Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

I woke up and sighed, smelling a familiar scent. One that I loved.

Wait… I opened my eyes quickly only to see myself in the arms of Dimitri.

He was shirtless, his bronze skin exposed by a peak of sunlight from my window.

Did we…?

I looked down at myself and I was wearing long pants and a tank top.

But that still didn’t answer my question.

He looked cute while sleeping.

His hair was messy, going in all different directions. It looks like it does when I see him on a daily bases except a little more messier.

I tried to pry his arms off of me without waking him, but that didn’t work.

His eyes fluttered open and he sighed, rolling over.


He looked over his shoulders, “Hm?”

“I… What are you doing… in my bed?”

He chuckled rubbing his eyes and sitting up, half of his face in the sunlight letting me see every detail I love, and the other half in the dull lighting of my room, “You told me to stay last night.”


“You fell asleep, and when I tried to leave you told me not too.”

“I… I did?”

He gave me a small smile, “I’ll leave now,”

“No!” I said a little too quickly.

His eyes glistened with amusement, “Well at least let me get cleaned up,” He said manifesting a toothbrush in his hand and getting out of bed.

I ran a hand through my hair and suddenly became self conscious of how I look.

“Crap,” I muttered, “I probably look like a rag doll.”

“You look fine!” He called.

I blushed and brought my wall up. I tend to leave it down when I sleep so I can be more… free?

I sighed and got out of bed, making my way slowly to the bathroom.

I leaned on the doorframe and watched as he washed is face, “Crap,” He muttered, eyes closed.

I smirked.

“Uh, Elena? Can I get a towel?” He called.

I grabbed a towel from underneath my cabinet and put it against his face.


“No problem,” I said.

After brushing my teeth, I washed my face and combed through my hair.

It was a mess; I couldn’t believe that Dimitri would even bother to look at me this way.

I contemplated on straightening it, but in the end, I just put it the tightest ponytail I could manage, and let my curls fall over my shoulders.

I went downstairs to where Dimitri was and saw him going through the cabinets, “You know, the least you could do is put a shirt on. Just incase.”

“Right,” He muttered, “Your mom isn’t coming home until tomorrow, and your dad has another two days, I think we’re safe.”

I walked up to him and hugged him from behind, wrapping my arms around his torso, right above his abs.

“What do you want to eat?” He asked.

“No. At least not here.”

He turned around and wrapped his arms around me also, “Well, where would you like to go?”

I shrugged, “I’m not exactly hungry right now.”

“I am,” He muttered and let go of me so he could rummage through my refrigerator.

He turned around and pouted, “That hurts,” He pointed to his heart.

I shrugged, “It was suppose to.”


“Happy Birthday!”

I groaned, “Mom, please no. It’s too early for this.”

“It’s ten o’clock, there’s a lot on the agenda. So let’s go!”

She yanked the covers off of my body and yelled, “WAKE UP!”

I shot up from my bed like ice water was being poured on me, “Alright, alright, I’m up.” I put my hands up in surrender and got up.

“Get dressed in something nice.”

“How nice?”

“Maybe a jeans skirt and a halter top, I don’t want to see you in jeans and a T-shirt.”

“Oh, come on mom-“

“Lalalala, get to it.”

I chuckled, she was so immature.

She walked out leaving me with some time to get ready.

I’m 18 now; I thought while I took a shower, I’m a legal adult.

I got out wrapped a towel around my body and rushed out the bathroom because my phone was ringing.


“Happy Birthday,” Micah said at the other end.

I grinned, “Thanks.”

“You have any plans?”

“I don’t really know, but most likely it’s probably a yes.”

“Well, if you don’t, Bree, David, and I were thinking maybe we can take you out tonight.”

“That’s so sweet,”

“Well give me a call when you can,”


I hung up the phone and skipped to my closet, humming as I searched though my clothes.

Finally I decided on white, long sleeved, turtle neck and a black skirt that stopped above my knees.

My hair was still wet, so I blow dried it and since it was a wild after that, I slicked it back into the neatest ponytail I could manage.

“I’m ready for whatever your about to throw at me.” I said as I walked down the stairs.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”

My head snapped to the door and I saw my dad.

“Oh my-“I ran down the stairs and hugged him, “Your home!”

“When have I ever missed your birthday, Elena?”

I pulled away from him, “I’m so glad to see you.”

“You look nice.”

“I finally got her to wear something decent,” My mom cut in and wrapped her arm around dad’s waist, “I’m taking her shopping for her surprise tonight.”

“No dresses.” I added quickly.

She shook her head, “Sorry, but you have to wear one.”

My shoulders sagged, “That’s just great.”

“C’mon, eat up. You have a big day ahead of you.”

“I like this one.” I said pulling out a black dress that stops a few inches above my knees, and has a white ribbon around it with a bow on the back.

“Ohhhh, that’s so much better than the ones I had picked out.”

It was simple, but it was really nice.

“I’m sure of it.”

“These heels go nice,” She said thoughtfully, the heels were white with a lining around the rims.

“I like those.”

“Then it’s settled.”

She took the dress and the heels and went to the cashier to pay for them but I stayed by the window and checked all my text messages.

While I was in the middle of replying, I finally got the call I was waiting for.


“Happy Birthday.”

I bit my lip, and smiled, “Thanks, I was expecting you to be the first to call.”

“I’m sorry; I was busy with a few things,”

“Anything relating to me?”

“Of course,”

I smiled again, and then a knock on the stores window startled me. I looked and saw it was my mom, she waved for me to come and I sprinted out the store.

“Are you gonna answer my question?” He asked.

“Oh, sorry. What?”

“Do you have any plans tonight?”

I nodded, then remembering he couldn’t see me I said, “Yeah, apparently.”

“Well, I have a surprise for you tomorrow?”

“Really? What?”

“It’s a surprise, I can’t tell you.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that part.”

“That’s because you don’t-“

“If you say think, I swear-“

“Elena, could you come off the phone for a second. I’d like to have a mom to daughter talk.”

“You heard that Dimitri, she wants to have a mom to daughter talk. You’re lucky.”

“I know I am.”

I rolled my eyes and hung up.

“You seem to be really into this Dimitri guy.”

I looked at her, “Yeah. I like him a lot.”

“So, your father told me that he likes him. And you know the trip I promised you?”

“Is that my birthday gift?” I asked excitedly.

She chuckled, “No. But since summer is only a month away, we’re planning on going then.”

“Where are we going again?”

“Does Hawaii sound nice?”

I looked at her shocked, “I could've sworn it was Ohio."

“It was, but your father and I changed our mind since it won't be snowing in the summer. we wanted to visit the slopes remember?"

"Right, Well then Hawaii sounds great!"

"Then Hawaii it is."

“This is so awesome.”

“Also,” She added, her voice changing, “We’re allowing you to bring a friend. I haven’t seen Bree around recently. Or maybe you could invite… Oh, I don’t know… Dimitri.”


“Your father and I think since you’re a senior… we can trust you around guys. I mean, it’s been a few months. I haven’t seen you with anyone that long except for Micah, and you guys are still friend to this day so-“

“Okay, mom. I’ll ask him.”



And I actually was surprised considering I kept all my walls up.

I smiled as I stepped foot in, Dimitri was immediately by my side and took my hand in his, “This is what I was doing all day. If you were wondering.”

“No wonder my mom kept me out so late, I’m guessing you had a good time with my dad?”

“You bet.”

I rolled my eyes and Micah hugged me tightly, followed by David, followed by… Bree.

“You came?”

“I wouldn’t miss my Best friend’s birthday party.”

I smiled and let go of Dimitri’s hand to hug her fully, “Thanks for coming, Bree.”

“No problem.”

“So, um-“

“Look, I thought long and hard about what you told me, and I believe you alright. Let’s just… talk about this another time please.”

I nodded, “I agree.”

She let me go and began walking away before she turned back around and said, “By the way, I invited Will.”

I stared at her like she was crazy but she waved enthusiastically and got herself lost in the crowd. A lot of people from my school were there. People I socialized with some, and people I was friends with years before.

Will walked up to me, I learned to ignore the uneasy feeling he gave me and smiled, “Hi, thanks for coming.”

I was getting so tired of saying those four words.

“My pleasure. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Well, I didn’t exactly-“Dimitri squeezed my hand and I sighed, “Yeah, no problem.”

I began to walk away when he said, “Wait, I got you something.”

Is topped and looked at him, “The gift table is over there,” I pointed.

He nodded, “I know.” He pulled out a small box, “I didn’t put it there because I thought it’d get lost in that stack.”

I actually laughed, “Thanks,” I said taking it from him.

Dimitri tugged on my arm and practically dragged em away form him, “What?” I asked.

“You guys were getting to friendly.”

My eyebrows shot up, “you’re kidding me right?’

He looked at me.

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t like him. I promise. Not even as an acquaintance.”

He gave me a small smile and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “Let’s go see your parents.”

I let him drag me towards them until something caught my eyes, “Wait,”

I gaped, and I felt the anger over take me, “why are Casey and Hope here?’

He followed my gaze and shrugged, “your mom was in charge of the guest list, but don’t worry about it-“

“Don’t worry about it? We don’t like each other, Dimitri. Who knows what she’s up too?”

“Can we find that out later, we should really go hang with your parents right now.”

I let go his hand and walked towards them.

Casey looked up and smiled, “Elena! Happy Birthday!”

“What are you doing here?”

She took a sip of whatever she was drinking form her red cup, “I was invited. Or at least your mom said I was. Thanks.”

I let down her wall and found out that she thought I wanted to be friends. And I haven’t realized it recently, but she’s wanted to be friend ever since the last incident we had, “I…. thanks for coming.”

“No problem.”

I began to turn away until she said, “Hey, I’m sorry about the last few months. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I get this urge for attention and to know everything.”

I shrugged, “It’s fine, really.” Her aura was blazing white.

Se gave me a small smile, “Hope feels the same way, she sort of disappeared though.” She said letting her eyes sweep the crowd.

“I’ll see you around?” I asked.

She looked back at me “Definitely.”

I scanned the crowd for Dimitri and when I finally spotted him I walked as fast as I could to get to him without tripping on my heels.

He was already talking to my parents, “Sorry about that, I was just finishing up my mingling.”

My mom smiled and kissed me on my forehead the same time my dad kissed me on my cheek, “Happy birthday. I can’t believe you’re eighteen now.” My dad said spinning me around.

I giggled. “I’m not that old.”

“You’re old enough. You’re a legal adult now.”

“It’s not like I’ll buy a bus ticket and disappear.”

He chuckled, “Right. Your mom and I are so proud of you.”

“And I’m proud of you guys for not embarrassing me tonight.”

“Our pleasure, now have you told Dimitri about what we talked about earlier?” My mom pitched in.

I rubbed my bare arm, “Uh, no. I was planning on doing that later.”

“Well, do it soon, I wouldn’t like to go out and spend money on the ticket only to find out he can’t come.”

I rubbed my hand over my face, “You just basically told him yourself,” I muttered.


After the party, my parents went out to get a last minute gift for me even though they already got me something and gave me the best party I could ever ask for.

So Dimitri and I were left inside the house to clean.

“So earlier today, when we talked to my parents,” I started, “And she asked me if I told you yet, she wanted me to tell you something.”


I threw a cup at him and it hit him right on the head, he picked it up from the ground and put it in his trash can, “I was kidding,”

“This summer we’re going on a vacation, finally, and my mom wanted me to invite someone. Considering her and my dad will probably use this as a honeymoon.”

He chuckled, “I’m guessing I’m invited.”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“I don’t mind going.”

“I knew you’d say that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if I tricked anyone that I updated, It was just an authors note last chapter. But THIS is the real chapter Seventeen; Enjoy (: