Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

I couldn’t stop the laughter that erupted from my lips, it was too funny. A witch? Yeah right.

I heard Dimitri give a soft sigh of relief and he chuckled.

“What in the world bought you to that conclusion?” I asked her unbelievably.

She suddenly looked embarrassed and flushed, “Hope,” I heard her whisper. She thought she was being quiet, “I thought you told me she was a witch!”

“That’s why I was trying to stop you.” She said aloud, “There are no such things as witches!” Annoyed, Hope stormed around the corner.

“This isn’t over, Cunningham.” She said pointing a finger in my direction before running off to catch up with Hope.

“I was beginning to worry for a second there,” Dimitri said grasping my hand once more.

“So was I.”
“So, is Derek coming over tomorrow for the dinner?” My dad asked after I told him about my date. Of course, I excluded the details. Like the kiss for example. But I told him about the sculptures that strangely looked like us.

“His name is Dimitri, not Derek.”

“Dimitri, Dimitri, Dimitri,” He said over and over, “Is Dimitri joining us for dinner tomorrow.”

“Yeah, he said he would.”

“I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Dad,” I warned.

He put his hands up in surrender, “I’m not kidding. I want to meet the boy who you’ve fallen head over heels for.”

“I never said anything about falling for him.”

He raised his eyebrows, “The way you talk about him, your expressions say otherwise.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

“Are you saying you don’t like him?”

I rolled my eyes, “That’s not at all what I’m saying.”
“But that’s what you’re implying.”

I chuckled, “Where’s mom?”

“She had work today.”

“Great,” I said sarcastically before slipping out the heels, “Goodness, I feel so much better.”

“Are those by any chance the ‘suicidal heels’?”

I smiled, “Sadly, yes. And they made my life a lot difficult tonight.”

“Go change, “He said with a smile, I could see he was trying to hide his amusement.

I climbed up the stairs when he suddenly yelled, “By the way, you looked nice tonight!”

I turned around halfway up the staircase and said, “Thanks.”

I quickly changed out the red dress and I knew for a fact that every time I came across it, the memories of tonight would be remembered.


“I never got a time,” Dimitri deep voice answered on the other line, “You know, what time the dinner is, and what am I suppose to wear?”

I smiled, “good morning to you too,”

He chuckled, “Good morning, Elena. I hope you had a good time last night.”

I sighed, “You have no idea.” He laughed and I continued, “Wear something like you had on last night. I know I won’t be dressing up much. Maybe a skirt… and they want dinner to be done by seven, but come at five.”

“What? Why?”

“More time with me,”

And with that I hung up, desperately wishing it would be five already.

I skipped downstairs after taking a shower and changing into a pair of black, ripped up skinny jeans and a Trey Songz T-shirt.

I washed my hair and left it out and curly, even though I planned on straightening it tonight.

I got a text from Bree while I was in the shower, telling me to meet her at her favorite cupcake store in twenty.

So I hopped in my car, and drove down there, speeding since I was already late.

“Hey,” I said as I arrived, she already had a cupcake in hand and she was peeling off the skirt.

“Hey,” She said, she looked up at my presence and said, “You ditched movie night.”

I gaped at her, “I am so sorry, I planned on going but I…”

“What were you doing last night?”

“I had a, uh, date.”

“Really?” He face lit up, “With whom?”


Her smile slowly faded and her face suddenly went slack, “Who?”

I sighed, “Dim-“

“I know what you said,” She snapped, “but why?”

I was suddenly getting annoyed, “Because I like him, he asked me out and I agreed.”

“Of course you did. I knew there was a reason you called dibs off. I should have seen it coming, always by his house.”


“Yeah, you had a history project with him, what happened with that?”

I considered lying, saying that we finished it but instead, I said, “I lied.”

She scoffed, “You’ve been doing a lot of that lately.”

“The only reason I lied was to ignore this! I knew you would get all pissy with me.”

“Me? Pissy? I have a reason to be mad!”

“David didn’t seem to mind, neither did Micah.”

“I’m not David, and I’m not Micah.”

I rolled my eyes, “This is ridiculous. I can’t help who I like Bree, it just happens.”

I began to walk away but she stood from her chair, throwing away her cupcake and running to step in front of me, “I still liked him; I made that clear to you.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and stepped around her, “Sure you did Bree, and sure you did.”

“Unlike some people, I don’t lie; I could only imagine what else you’ve kept from me.”

My stomach twisted uncomfortably and my heart clenched tightly in my chest, I swung around, “If I ever lied to you, I’ve had a reason for doing so.” I couldn’t help but think about the thought reading and the aura seeing. I knew I had to tell her soon, and if we weren’t arguing the way we are now, I probably would have told her.

‘So what you’re saying is that there is something you’re keeping from me.”

“It’s for your own good.”

I walked at a fast pace until I reached my car, but that didn’t stop her from following me, “Are we done here?”

I scoffed, “Yeah, this conversation, and our friendship.”

I thought of the day in the cafeteria where Will took over her mind and got a weird sense of déjà vu. I’d said that line before, but then I actually meant it. This time, I wasn’t so sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short, I promise the next will be ten times longer (: