Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Twenty Four

Twenty Four

Once we reached the place where the hula dancing was being held, I was in awe.

It was an outdoor activity, but since it began to get dark, the fire flickered all around the place, making the sand look extremely abnormally tan.

There were chairs set up and I realized we weren’t the only ones up to this. There was food on a far table- let’s just say it was like an outdoor barbeque at night.

Except Hawaiian style.

Out of nowhere, music began to play and we quickly took a seat. A few girls with tan skin and black hair-Hawaiians, I assume- walked out and began dancing. They shook their hips in a way that’s foreign to any American.

“There’s no way I can learn to do that,” I murmured to Dimitri.

Then one of them strolled over to us and stuck her hand out at Dimitri.

I didn’t realize I was glaring at her until my mom nudged me and I watched as he took her hand.

It was funny trying to watch him learn how to hula dance. It really was, but when the same girl came back to get me to dance, I declined. I hated her already.

“Go on,” Dimitri urged, “I did it, you should too.”

I shook my head, but somehow ended up doing it anyway.


“I can’t believe this is the end,” Erika exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, Rika, I’ll see you on the college campus.”

She nodded her head slowly and handed me back my phone, “I put Rik’s number in there too.”

I shrugged and she suddenly attacked me with a hug.

I stared at Dimitri wide eyed, and he put his hands up signaling he has no clue what’s going on.

“See you in Italy,” She murmured, “I’m guessing you’ll be there too?” She turned o Dimitri.

“You guessed right,”

She pursed her lips before saying, “Give me a hug anyway.”

Rik stood behind his sister just watching the whole scene play out, so while Dimitri and Rika were having small talk I took a step to the side and stood in front of him, “You’re not the sappy one are you?”

He shook his head, “Nah, not at all.”

“So what, you’re just gonna say goodbye… point, blank, period?”

“Precisely, yes.”

“Well, it was nice hanging with you and you’re sister. I guess I won’t ever see you again.”

He chuckled, “Oh, you will. That’s why I’m not acting like… that.”

“Well a lot can happen in the course before you see me again. But what do you mean I will?”

“We’re going to the same college?”

“You’re going there too?”



“You don’t mean that.”

“How do you know?”

“I can see the sarcasm on your face,”

I refuse to feel bad, “So now you’re observant?”

“I’ve always been observant; you just failed to realize it.”

“There was no sarcasm on my face, by the way.”

“I saw it.”

“No you didn’t!”

He smiled a small one. “Whatever you say,”

I looked over at Dimitri and Rika just in time to see her give him a kiss on the cheek.

“Excuse me?” I blurted without thinking. Both of their heads snapped in my direction, “What the heck was that?”

They shared a brief glance and she said, “I was just saying goodbye.”

“I think you’ve made your point.”

“Elena,” Dimitri said, “It’s a Hawaiian tradition.”

“I don’t care, I’m tired of Hawaii and I’m glad we’re leaving tomorrow.” I looked at Rik, “Oh, so it’s a tradition for the girls to kiss the boys but the boys don’t kiss the girl huh?”

I rolled my eyes, “Pathetic,” I muttered before fast walking away, but with the length of Dimitri’s legs, he caught up quickly and pulled me to a stop.

“C’mon, you’re overreacting,” He said.

I yanked my arm back, “The hell I’m not. She kissed you-“

“On the cheek,”

“It doesn’t matter, I never really liked her form the beginning anyway,” I muttered.

He rested a hand on my shoulder, “You look like you’re ready to kill her,”

“I should,”

“I was kidding,”

“The thought still sounds appealing,”

“Alright, you’re being ridiculous,”

I looked at him and I melted into those green orbs. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his chest, “You’re so impossible to stay mad at,”

“That’s exactly how I feel with you,”


I jumped up and down in my mind; it was our last day in Hawaii. Not that I didn’t have a good time, but I miss home.

I couldn’t wait to know who David and Micah took to the prom, and how it went. I couldn’t wait for the graduation either.

“Tomorrow morning, we’ll be on a plane. On our way back home,” I murmured to Dimitri.

We were in bed, and I couldn’t sleep. Apparently neither could he.

“I enjoyed it here; I’ll have to make sure I buy your mom and awesome gift after this,”

I smiled, “I’m glad she let you come. No offense to Bree, but I don’t think I would have enjoyed myself thoroughly if she was here,”

“I’m glad I’m here,” He tightened his arms around me and leaned down to kiss my forehead. “You should sleep; the flight’s early you know.”

“Well then, you should sleep too, but it’s quite obvious we can’t.”

He sighed, “You’re right, let’s go for a walk,”

“This late?”

He shrugged, “I want to go to that secret hiding spot before we leave,”

“You liked it that much?”

He ignored me and rolled out of bed, I did the same and threw on a jacket over my tank top, and slipped on some jeans over my shorts.

I ran a hand through my messy hair and we both walked out the door.

When we reached the beach, it was so beautiful. This is probably the part of Hawaii I’ll miss the most.

I sighed softly as I watched the water. I leaned back subconsciously and found Dimitri was standing behind me.

“When I first met you, I hated you,” He muttered.

I frowned, “Yeah, I hated you too.”

“Well, not exactly hated, but I didn’t really like you… and now, I’m in love with you.”

I turned around, “I feel the same way,” I said while wrapping my arms around him, “I love you, Dimitri.”

“I love you too, now c’mon,” He dragged me away from the water and led me to the spot I found.

I sat on the small area of sand and eh sat in the chair, “I’m gonna miss this place.” He said.

“Maybe if we come here again,” I started, “We can visit this place. All the memories.”

“Although, we don’t have memories in this place particular.”

“But we do have memories in room 234,” I said softly, looking up at him, “I’m not a virgin anymore, Dimitri. Thanks to you,”

“You say it like it’s a good thing.”

“It is, I’m glad you took it from me and not someone else,”

He gave me a small smile before getting up from the chair and sitting beside me on the ground, slinging one arm over my shoulder, “I wanted you to wait.”


“Just in case you found someone else,”

“I would never-“

“You never know, Elena.”

“I do,” I almost yelled, “I love you and only you.”

“Things can change,” He said quietly.

“Are you saying that you think we’ll break up?” My voice cracked.

“No,” He shook his head, “I hope not.”

“Then don’t say that.”

He looked at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes before kissing me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting closer, and closer to the end (: