Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Three

“We should go check out the shops now; I want to buy a souvenir for the guys back home before we leave,” I said before rolling out of the bed.

He sat up, “I can’t believe we’re leaving in two days,”

“I can’t believe it either,” I mutter before trudging to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before hoping into the shower and changing into a pair of Bermuda shorts and a red tank top with black polka dots on it. I left my hair out in the rough curls and tried to comb it out a bit to at least make them look decent… it kind of worked.

Dimitri came out wearing a black T-shirt that said “Hawaii” in bold white letters, and white shorts, that stopped to his knees.

His hair was still a little wet, “The blow dryer doesn’t work,” he sighed running a hand through his wet hair.


I picked up the phone, too lazy to walk next door, and called my mom.


“Hey, I just called to tell you that we’ll be at the shops today,”

“Oh, no problem, have fun.”

“Sure,” I hung up the phone.

“C’mon, vamanos.” I said as I hung up and got up from the edge of the bed, “I don’t want all the good stuff to disappear.”


“I hate this,” He mumbled.

I grinned, “Does this skirt make my eyes shine,”

He shot me a menacing glance and rolled his eyes, “… very funny.”

I put the skirt down on the other pile of clothes I decided on buying, “I think Bree would like this, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what Bree likes; she’s your best friend.”

“Yeah, but you’ve seen how she dresses; you should know her style.”

“Actually I do, it’s outrageously bold.”

“So what you’re saying is that she would like it,”

He sighed, “Yes. The stud pattern makes it even more… her.”

I picked up the pile of clothing and proceeded to the register. Hawaii was cheap.

We walked hand in hand to the souvenir shop down the road.

“Elena! Dimitri!”

We turned around, Erika.

“Hey,” I mumbled, and Dimitri waved.

“How nice to catch up to you guys.”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Oh nothing really, I just saw you guys walking down the street and decided to say hello.”

“How nice,” I began to turn when she said.

“We’re having a party on Saturday-“

“Sorry, we leave on Friday,”

She frowned, “Really? Where did time go?”

Dimitri and I shrugged, “It flies,” He answered.

Her shoulders sagged, “Well we should definitely hang out tomorrow, you know, before you leave…”

“No problem.”

“We can all sit down for lunch maybe?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Dimitri pitched in.

And then we merged our different ways, “I swear, Hawaiians are so friendly,”

“You’re mom said something about meeting her in front of the restaurant we went to yesterday for a surprise,”

“Yeah, I heard when she came in the room, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.”

He turned away slightly, “I’m glad we-“

“There it is!” I shrieked cutting him off accidentally.

“You’re getting all hyped up over a souvenir store?”

I shrugged, “I’m in a good mood.”

I ended up buying David and Micah shirts, and since I already bought Bree a skirt, I bought her a Hawaiian make up holder.

“They should be lucky to have you as a friend,”

“Shouldn’t they?” I grinned.

He kissed my cheek and said, “I’m hungry,”

As if on cue, his stomach rumbled quietly.

I laughed, “There’s a Starbucks down there, and we passed it on our way here,”

“Let’s go,” We walked there in silence.

He orders a pepper mint cappuccino with a donut and I bought a double chocolate chip mocha.

“This is delicious,” He commented after taking one bite of his donut and a sip of his cappuccino.

“Tell me about it.”


“We missed prom,” I finally say.


“I said we missed prom-“

“I know what you said, I just… I forgot there was even a prom.”

“Bree only mentioned it like one thousand times, it was impossible to forget,”

Suddenly a frown made its way onto his face, “Did you want to go?”

I scoffed, “No, a bunch of screaming girls wearing dresses they should save for their weeding and drag queen hairstyles? Not my style. I don’t like crappy music either, and that’s probably what they play.”

“That’s weird; prom is like every girls dream.”

“How many times do I have to remind you that I’m not every girl, I’m Elena the great!”

He chuckled, “It’s that I thought you’d want to go,”

“All I want to do is go to that graduation ceremony and take off for Italy after summer.”

“You’re so different.”

“I don’t know what else I can do to make that clearer.”

I bought my mocha to my lips, savoring the amazing taste.

“Three months, and then we’re off to college,” He muttered.

“I know,”

“I actually can’t wait,”

“Neither can I, a lot can happen in three months,”

“I agree,”

“Like last night.”

His gaze flickered from outside to me, “What?”

I shrugged as casually as I could, “A lot happened last night,”

He nodded in agreement, “Why all of a sudden you want to talk about… last night.”

“It just came to my mind… you know?”

He nodded slowly, “Elena-“

“I enjoyed it. No need to worry,”

“I think I could’ve guessed that part, it’s just… I love you. You know that right?”

I have to admit, I did hesitate to answer. How could someone so perfect love someone like me? “Yes.”

“Good, and last night was enjoyable to me too.”


I wore the other sundress I packed in my suit case for tonight, a red one with white flowers embroidered on the bottom.

I put a headband on to block my curls from coming near my face, Dimitri changed into a button down shirt and khaki’s.

His hair was dry, and I ran my hair through it, driving it to perfection, “Let’s go,” I told him as we walked out the hotel room.

We took our sweet time going to the restaurant.

“So what do you think?” I asked stopping once we were outside to twirl around.

“Amazing as usual, I didn’t think I’d have to say anything.”

“You didn’t, it was all in your eyes. It’s nice to hear the words though.”

He pecked my lips, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

We finally reached my parents, my mom grinned at us and I couldn’t hide the blush, “So,” I said trying to start small talk, “What’s the surprise?”

“We’re going to learn how to-“

“Hula dance!” My mom interrupted my dad.

This should be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I changed my mind.

You guys are probably getting pissed off at me, sorry.

But there WILL be a sequel.

So, this part of the book has about.... literally three-four more chapter left before I wrap it up.

For those of you who don't know what a sequel is, it's basically a continuation.

So, NO, the book is not done.

I will be taking a few weeks off from it before I start the sequel though to plan and get my thoughts straight, then maybe a month later, I'll have the first chapter for the sequel out.

In the meantime though, I've started another story, and i'll post it up when this book ends so you guys don't forget about me.

Now, i do need help.

#1: Should I, or should I enter this book in a contest? Or should I write another one specifically FOR a contest?

#2: Any ideas on what I could name the sequel. Something besides: I Still Have a Dirty Secret... Something creative maybe? And I WILL give all props where they're deserved, trust me, I hate plagiarism.

And that's all. I THINK i've gotton all the new in there. So hang on tight.

Remember: Help me out whit the following questions above. #1 & 2.
There will be a sequel, but it'll be a month or so before it comes out. Sort of like a REAL book, you know?
There is only about three-four more chapters left.

Anyway, Thanks guys for reading my ramble, rampage ! And for reading my book. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Deuces . (I love that song)