Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two

Another Hawaiian dish and I have no idea what it’s called. All I know is that it’s not meat, and it looked good; even better in person.

Dinner was good, I told my mom about Erika and Erik and she insist that she meet them. Why? I have no idea; I won’t even talk to them again after this trip.

It was a little after seven and a sunset set right before us; I stood by the shore of the beach. Since everyone in the hotel was either shopping, or restaurants.

Only a few people were on the beach, couples walked up and down the shore. And one couple splashed around in the water, reminding me of Dimitri and me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Dimitri walking towards me.

When he approached, I looked back at the water, “I’ve never seen a sighting so beautiful,”

He sighed softly, “It’s nice out here,”

Then I suddenly remembered, my eyes scanned the beach and I saw the spot was empty, “Follow me,” I said walking off in the direction of the spot I’d found the other day.

The trees surrounded it, almost making it a hiding spot, but I’d managed to find it. The hammock was between two trees, and there were two chairs with a small table in the middle. The sand was lighter in this area, most likely because it didn’t get much sun because of all the trees. I took my flip flops off and walked towards the hammock, sitting on the edge of it.

He looked around before his eyes landed on me, “How’d you find this place?”

I shrugged, “I spotted it from the hotel,”

“You spotted it? Do you know how far we are from the hotel right now, how could you see this far,”

I shrugged again, “I don’t know, I just… found it.”

“It’s nice,” He pressed his finger tips to the table before sitting in the chair.

“I know,” There was a small peep through the trees where the sunset’s light shone through.

“So, when you were singing-“He tried after a few moments of silence.

“I was singing?” I asked playing dumb, “When was I singing?”

He gave me a look, a meaningful one at that, “What was song,” He asked.

We held each other gazes for awhile and I finally sighed, “It’s called falling for you, by Colbie Calliat.”

“Could you sing it again, the whole thing I mean?”

I shook my head, “No, I don’t sing around people.”

“I’m not your average people, I’m the boy your in love with.”

I considered this for a moment, “Don’t laugh,” I finally said.

He held his hands up, “I definitely won’t.”

So I sang.

And when I finished, he clapped, loudly at that.

“Shhh,” I said shooting up from my seat and clasping my hands around his, “You’re making a lot of noise.”

“Nobody’s looking for us,” He said, leaning forward putting half of his face in the shadow and half in the light. His features were being shown with each structure and detail.

I closed the gap between us, kissing him.

“You know,” he said pulling back, “I think Erik likes you.”

I frowned, after we kissed, that’s what he decided he wanted to tell me.

“And I think Erika likes you,”

“Impossible,” He muttered, “We haven’t even talked much,”


He pursed his lips, “It’s just… his facial expressions. He even called you hot. I’m resisting the urge to peep into his head but the feeling is really overwhelming.”

“Sort of like the feeling I get when I want to kiss you,” I tried to turn the mood around, back to us.

He knew what I was trying to do and gave me a small smile, “I’m sorry, it’s just-“

But I cut him off, kissing him again and then walking back over to the hammock. He stared awestruck for a moment before saying, “Don’t ever do that again,”

“Do what?” I asked innocently.

But he just shot me a fake glare before springing out of his chair and tackling me over, causing the hammock to swing.


Erika invited me to join her in shopping. So since I didn’t want to be mean, I agreed.

“My brother likes you,” She said out the blue, “He told me last night.”

I shrugged; Dimitri was right, “Too bad, I’m dating Dimitri.”

“But you think he’s hot, don’t you?”

I let my gaze linger on an ugly outfit, there was now ay I was going to get myself into something like this.

“You do!” She suddenly shrieked.

“What? I didn’t even respond.”


I frowned, “Okay, okay. He’s hot, but I don’t know him. And I don’t like him.”

She plastered a small smile on her face and picked up a shirt, “Cute huh?”

So, I ended up buying a few clothing items including the one that she showed to me.

“What’s it like down here?” I asked.

She looked at me for a moment and then said, “Yeah, it’s pretty amazing. I can honestly say I’m proud to have this as a home town, but I can’t wait to leave.”

“I would ask why, but it’s so obvious. No one wants to stay in one place forever right? You want to explore?”

She nodded, “I’m guessing you want to do the same?”


“Do you have any college plans?”

“Yup, I got accepted into The University of Rome La Sapienza.”

“No kidding? I’m going there too!”


“I really hope we don’t see her around, much.” I told Dimitri.

“Oh come on, she’s not that bad.”

I sighed, “I know. I actually like her, sometimes. But I’m not exactly getting good vibes,” Great, I thought; Now I sound like Bree.

He sat beside me on the bed, “I think you’re just paranoid,”

I shook my head, “I’m not paranoid, and I have nothing to be paranoid about. Right?”

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, “Right.”

When he pulled back, he climbed under the sheets with me and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest and inhaled his scent, "I love you, Dimitri."

He answered by pressing his lips to mine, and a soft kiss elevated into something more.

Tonight might just be the night, I thought.

He pressed his body against mine, and his heat radiated off of him. With him being so close, I was tingling from my head to my toe.

My hands were tangled in his hair and I could feel his hands roaming my body.

I climbed on him so I was straddling him.

I unbuttoned his shirt slowly and cautiously before he slipped out of it.

He pulled back, "Your parents are right next door,"

"I don't care," I said, kissing him again.

But he pulled back again, "I'm doing good so far, I don't want that status to change."

"I'm eighteen, and i'm no longer in school. Their rules don't apply to me anymore."

He sighed, his intense gaze surveying my body, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I let my finger trail down his abs, "I'm sure,"

He didn't hesitate for another second before he brought his lips to mine again and let his hand slide down my back and his other hand was on my thigh.

He shifted slightly, and I was back on my side, He brought my thigh up so it hooked around his waist, and he tugged on the hem of my shirt.

I yanked it off, "No hesitations," I murmured.

I let my hands slide slowly form his hair... to his neck... to his arms... to his waist.

I let my fingers slip and I began to unbutton his jeans, while he did the same with mine.

As his hands touched each inch of my body, he left a burning trail behind his touch. His scent was intoxicating. the way he kissed me was so passionate. His fingers were so rough, but delicate as he unclasped my bra.

He was oh, so perfect.

This is it, I thought, This is definitely it.

And it was.

Soon we were naked, and my moment happened from there.


I never knew what people meant when they said they were glowing, but now I think I've got a clue.

I woke up in the morning and I didn't feel like myself. I felt whole. Complete. Perfect.

My eyes fluttered open, and I realized I was still tangled up with Dimitri.

I felt sore, my legs hurt.

I sighed softly, I wanted this moment for so long, and now I had it. And it was perfect.

With my parents next door or not, it didn't matter.

He stirred slightly and then his eyes were open to and he assessing his surroundings before small smile appeared on his face.

"Good morning," He mumbled quietly.

"Good morning."

His arms tightened around me and he buried his face in my neck, kissing me there softly.

"Didn't get enough?" I joked.

I felt him smile, "Not exactly,"

I smiled too until reality hit me.

"Dimitri?" I asked slowly.


"I... We... We didn't use protection,"

He straightened up and looked at me, "I didn't tell you did I?"

I shook my head, "Tell me what?"

"You won't get pregnant."

"How do you know?"

"You died. Dead people don't carry children,"

I was relieved but at the same time, I frowned, I always wanted a kid sometime in my lifetime. "What about Bree?"

"She wasn't dead as long as you, she can still conceive,"

I was only the slightest bit jealous.

"Last night-" I started.

"Was amazing," He said kissing my neck again.

"I'm glad you were my first," I said pressing against him.

"I'm glad too,"

His hands tangled themselves in my hair before he bought his head down to kiss me. It was a replica of last nights kiss, and it made me want to redo last night.

And when he pulled back, he left me dizzy, and wanting more.

Without warning, there was a knock on the door that caused us to jump apart.

We looked at each other before he got out of bed and pulled on his boxers and his wife beater. I pulled the covers closer to my body and his behind it slightly.

He opened the door and there stood my mom, "Morning," She said.

He smiled, "Good morning, Ms. Cunningham."

"You seem to be glowing today,"

He stiffened slightly and relaxed just as soon, "Is there anything on the agenda today?"

She waved her hands dismissively, "No, no. You guys can do whatever you want until ten o'clock. Meet us by the restaurant we went to yesterday. I have a surprise for you two."

She peered her head into the room, "Is Elena up?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but..."

She ignored him and stepped in, I brought the covers closer, "Good morning mom,"

"Good-" She looked down and noticed my clothes on the floor. Then she looked at Dimitri and I saw a smile tug on her lips, "Good morning, hon."

I bit my lip, and she gave me a knowing smile before turning to Dimitri and doing the same, "I hope you guys had fun last night."

"Out," I said pointing to the door.

She left with her hands in the air and I felt my face turn beat red, "Crap,"

I ran a hand through my hair and sat up, "That was embarrassing."

"Could've been worse,"

"Yeah," I admitted, "Be lucky it wasn't my dad."

He slid back under the covers and I let his fingers trail down my back before laying down and snuggling close to him, "I don't feel like going anywhere today,"

"We don't have to," He kissed the back of my neck and let his finger tips trail up and down my shoulder.

♠ ♠ ♠

So, there you go.

BTW: I'm not doing a sequel, I'm just going to fit it all in this. Which will probably be chapter 35-50 .

Anyway, I hope you enjoyedd. It was really hard writing this chapter, I tried to put detail s but not to much, you feel me?

But, I did my best. Deuces.