. “This,” he said pointing to the sculpture, “looks a lot like me.”

He was right; the same chin length hair, although since it was made of clay, I couldn’t really tell. But the features seemed right, and the body shape did too. Long, lean, and muscular. Also tall.

“This is so cool, yet so creepy.” I muttered reaching out to feel it, but it hands enclosed over mine.

“Don’t touch,” he whispered.

I turned around, not realizing how close he was to me.

His hands slithered around my waist and he pulled me close, and I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

But he ignored my question, his dipped his head and his lips met mine.

It was the same as the first night, his scent intoxicated me and the kiss was beyond comfortable. It sent tingles from my head to my toe. I loved every second of it, and I didn’t want him to stop.

“Young love,” I heard an awfully, snobby, familiar voice say, "But it won't last."

Me and Dimitri parted and looked in the direction of where the voice came from.

Casey and Hope were there too.

Dimitri’s hand went loose around my waist and pulled away from him.

Casey was wearing a tight dress, made of silver colored fabric. And Hope wore the same dress, except with gold colored fabric.

“Nice to see you too,” I said sarcastically.

Casey smiled, “Hey, Dimitri,” she began, and I automatically tensed.

He looked in her direction, with an annoyed expression plastered onto his face, “Yes?”

She grinned and looked at me once more before averting her gaze to Dimitri again, “Your girlfriends a freak.”

“Casey-“Hope warned, but Casey continued anyway.

“I know what you are,” She said directing her words to me again, “I know what you can do.”

My heart drummed so loudly in my chest, I felt as though it were to jump out. I put my hands on my waist to try and stop the shaking. Then, I put on my best ‘I don’t care’ voice, “Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

She smiled again, and it was filled with pure evil, “A witch.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really loving where my story is going.
& just a heads up, I got about two or three messages asking me to make the story long.
The story is long, honestly I have alot planned, it's not long to the point where i'll drag things out and you'll forget all about it, but it's about 50 chapters long. I actually want to publish this book in real life, so i'm making it as long and good as I possibly can without dragging anything out. But anyway, I hope you Enjoyed this chappy. And sorry it took so long, I'll have another one out BEFORE Christmas as a gift to all of you. SO tomorrow, i'll update, Sounds good? Great (: