Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty One

“Mom, I’m sure I have everything.” I assured her again, she looked at the clock, and it was seven thirty. “And he’ll be here soon, we have about thirty minutes left to leave,” I reminded her.

She sighed softly, “I know, I know. It’s just that we haven’t had a vacation is years, I want it to be perfect. No problems.”

“And it will be,” My dad said wrapping his arms around her.

The doorbell rung and I shot out of my seat to answer it, “Got it,” I said quickly.

I opened the door, Dimitri.

I could smell his scent radiating off of him from here.

“Hey,” I said quietly.

“Hey,” He said back.

We were staying for one week, but I had two suitcases, he had one-and it’s not even that big.

His eyes weren’t red, but they were slightly, which gave away the fact that he just woke up. His hair was messy-as normal- but a little messier than it should be, and he wore his usual jeans and T-shirt look.

I ran a hand through his hair, and it looked a little better, “Come in,” I said gesturing inside.

He did, and I closed the door behind him.

“Oh, great, you’re here.” My mom said looking at the time again, three minutes passed.

“We still have a couple minutes,” My dad said, “I’m going to go make sure I didn’t leave anything.”

He raced up the stairs.

“Honey,” My mom began, “Do you have your toothbrush?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed, “Yes mother.”

“Hair supplies?”



“Mom, mom, mom.” I said, “I have everything.”

She nodded and turned to Dimitri, “I’m glad you tagged along, El would really enjoy the company.”

What’s up with people calling me form my old nickname nowadays, “Why’d you call me that?” I asked before Dimitri could answer.


“El,” I muttered, “You called me El,”

“I know, that’s your nickname, just like how Lena is also.”

“I know, it’s just… it’s been awhile.”

She gave me a small smile and my dad came back down the stairs, “Almost forgot this,” my dad said gesturing to a pair of swim trunks.

I laughed, “Yeah, one of the most important assets of this trip,”

“Are you packed, you have everything?” I asked Dimitri.

He nodded, then under his breath said, “It’s not like I can’t manifest anything I forget,”

I chuckled silently and turned to him when my mom and dad went into the kitchen, “I thought you said not to take advantage of our magic,”

“I did, didn’t I?”


We were all in the car, my dad behind my wheel, my mom in the passenger, and Dimitri and I in the back seat.

I leaned my head on my shoulder, barley listening as my mom and Dimitri engaged in conversation.

I drifted in and out of consciousness; I was trying not to fall asleep.

“El, your not still tired are you?”

My eyes snapped open, “What?”

“It’s after eight,”

“Mom, that’s pretty early.”

“Teenagers,” she muttered.

I sighed, “We’re almost there,” Dimitri muttered in my ear. I don’t know when or how he got it, but my hand was in his and he was rubbing circles into my palm.

“I can’t wait, can you?”

He chuckled, a deep one that came straight from the stomach, “I’ve been excited for this day ever since you told me.”

“What I really can’t wait for is Italy,” I sighed, visions clouding my mind, “It’ll be so nice, and I can’t believe they accepted me.”

“Well, your grades are amazing,” My dad butt in.

I almost forgot we weren’t alone. When Dimitri and I talked it was almost like the rest of the world didn’t exist.

“I know, dad. It’s just still hard to believe because I’ve always wanted to go there, and now I will be going there.”

“I’m proud of you, Elena,”

I smiled even though he couldn’t see me, “I’m proud of you too, dad.”


We had seats on the airplane far away from my parents. We were in the back, they were in the front. I would’ve been happy besides the fact that Dimitri and I can’t sit together, our plane tickets put us across from each other instead. But we both sat on the chair closest to the isle so we would be closer to each other, and could actually still talk.

A girl with long brown hair that stopped around her waist and eyes to match came in, she wore a skirt with a top, and her thoughts screamed preppy.

She walked over and sat behind me, a boy with brown hair and eyes following behind her. The boy sat by Dimitri and the girl sat by me, “Don’t cause her any trouble, Erika.” The boy said.

The girl rolled her eyes, “Relax, you have nothing to worry about.”

She slid into the chair and took the seat by the window. Of course, being the prep she was, she stuck her hand out, “I’m Erika,”

I took it, “Elena.”

“Isn’t that cool, both of our names start with E’s.”

I sighed softly. This was going to be a long ride.

“Are you visiting Hawaii?”

I nodded, “Yeah, a family vacation.”

“Hm, that’s cool. I live there.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, I could’ve sworn you were too. Your skin is so tan I could’ve mistaken you for a Hawaiian,”

I chuckled, “I’m going to take that as I compliment.”

I looked over at Dimitri and he gave me a small smile. But our moment was interrupted by Erika. Would she ever stop talking?

She did, only for a moment though because the air pilots were showing us how to use our safety tools.

I pretended like I was asleep, and I was surprised to see Dimitri’s mind open, so I slipped right into it.

“I feel bad for your sister, my twin is probably killing her with that mouth of hers,” Dimitri chuckled.
“She’s not my sister, she’s my girlfriend.”
The boy looked at me, and then back at Dimitri, “She’s hot.”
Dimitri’s aura added a red spot to it, indicating his annoyance.
“I know,” He said.
“I’m Erik,” The boy said, “My sister’s name is Erika.”
“I’m Dimitri,”

And then the conversation of boy stuff was brought up, I opened my eyes and saw Erika looking out the window and as if sensing my alertness, she looked at me, then back out the window, “Sky looks nice doesn’t it?”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

Our time on the plane together wasn’t bad I must admit, she was actually pretty cool and she was someone I could be friends with, but when it was time to split, I couldn’t be happier.

I got up, and so did Dimitri.

He reached for my hand and I gave it to him.

“That’s your boyfriend?” Erika asked. She was in front of me.

I nodded, she eyed him down, he wasn’t paying attention, “he’s hot.”

I now knew why Dimitri got annoyed because I did to.


“We’re in Hawaii!” My mom yelled after purchasing a straw hat, “This is going to be so much fun.”

We got a taxi that took us to our hotel.

My mom and dad shared a room, and Dimitri and I shared one-with one bed.

I threw my bags on the floor and Dimitri’s bags followed mine, “Nice,” he muttered behind me.

The bed had a yellowish, goldish color blanket, there were about ten pillows and the bed looks so inviting.

The room was a light blue color, like their oceans, and they had a flat screened television. The bathroom was equally nice, and everything looked so high class.

I finally jumped into the bed that seemed to be calling my name, and boy was it comfortable.

“Where do you want to go first?” Dimitri asked.

I opened my eyes, and stared into his that were crying out amusement.

I smiled, “First,” I said looking at the time, “It’s after two, and I’m starving. Second, the beach out there looks pretty good, and last, the shops are calling my name!”

He laughed at the last part and helped me out the bed, wrapping his arm around my waist when I was up, “Let’s go check out the restaurants.”


“I wish I’d prepared for Hawaiian food,” Dimitri muttered picking at some meaty thing.

I forgot what I was eating, but it certainly wasn’t meat.

“Can I get you a refill on your drinks?” A familiar voice asked.

I looked up-Erika.

“You’re kidding me,” I muttered so low I couldn’t even hear myself.

“Um, Elena!” She snapped her fingers, “And your boyfriend, Dimitri.”

We both plastered smiles on our faces and waved to her. “Good to see you again. You work here?”

She nodded, “Yeah, I was actually on vacation when I went to visit America.”

It was silent, she was tapping her pen on her notepad when she finally said, “I’m sure Erik will be happy to know I ran into you again, Dmitri.”

“Tell him I said hey,”

“No need he works here too-“

“I think that table over there is calling you,” I pointed to a group trying to get her attention.

“You guys should meet us at the beach, right across from that hotel in an hour by the smoothie stand,”

I looked at Dimitri who was nodding in agreement, “See you there,”

She left and I glared at him, “You just had to be nice, didn’t you?”

He shrugged, “I have trouble turning people down face to face,”

“I have a weird sense of déjà vu coming on,” I grinned, recalling a conversation before.

“You’re right; we did talk about this before,”

“Only difference is that you admitted it so I wouldn’t have to say it.”


“Dimitri,” Erik said with a grin, “Never thought I’d see you again,” They did their manly handshake thing.

“Well, you were wrong,”

“Hawaii’s pretty big, you could’ve gone anywhere.”

Was he obsessed with Dimitri or something?

“Yeah, looks like we’ll be seeing each other soon though, your sister told us to meet you guys at the beach in an hour.”

“Right, I almost forgot.”


I put on the bathing suit that was on top of all my other clothing.

A yellow bikini.

I put on a yellow T-shirt and a pair of jeans shorts over it though, and I left my hair out in curls.

“Ready?” Dimitri asked, he walked out the bathroom in the middle of putting a shirt on, but I caught a glimpse of his abs, and almost fell.

I grabbed the nightstand beside me though, “Yeah,” I said, “I’m ready.”

He opened the door, and held my hand.

We walked to the beach in silence, I hadn’t seen my mom since we got here and it was a little after four.

The beaches were beautiful, the sand itself looked like it got a tan, and the water wasn’t clear blue, like you can see through it, but it was clearer than a normal beach.

Palm trees cascaded all around and I caught a glimpse of a place far away-long walks down the shore- with a hammock and a few chairs. We’d definitely be going over there later.

We found the smoothie stand not too far and made ourselves as comfortable as we could manage on the wooden bar stools.

A Hawaiian waitress- cute I must admit- came and asked us for what flavor. To my surprise, it was free.

Not that it mattered; my mom slipped me a few hundred dollars before the plane.

“They came!” We both turned around and saw them

Erika was tanned, her skin a golden brown. Her eyes seem to shine with the skin. Her hair was blowing wildly with the wind and she wore a hot pink bikini with a matching sarong flowing around her French tip toes.

Erik wasn’t wearing a shirt, his tanned skin gleamed in the sunlight, and it looked as if he had already gotten wet. His brown hair moved slightly with the wind on top of his head and he wore dark blue swim trunks, unlike Dimitri who wore my favorite color-green. Erik had muscle I will admit, but compared to Dimitri’s- Dmitri was a hulk.

“You came!” Erika shrieked.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah we did, why? You thought we wouldn’t?”

“You guys are half an hour late.”

Dimitri and I looked at each other for a moment before averting our gazes.

“Sorry we’re late,” He offered, “Erika right?”

She nodded eagerly, “But you guys can just call me Rika.”


“And you call Erik, Rik. Whichever you chose,”

She was definitely preppy.

She got handed a smoothie and sat down beside me, “You didn’t dress for the beach?” Rik asked us.

“Yeah, they’re under our clothing,” I said.

He looked at Rika and they laughed, “Americans,” He said aloud. “Look at us,” He gestured to their fully exposed torsos, “No need to cover up. We don’t judge,”

“It’s not that we’re fat,” I snapped.

“Then what’s the reason?”

“We just… we’re not so…”

“Bold,” Dimitri finished off for me, “We don’t normally do thins along those lines. We have a different…”

“Culture,” I finished off of for him this time.

He gave a small smile, and squeezed my hand, “Yeah, that.”

Rik and Rika looked like they were just drinking this all in, “Interesting,” Rika finally said.

I stared at the water, it was so beautiful, I was longing to go in, “Can we go in the water now?”

They all nodded- including Dimitri- and we got up, heading towards the water, looking for an empty spot for Dimitri and me to place our towels.

Once we did, we put our stuff down and I began to take off my shirt. Then my pants. I didn’t feel subconscious, considering-not by force- I lost a few pounds. I was naturally skinny anyway. But having Dimitri there made me not care.

He looked at me in awe and I chuckled, snapping my fingers in front of his face, his eyes slowly came back to focus and he actually blushed.

He yanked off his shirt and said, “No comments, please.”

“Or what?”

I regretted saying it.

He slung me over his shoulder and jogged towards the water, once we reached his waist he said, “I’m dropping you now,”

And that’s what he did, except not like I thought he would.

He dropped me head first.

I screamed before I hit the surface, it wasn’t a deep end; I rose to the surface, my nose burning. I wiped a hand down my face and pushed my hair back, “You are so gonna get it.”

He looked at me challengingly and I leapt across the water, pushing him down. But his hands enclosed around my wrist and he bought me down with him.

Of course I would let this happen to me.

We both fell under the water, and I reached towards the surface but he pulled me back down to him. He grinned, and I watched as the bubbles rose to the surface, I couldn’t help but grin too, and when he bought me to him and pecked my lips, even underwater, the warm tingly feeling stayed.

He pulled me up to the surface with him and I coughed a few times, trying to calm my body and bring air to my lungs. I looked over my shoulder to the shore and found Erik and Erika coming towards us. I forgot they even existed. Being with Dimitri did that to me.

Since we were in waist length, the tips of Erika’s hair were wet, my curls clung to my face and I ran a hand through them.

“You guys are so cute,” Rika said wile putting her hair in a ponytail then wrapping it around to put it in a bun.

“Eck,” Rik said faking a gag.

Rika elbowed him in the stomach and he winced, “Ouch,” he muttered.


It was fun hanging out with Erik and Erika I must admit.

Dimitri and I were back at the hotel changing for dinner, my mom told us to meet her at a restaurant called, Gratitude.

“I don’t know but, I think I may be, falling for you, dropping so quickly.” I sung quietly to myself, it was a song by Colbie Colbait, I was trying to put my hair in a bun, but it’s pretty hard since I don’t have enough time to straighten it so it would look better. “Maybe I should, keep this to myself, just to see-“

“And you say I should be on American Idol,” Dimitri said standing in the doorway.

I did all I could not to blush, in stead I turned around and put on a fake glare, “You made me mess up the bun I was so close to perfecting,” I huffed before turning back around in the mirror.

I yanked the ponytail holder out, I had to start over.

“You never told me you could sing.”

“It never came up,”

“You could’ve said something that night when you told me I should be on American Idol,”

“It’s not important.”

“It’s not?” He asked with his eyebrows rose.

“No, it’s not important. Not many people know anyway,”

“I’m sure Bree does,”

“Bree, Micah, my parents, and now you. That’s all. David doesn’t even know.”

“You have a lot of secrets,”

I scoffed, “Dimitri that was hardly a secret,”

“Then why won’t you tell anyone?”

“No one needs to know.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.”

I turned around to look at him; I finally got the bun right. And it looked neat. Or at least it was as neat as my curls would go.

I felt too dressy-as always- compared to his casual wear. A tan button down, with khaki pants. I wore a yellow, summer looking dress that stopped precisely a few inches below my knees.

He held out his hand, and I grasped it. Once we were in the hall on our way to the restaurant he said, “I liked the song you chose to sing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally reached the first part of the story I couldn't wait for .

Now I have one more part to reach before the sequel .