Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

“Bree wants to talk to you,” Dimitri said as she walked pass me in the hall. “She’s planning on talking to you at lunch.”

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t really want to talk to her just yet.”

“Don’t put off till’ tomorrow what you can do today,” He said smiling, “I’ll see you in class.”

I turned around and bumped into Micah, That’s why he said he’ll see me in class.

“What a great way to greet someone,” He joked.

I smiled at him, “What’s up?”

He pursed his lips, “Nothing. I’m just getting tired of Bree constantly rant on about you ditching movie night to go on a date with the guy you knew she liked.”

Hearing that from Micah just made me even more frustrated about the situation.

“She told me she liked him only as friends.”

That’s when it hit me, in the cafeteria she had said that she liked him a little, but then she told me she was over him and onto Will…


“Let’s not talk about that.”

“But that’s what I came to talk about.”

I sighed, “Alright, so are we done here?”

“Not exactly,” He said looking down.

“What is it?”

“Even though she said all of that, she misses you. It’s so obvious.”

I let out a deep breath, “I miss her too, but this is the third argument… basically over the same thing.”

He patted my head, “She wants to talk to you at lunch.”

“I have to go to class.”

He checked his watch, “Your right, so do I.”

I waved and we went our separate ways.

I walked in the class and got bumped in my shoulder from someone I turned around to find Casey, “You’re a freak.” She mouthed.

I narrowed my eyes, “Is it hard to just leave someone alone?”

“No,” Hope began, “But it’s fun.”

“You guys are pathetic,”

“Really? By the looks of it, you and Bree are much more pathetic than anyone I know.”

I instantly brought down her wall and tuned into her thoughts. And for some reason, she knew all about our fight.

“How do you know about that?!” I snapped.

“I was there.”

“No you weren’t,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Actually, I was.” She grinned, “I was at the cupcake store, and I saw the whole thing.”

I let out an agitated sigh, “Good for you.” I managed.

She sat down at her desk and Hope followed suit with a wicked smirk on her face, “I mean, if you ask me, that’s pretty pathetic. You guys were arguing over-“she looked in Dimitri’s direction, I could tell he was listening because his face was hard and he was facing directly forward, stiffly. “Dimitri.”

“Casey,” I warned, “I’m capable of doing a lot of things. You do not want to try me.”

She smirked, “Which brings me back to my first point, you’re a freak.”

My hand curled into fists and I almost dropped my binder, pulling back to give her a right hook, but a hand enclosed over mine.

I looked back and saw Dimitri giving me a ‘don’t do it’ look.

I sighed and dropped my hand. His arm slithered around my waist and he led me back to our table, “Gosh,” I began, “I promise, she’ll never get enough until I land one right on that pretty face of hers.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw her leaning back in her chair shooting daggers my way, when she saw me looking; she waved at me with a wry smile on her face.

I groaned, “You shouldn’t have stopped me.”

“She wanted you to punch her; you would’ve been giving her what she wanted.”

“I really didn’t know she was there, watching the whole fight.”

“Argument,” He corrected.

“Doesn’t matter.”

A familiar wave of uneasiness washed over me, Dimitri and I looked at the door the same time Will walked pass. Then suddenly, the feeling disappeared.

“I hate how he makes me feel,”

“You and me both.”

“Alright class…..”

And then I zoned out.


“Can I… can I talk to you for a moment.”

I eyed her down, he face was pleading. I sighed and pushed myself up from the table.

“What?” I asked as soon as we were out in the hallway.

“I miss you,” she sighed, “I’m sorry. I got mad over nothing. I don’t even like Dimitri much. I’m head over heels for Will and you’re right. We can’t control who we like. Please, forgive me.”

I tuned into her thoughts, I had to make sure she was serious, and to my surprise, she was.

I couldn’t help the smile that broke onto my face, I pulled her into a hug, “I hate fighting with you.” I mumbled.

“Me too.”

“Still,” I began, “Boys,” I muttered, “We should really stop fighting over them.”

She laughed, “Right.”

I pulled away and she slung her arm over my shoulder, “Nice to have you back.”



I turned around and saw Will running over to me, I ignored the nauseous feeling and waved, “Hi, Will.”

“I have a question,” He said with a shy smile.


“Um, you know your friend… Bree?”

“What about her?”

He took a deep breath and said, “I wanted to ask her on a date, but I’m not exactly sure if she likes me or not.”

“Oh, trust me,” I said, “She does.”


I narrowed my eyes at him, “Like you didn’t know. What do you really want, Will?”


I rolled my eyes, “You’re like me.”

“What about you?”

I groaned in frustration, “Never mind. She likes you and I’m sure she’d be more than willing to go on a date with you.” I mumbled before stalking off.

I got home and went straight to my room, I threw my bag down and my phone vibrated in my pocket, “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s Bree.”

“They invented this thing called Call ID; I think I know how to use it.”

She laughed, “Good one.”

“I know, but what’s up?”

“Will asked me out on a date, a fricken date!”

Some part of me was nagging myself to talk her out of it, but the other half was just telling me to let the situation go, if she wants to go on the date, then let her. I went with that side.

“That’s… that’s great.” I said rubbing my forehead, “I hope you have fun.”

“Yeah, he’s picking em up tonight at seven.”

“Well, um, good luck.”

She grinned, “Thanks. I’ll need it.”

Then we hung up.

I sighed before changing into a pair of jeans shorts, a purple tank top and socks.

Then I crawled into my bed and got on my laptop.

My hands hovered over the keyboard; I wasn’t sure what to type in… so I called Dimitri.


“What a nice way to answer the phone.”

“Sorry,” He said, and in the background there was the sound of something crashing onto the floor, “I’m just-crap.”

“Busy?” I asked.

“Yeah, that too.”

I chuckled, “I just need you for a second.”

“Go on,”

“That book you have, can I borrow it.”

“No.” He said instantly.

“Well, why not?”

“I can’t- just tell me what you need from it.”

“I wanted more information on Will. He asked Bree out on a date.”

“I’ll look up on it.”


“I have to go, I’ll see you soon.”


But he had already hung up.
I closed my laptop and jogged downstairs to go get something to snack on.

“Hey honey,” My dad said as I passed him in the kitchen.

I turned around to say hi back with a smile on my face, but it turned into a frown as I took in what he was wearing.

And as his thoughts drifted into my head my frown deepened.

“Where are you going?” I asked, even though I knew already.

He was wearing a black suit, a nice one at that, and had a case in his hand.

“I’ve got work.” He said sadly. “But listen, I’ll be back in a week.”

“A lot can happen in a week.” I protested.

“C’mon Elena, you’re acting like this is the first time.”

“What child wants their dad away from home at all?!” I snapped.

He sighed, “I didn’t mean it like that.”

I rubbed my eyes to stop the tears that were threatening to spill over and pulled him into a hug, “I’ll see you in a week, dad.”

Suddenly, I wasn’t so hungry anymore.

Knock, knock, knock.

I sighed pushing myself off the couch to open the door. I wasn’t expecting any visitors nor did I want any.

I slowly opened the door, and Dimitri stood there with a worried expression on his face. It made my heart leap and although I still had a small strand of sadness coursing through me, his presence made things better.

He stood there hands in his pockets with a few strands of hair blowing across his face, he looks absolutely perfect in his jeans and T-shirt.

I leaned against the door frame and the frown he wore deepens.

“Are you cold?” I asked in a hoarse voice which, besides my eyes, gave away the fact that I was crying.

He gave me a small smile and shook his head, “You’ve been crying, and you’re worrying about if I’m cold?” He scoffed, “Your unbelievable, Elena.”

I shrugged, “It looks a bit chilly out there,”

He rolled his eyes and walked up to me, kissing me on the forehead, “I’m pretty sure he’ll be safe.”
“Yeah, I hope so.” I muttered folding my arms and stepped aside so he could get pass.

He stepped in and said, “Where’s you mom?”

I closed the door behind me and plopped down on the couch, “She’s at work.”

“Maybe we should go out,” He said after awhile, “To try and get your mind off of things.”

“I don’t think I’m in the mood for going out.”

He sighed in irritation and it made me feel embarrassed.

“Elena, your dad will be back in a week.” He said in a low tone.

My head snapped in his direction as he continued but he wasn’t looking towards me, “Stop moping around, crying for no reason. He’ll be back.”

And he finally looked at me, making eye contact, and the hard expression he held faded into something softer.

“Fine,” I mumbled feeling the blush rise in my cheeks since he was just gazing at me so intensely. “We can go out.”

“Not like you had a choice anyway,” He stated leaning back into the chair.


“I would’ve gotten you out of this house, one way or another,”

And the thought of that bought a grin on to my face; it’s amazing what this boy does to me.

I got up from the couch and walked upstairs, he followed me. As we reached the room I turned around to face him, “I’m going to change you know.”

He shrugged, “I think I’ve known you long enough.”

“Seven months?”

“That’s a long time.”He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pulled off my shirt, I felt comfortable around him. I didn’t feel subconscious or worried about the way I looked, I felt… good. It’s almost like I wanted him to see me like this.

“Elena,” Dimitri said suddenly sounding strained, “I’ll be downstairs okay?”

I nodded watching as his gaze lingered on my body for awhile longer before he quickly tore his gaze away and stalked out of my room.

I already knew, without being able to look into his thoughts, that he wanted me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh My Gosh.
I apologize that it's been so long. but after Christmas, A lot has happened. Then today school started and I had a crap load of homework, So I decided to update NOW just in case I can't update any other time during this week. Anyway, Thanks for the support | Messages | & comments. (: