Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

I ran down stairs at 4:45 and once the doorbell rang about twenty minutes later, I sprinted to the door to answer it before anyone else did.

I swung it open and there sat Dimitri, he was dressed in a navy blue shirt with a black tie and black slacks.

“I don’t know how you do it,” I mumbled, leaning on the door frame.

“Do what?”

“Rock something as weird as that,” I said gesturing to his clothing. A smile lit up his face.

“I try.”

I opened the door a bit wider and said, “We can go for a walk in the park, or you can come in here and…” I looked behind me, the only thing fun to do was sit on the couch and talk to each other unless we watched television or something along those lines, “and watch television.”

He held out his hand, and took that as him wanting to walk in the park. I smiled and took his hand in mine, closing the door behind me.

“I’m sorry about last night,” I suddenly blurted out.

He looked confused for a moment, “I thought you said you had fun, why are you apologizing?”

“Casey and Hope,”

He chuckled, “that wasn’t your fault. It amused me actually.” He let go of my hand and I sat down on one of the swings and he began to push me, not too hard though.

“Still, it was almost as though she knew what I was. And when she said… a witch… I was so-“


“I don’t understand why she directed that to you though.”

“She wants me to break up with you. I’m surprised you weren’t snooping around in her thoughts.”

I frowned, “I was too panicked to even think about doing that.”

“I don’t think an average human being would even suspect anything about being able to see auras, read minds, and manifest things.”

I stopped the swing and leaned back onto his stomach, I wasn’t shocked to feel the outline of a six pack “Have you ever considered teaching me anything more? I mean… ever since that night at your house, where everything sorta happened… we haven’t been paying much attention to the effects of being the way we are anymore.”

He sighed, “If anything, we should be worrying about how Will does what he did. I’d like to learn how to do that.”

I gasped and he laughed, “In a good way, you know? For good uses.”

“I think it’s only something the evil can do. I mean, it’s basically possession. Something only the darkness would want to do.”

“Are you calling me dark?” He asked looking down the same time I looked up.

“No,” I began, “I’m calling what you want to do dark. Why would you want to have control over someone’s body? It’s so… sick.”

“If you thought the way I thought you’d understand.”

“Help me understand.”

He looked down at me again and then back up, straight forward, “The way I thought about it was… let’s say someone was about to die and they needed help on how to… fight off their attacker. If we slipped into their mind and controlled or told them what to do like Will did… then, well, we’d be using it to save lives.”

“I never thought of it that way.”

He grinned and looked down, hitting my nose with his index finger. “That’s the problem, Elena. You don’t think.”

I pursed my lips, “I do too, I just don’t think like you.”

He came to the front of the swing and squatted down in front of me, “I’m actually nervous to meet your parents.”

I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, “Trust me, my mom’s only gonna ask a few questions. It’s probably my dad you should worry about.”

He groaned, “Goodness,”

“But listen,” I said with a small laugh, “Just tell him your favorite basketball team is Miami, and you’ll be his best friend. And if by any chance he asks you who you favorite player is… Well, I got nothing.”

He laughed, “Thanks for the help.”

“Well, it’s kind of my job now.”


“We’re in a relationship; this is what the girls do.”


“Dad, mom, this is Dimitri.”

“Finally,” My mom said pulling him into an unexpected hug, “Elena doesn’t shut up about you.”

“Mom,” I snapped.

She smiled, and let go of Dimitri before stalking back to the kitchen.

My dad gave him a manly handshake, “Pleasure to meet my daughter’s new obsession.”

I groaned and Dimitri gave my dad a warm smile, “And it’s a pleasure to meet her dad.”

He narrowed his eyes a bit, but I could see he was a little taken aback by Dimitri’s gentlemen ways.

He turned around to face me, “I’m going to help your mom with the rest of the food, behave.”

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed Dimitri’s hand leading him to the dinning room, “Help me set up the table?”


I gathered all the things we would need then I took the stack of plates and began to set them on the table.

“You were right about your dad,” He started, and then lowered his voice, “His thoughts aren’t exactly pleasant.”

I smiled, “And my mom’s?”

He smiled too, “She’s nice, she’s worried about what will happen at the table though. Basically, she’s worried about what your dad may do.”

I chuckled, “I haven’t been hearing or listening to anyone’s thoughts lately. I’ve blocked them out.”

“And I know you’ve blocked me out too because, well, I have tried to see what was going through your head once or twice. And I ran into a wall every time.”

I set a glass down on the table, “It feels nice to be a little… normal again.”

He sighed, “You can’t block them out forever. I’m sure there are times where you’ve desperately wanted to snoop-“

“But did I? No.”

He laughed quietly; the same time my phone rung loudly in my pocket. I set down the napkins and looked at the caller ID, Bree.

Sighing, I pressed ignore and slipped it back into my pocket.

“Why’d you ignore her?” He asked, I hadn’t realized he was behind me until just now, but I didn’t ask him how he’d gotten there.

“We had a fight this morning before you came over.”

“Really,” He said with his eyebrows raised, “What happened this time?”

I frowned and let down my wall so Dimitri could see a replay of what happened.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and after awhile he finally lowered his eyes to the floor, “I’m sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“You guys were fighting over me, it is my fault.”


He shook his head, “If I hadn’t kissed you that night, this wouldn’t have-“

“Don’t say that,” I said setting down the last napkin and turning to him. He was already done, waiting on me. “It wasn’t your fault. She didn’t have to get mad.”

He scratched the back of his head, “I should have told you she still liked me.”

“You knew?” I said in disbelief.

He sighed, “Yeah, but her feelings for Will overlapped her feelings for me. Besides, she doesn’t really like me for me. She likes my physical appearance. She thinks I’m ‘hot’ or something like that. But with Will, she actually likes his personality too. I didn’t think it would matter.”

I turned around suddenly annoyed, “It still would have been nice to know.”

He grabbed my wrist, and I automatically forced my shield up.

“Don’t do this,” He said sounding tired, “It was a mistake.”

“Yeah, a mistake that caused me a friendship.”

He let go of my wrist, “And that’s my fault?”

I glared at him now, “You. Should. Have. Told. Me.”

He sighed running a hand through his hair, “It’s not something I would exactly bring up.”

I threw my hands up in the air and let them fall back to my sides, “Maybe you should have never kissed me; that would have saved a lot of drama.”

“Fine, but Elena, please. I don’t want to fight.”

I glared at him, but looking directly into his eyes caused me to forgive him almost instantly, He was truly sorry.

I shook my head slowly and a small smile made its way onto face, “I… I’m sorry, I got mad for all the wrong reasons-“

“No,” He said putting a hand on my waist and drawing me closer, “I should have told you. I was wrong.”

His face was slowly getting closer and closer to mine, when finally he pecked my lips gently and then pulled away just as my dad entered the room.

He narrowed his eyes and said, “Dinners ready.”

“Great.” I mumbled sarcastically.

After everything was set, we all sat down. Dimitri and I sat next to each other and my mom and dad sat across from us.

We prayed and then began to dig in.

I turned to look at him and said, “Sorry about the food, my mom made tofu though… Just in case you wanted some form of meat.”

He smiled down at me, “No, I’m okay.”

“Dimitri,” My dad’s voice boomed throughout the rest of the house, “Are you a fan of basketball?”

I laughed quietly to myself and I saw one threatening to make its way onto his face as well, “Actually, I am. The Miami Heatz is my favorite team.”

My dad’s eyebrows raised, “Hm. I might actually like you.”

I grinned, “Dad, could you pass the veggies?”

“Of course.” He said in a suddenly happier tone.

I reached over and gave Dimitri’s hand a light squeeze.

“You know, the only reason we’ve invited you to dinner is because you’re the first boy Elena’s actually gotten involved with.”

I sighed, “Mom,” I said, “Maybe we should talk about something else.”

But she ignored me.

“I mean, besides Micah-“

“Micah and I are close friends, and our relationship is history.” I said looking her straight in the eyes. She finally caught on and shifted her gaze.

“Right, so, um, Dimitri? It’s senior year, have you decided which college you’d like to attend.”

“Oh my goodness.” I muttered to myself.

“Actually, a lot of colleges have requested my appearance. So, I’m not exactly sure.”

“Well, that’s just marvelous. I wish Elena would be more like you. She doesn’t exactly take school serious. I mean she gets straight A’s and colleges have requested her, but she hasn’t really paid much attention to it. I don’t think-“

“I’ll figure out where I want to go when I want to go.” I said.

He sighed, “Honey-“

“What’s your family like, Dimitri?” My dad said giving me a knowing look.

I smiled at him.

Dimitri stiffened beside me, “They’re, um, dead.”

“What? I am so sorry.”

“It’s not a problem… they died in a car accident a few years ago.”

This was new information to me, and I definitely planned on asking him about it later.

“So you live alone?”

“Yes sir.”

I could see my dad’s figure tense, “And your how old?”

“I just turned 18, three months ago.”

My dad scratched his forehead, “Who’d you live with before?”

“I was living with my grand parents in Alaska. I moved here a month after I turned 18.”

“Oh, you haven’t been living alone that long.”

“No,” He said chuckling a bit.

“Haven’t you been by his house before Elena?”

I frowned, “Yes.”

He pursed his lips.

“I’m sure she hasn’t done anything she wasn’t supposed to. Right, Dimitri?”

“I can assure you that much.”

“Well great,” My dad began, “because for a second there, I thought I would’ve been forced to rip your head off.”


I was helping mom with the dishes while Dimitri was pretending to be interested in a basketball game with my dad, but I could only imagine what’s going through his head right now.

“I like him.” My mom said bumping her hip against mine, “He’s just like you.”

My head snapped in her direction, “That’s not true,” I said shaking my head.

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’m positive. He’s… well, perfect. I’m definitely not.”

She smiled and set a plate in the cupboard. “He’s only been at your school for two months, but you act like it’s been years.”

I looked at him through the opening in our kitchen again, “I hope it will be.”

I hadn’t realized how much I really like him until just now. It’s amazing how two months can make you fall for a person so hard.

I sighed; she kissed my forehead after putting the last dish away and gave me a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”

“For what?”

She shrugged, “For just being you.”

I smiled, and stalked out the kitchen.
I leaned over the couch Dimitri was sitting on and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around, his green eyes drowning me with affection, “Hey.” He said quietly.

I bit my lip and said, “Come with me,”


“To my room.”

He shot a quick glance at my father and I waved him off, “Don’t worry about him, he doesn’t even realize that I’m talking to you right now.”

Dimitri grinned and slowly got up out the chair.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him away, rushing up the stairs to my room.

I closed the door and turned around to face him, “Nice.” He muttered.

I pursed my lips, “You never told me about your family, or… why you moved here.”

“It was never bought up.”

“Just like how Bree liking you was never bought up too?”

“Stop,” He said looking at me, his expression hard.

It sort of scared me. No, it did scare me. But I did my best not to show it.

I sat down on my bed and he followed me, “What’s done is done. I’m sure you two will be friends again.”

“Yeah,” I said pulling my knees up to my chest, “Maybe.”

He leaned back on his elbows and I looked down at him. Boy, did he look hot right now.

I reached a hand over and ran it through his hair; He caught it by the wrist and pulled me down towards him, our lips meeting with a kiss.

I shifted my position so I was straddling him and we continued to kiss rather intensely.

His hands were tangled in my hair and one was resting on my waist.

He broke apart from me and grinned, “This is really dangerous.”

I smirked, “Hm?”

“One, we could easily get caught. And two, I might not be able to control myself.”

But I leaned down and pecked his lips softly, “Not like I would mind.” And then I dipped my head again, to kiss him with the same intensity as before.
♠ ♠ ♠
¡ Disfruta el capítulo!

For those of you who don't know Spanish, go on and look up bing translator. then copy & paste what I typed, only if you guys would like to know.

Estoy tan cansado de personas me envíe mensajes acerca de la misma mierda. ¿Que los chicos no escuchan a todo lo que se escribe? La historia será largo, pero no demasiado largo. Y sí PLAN de publicación de TI. Como he dicho antes. Por favor, Stop me pide una y otra vez las mismas cosas. Prestar atención a las notas del autor y tal vez sabrá lo que está sucediendo. ¿Entiendo? Esta bien.

También, gritar para Lilyprincess96 historia 'The L Word' les recomiendo a que todos ustedes leen porque yo ya estoy enganchado. De todos modos, es todo lo que quería decir. Feliz Navidad tardío (: