Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

“I didn’t know you could cook,” I said as we walked into his house and the smell of something good wrapped around my nostrils.

“That’s what I was doing when you called, and then how I said I would see you soon. This is what I doing.”

“Really? I heard glass breaking.”

He pointed to the broken glass in the trash can, “A plate broke when I was trying to set the table,”

I looked towards the table and gaped, “Dimitri-“

“Don’t tell me I shouldn’t have because I would’ve anyway,” He smiled.

“You’re sweet.” I muttered.

“I know.”


“So, I looked up more about Will,” He began, “And I think you should warn Bree.”

“When you say I should warn her… Do you mean I should…?”

“Tell her you’re secret? Yes.”

“But why?”

“Because if you tell her to stay away from Will, it’ll probably cause another problem considering the amount you guys have been in.”

I sighed and my shoulders sagged, “I don’t know,” I say dropping my fork and pushing my food away, “I can’t tell her the secret,” I ran a hand through my hair nervously.

“It’s what you should-“

“What if she tells people?”

“She’s your best friend isn’t she?”

“I still don’t understand why I have to tell her the secret.”

He put down his fork also, “I think she deserves to know what happened to you in the car accident-“

“Don’t bring that up again.”


“I’ll tell her when I’m ready.”

“And when is that going to be?”

I shrugged, “Whenever I’m ready.”


Tell Bree my secret.

Should I? It’s a risky thing to do, but she actually really did deserve to know. She was in the accident too, and maybe she did deserve to know, but how would I say it?

“Elena,” Dimitri sighed.

We were sitting in our first period class and this was the fourth time Dimitri had to say my name for me to pay attention in the real world.

“What’s been on your mind these past few minutes?” He asked quietly.

I rubbed my eyes; I had been up all night thinking about how I should break the news down to Bree. I finally fell asleep an hour before my alarm rung obnoxiously.

“Nothing,” I said, “I just… have a lot on my mind.”

“This is exactly what I’m asking. What’s on your mind?”

I shook my head, “Bree… mostly.”

He pursed his lips, “Just… Tell her.”

“It’s not that easy,” I snapped.

The teacher looked up from speaking and glared in my direction, “Something you want to share with the class?”

Normally I was blush but I felt bold, and annoyed, “Nothing that’s any of your concern,”

She slowly lowered her glasses, “That’s one time, make it another and your out,” She pointed to the door and glanced at Dimitri, “If I hear you talking again, that’s, that.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled but I said it loud enough for her to hear.

The rest of the time Dimitri sat beside me in complete silence, which I didn’t exactly like but I dealt with it. After the bell rung, I shot up from my seat attempting to be the first to leave but the teacher called my name, I sighed closing my eyes and turned around slowly.

She waited until everybody was gone and as Dimitri passed he leaned in and said, “Your not in trouble, I’ll wait for you by your locker.” Then left.

My teacher clapped her hands together and watched as Dimitri left the class, “You two close?”

I stared at her in disbelief, “Yeah, we’re pretty close.”

“More like… dating?”

“Why does that matter?”

She put up her hands and smiled a little, “I was just trying to confirm some questions that have been swirling around my head for awhile.”

I shrugged, “Is that all?”

She shook her head then went back to a serious expression, “You never behave the way you did today, and I’m worried. I mean I know it’s the first time but you actually talked back to me. You know? If you make noise and I say ‘shush’ you just nod or apologize and say sorry. But today… It was like-“

“I was just tired of you always ganging up on me,”

She narrowed her eyes, “I’ve only called you out three times this year, Elena. Now I’m really worried.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m fine.”

“Look, I just wanted to make sure you were fine. Your grades are amazing and it’s the third semester, I hope you keep them up. But I just hope you feel better by tomorrow. Whatever’s bothering you, I hope it passes.”

“How do you know something’s bothering me?”

“Your eyes hold more emotion than you think.”

I blinked a few times and nodded, “Thank you, I’ll try to… be better?”

She chuckled, “its fine, Elena. Just don’t let it happen again.”

I walked out the room muttering another thanks and met Dimitri by my locker as promised, “She didn’t want much,” I finally said after we stared intensely at each other.

He smiled a bit, “I know what she wanted,” He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, “I’ll see you at lunch.”

But before he could stalk away I grabbed his collar, forcing him back and got on my tiptoes to kiss him. And as I expected, the warm tingly feeling coursed through my body making me feel instant relief and pleasure.

“I’ll see you soon,” I repeated and walked to my next class.


She cleared her throat awkwardly and put her hands on her hips, “Let me get this straight,” She ran a hand through her bang forcing it upward although it just fell back down into place, “After… after the car accident, you got these strange abilities?”

I bit my bottom lip, “You make it sound…”

“Crazy? That’s because it is.”

“No,” I shook my head, “Listen, I know it’s hard to believe, but remember how after the accident I started acting weird. And I used to listen to loud music and wearing hoods.”

She nodded.

“Well it was because I was trying to block out the thoughts… but also, remember that day I told you that there was a secret I was keeping from you, and it’s best if you didn’t know?”

She nodded again, slower this time.

“This… This is what I was referring to.”

She shook her head this time and then a small smile spread across her face, “Then what’s wrong with me? Why am I not like you?”

For a moment I was completely and utterly speechless, and then the words finally escaped my mouth, “I don’t know,”

A meaningful look crossed her face and I instantly continued, “But I promise you, I’m not lying. I would never lie about something like this.”

She crossed her arms, “Look, Elena… I really want to believe you, I really do. But this ridiculous.”

She began to walk away and I stood there motionless, finally the words rushed to my head, “I can prove it.”

She turned back around, “Prove what?”

“That I can see auras and read your thoughts.”

She furrowed her eyebrows, “Go on.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. If I couldn’t see her face, it would make things a lot easier.

Her aura was blazing red with a strip of dark purple which showed that she was visual. Surprisingly, she still kept the white flair.

And her thoughts echoed the same things over and over again:

This is ridiculous.

My friend is crazy.

She can’t prove something like this.

I don’t believe her.

I opened my eyes slowly and said, “Your mad at me, your aura is red… and it has a bit of purple which tells me that you’re being very visual right now to see if there’s any mix up in my story. As for you thoughts, it was nothing I couldn’t tell from the look on your face now.”

At first, her thoughts began to come to the conclusion that she believed me, but she thought too hard on it, and that strand of believing me that she had was gone, “It’s more than obvious that I’m mad, and of course I’d be visualizing you. You’ll need more proof than that, Elena. I’m sorry.”

She let her hands slip to her side, “I thought we were best friends, I don’t understand why you would lie about something like this.”

A piece of my heart was slowly breaking, “Bree-“

“It’s crazy. It’s… it’s freaky.”

I clamped my mouth shut. Not only did she not believe me, but the nickname that everyone besides Hope and Casey seemed to forget about, came into style again.

I’m a freak; I just have to accept it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really not liking Bree at this moment.
Then again I never liked her.
ANYWAY; Double update ! (: