Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

“What is wrong with you?!” Bree exclaimed as soon as we left the cafeteria, her aura wasn’t exactly blazing red but besides the white outline it practically was. “That little stunt you pulled out there,” she shook her head, “seriously, have you guys known each other in the past? If so, did something really bad go down between you two because I’m not exactly getting good vibes?”

I shook my hand and tried to wave it off, but she rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist; pulling me to a stop.

“Look, I thought we were best friends.”

“And we are.” I stated flatly. “That was my first time meeting him, I promise. We just… got off on the wrong foot.”

She gave me a plain look, “Obviously. Your side comments and the way he responded told it all. You know; if we’re bound to date one day you guys should really try to get along.”

“Yeah,” I snorted, “try telling him that.”

“Maybe I will.” She said, “Are we still on for movie night after school?”

I nodded, “Yeah, my house, same time.”

She gave me a quick smile and I watched as she stalked away entering her class with an aura so blue I wondered if she was bipolar.


“You invited Dimitri?” I said through clenched teeth as she slipped past me into my house.

She shrugged, “Sure, why not. He was more than willing anyway.”

I glared at her as she walked downstairs and into the den.

I made my way to the kitchen and took a bowl before putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Then I took out another bowl and filled it up with a bag of chips.

While I was waiting for the popcorn to finish, there was another knock on the door.

I touched the knob and I already saw who it was, swinging it open fiercely I glared at him and he plastered a fake smile upon his face.

“Elena,” He greeted.

“Dimitri,” I said back except a bit harsher.

“Pleasure; too see you again. Mind if I come in?”

I rolled my eyes, “Well,” I started with a smug smile, “you weren’t exactly invited.”

He nodded slowly, “Yeah, I wasn’t.”

I watched as he slowly began to turn around, but instead of saying something I grabbed his wrist and tried to avoid the cloud of thoughts that drifted through my head.

“Get in,” I mumbled, stepping to the side so he could slip through.

“Bree’s in the den,” I said as I walked over to the microwave and took out the popcorn.

“Elena,” He sighed, “I think we got off on the wrong start.”

I laughed quietly, “No, we just instantly clicked as soon as we saw each other,” Which wasn’t exactly a lie.

He laughed lightly at my joke, awkwardly, “Well, basically we did.”

I leaned over the counter as I poured the popcorn into the bowl and looked at him, “So,” I said shifting awkwardly, “you know something.”

He smirked, “I do?”

I pursed my lips, “Ha, Ha, very funny. Let’s just… get to the point.”

“What point?”

I looked at him, literally just looked at him until he cracked under the stare and said, “I know your going through the same thing as me,” He looked up a me for a moment, “but I don’t… trust you enough right now.”

We stayed like for awhile, looking at each other with intense gazes.

“Well,” I finally said, “maybe you should go down to the den with Bree. She’s the one who invited you anyway.”

He nodded slowly, “Maybe you’re right.”

But before he left I said, “Wait-If we’re going through the same thing, how could you not trust me right now.”

“Well,” He started with his hand on the railing for downstairs, “There’s more to it than reading minds and seeing auras. There’s no doubt you’ll have questions.”

I began to reply when Bree walked up the stairs, “Dimitri! I thought I heard you up here.” She looked back and forth between us, “Looks like you two are starting to get along.”

I snorted, “Hardly. Anyway; you guys should go wait in the den. I’ll wait for David to come.”

Bree smiled and grabbed Dimitri’s hand before going back to the den.

I breathed a soft sigh of relief and went back to getting the snacks ready.

David came a few minutes after and we were all crammed up in the den.

Bree and Dimitri sat close to each other on the couch while David and I sprawled out on the floor.

“Someone needs to put the movie in.” Bree commented.

I groaned, “I’m not doing it, I’ve already found my comfort spot.”

David got up, “What’re we watching?”


He put the DVD in before pressing play and taking his spot beside me.



I recognized that voice to be my mom.

She rounded the corner “Elena, where-Oh!” She said putting a hand over her mouth and another over her heart, “I didn’t know we had guest.”

I eyed her, her straight, black hair pulled up into a sloppy ponytail, her eyes a little darker than mine.

“Mom,” I started, “You know we have movie night almost every Friday.”

“I forgot.” she murmured. “Who’s your new friend?”

I turned to face Dimitri; he had a small smile on his face and waved to my mom.

“I’m Dimitri,” He chirped.

“Nice to meet you Dimitri, I’m Ella. “

“Otherwise, Ella is known as my mom.” I said.

He grinned slightly, “Nice to meet you… Ella.”

By the tone of his voice; it was obvious he was trying to irk my nerves.

“Well,” She said slowly turning and making her way out of the den “have fun kids.”

She left and I turned to glare at Dimitri, “You know,” I began “It’s rather awkward to have someone I met less than twenty-four hours ago call my mom by her first name.”

He shrugged, “She told me to call her Ella, and therefore, I called her Ella.”

I shook my head, “Just… call her Ms.Cunningham. Like a normal person.”

He shrugged again, “Fine with me.”

I rolled my eyes.


“See you guys Monday.” I said basically only talking to David though. I gave him a brief hug and said, “Sleep well.” before patting his head.

“Right, back at you” he said before slipping through the door.

Since Bree was upstairs changing into pajamas-she decided to spend the night-I asked Dimitri, “When can we talk?”

“I don’t know,” I watched the casual rise and fall of his shoulders “at the rate we’re going, it’ll be awhile.”

I groaned in frustration, “You’re not making things easy,”

“That’s partially my point.”

“Well,” I stated flatly “Do you think you can answer one question?”


“When I tried to access your… thoughts earlier today, there was this-black wall. It kept me from seeing into you.”

“I know.”

“Can you teach me how to do it?” I asked in an obvious tone.
“Why would you need to protect your mind?”

I furrowed my brows, “I wasn’t going to use it like that.”

“Well how were you going to use it?”

“I… I was going to try and use it on others around me. I was going to try and block them out.”

His lips twisted to the side, “I’m not sure it works that way.”

I sighed, “Whatever, not like it matters anyway.”

“Maybe we can try it out some day.”

“Yeah,” I mumbled before closing the door “maybe.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well; There's chapter two.