Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Twenty Six

The week passed rather quickly I must admit. Graduation was here before I knew it. I had already bought my graduation gown. Our school colors were black, teal and white. They told us to wear the school colors underneath for the after party, but the graduation gowns were black.

I settled on a teal dress. It was spaghetti strapped and knee length.

We arrived at the ceremony and as I mom settled in the front, I went to the back to get settled.

I had Will’s ‘gift’ in my purse which I clutched in my hand while walking through a hall leading to where everyone was. I quickly spotted my friends, “Hey, guys.”

Bree sprung up and hugged me, “Thank goodness, I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it.”

I chuckled, “No, my mom just couldn’t decide which color eye shadow to use.”

Dimitri slung his arm over my shoulder, He wore the gown but I could see the black slacks underneath, he was that tall.

I had my hair is curls cascading down my shoulders which Dimitri pushed back so he could plant one on my cheek.

“You guys are so cute,” Bree said. She looked at Micah and David who were just watching, “I can’t believe you guys are leaving after this.”

“I can’t believe it either,” David pitched in.

“But, this is how it has to be,” Micah said.

She smacked his shoulder, “Quit being to insensitive,”

He rubbed the spot where she hit, “There’s nothing wrong with not trying to sugar coat. We’ll all be so piled up with work that we’ll only be calling each other once every two months. More or less.”

She began to speak until I interrupted, “He’s got a point; we probably will be so wrapped up in our work that we’ll forget about each other for a bit. But we always have the vacations. As long as we all come here; to our homes for them then we’ll definitely see each other.”

“See,” David said, “It all works out.”

The dean came in and announced that it was time; I could see the tears welling in Bree’s eyes and I quickly reached out to hug her, “We’ll see each other again, Bree.” I said when I pulled away.

She tried to blink them away and groaned, “Ugh, I took an hour to do this makeup.”

I smiled; I really was going to miss her. Although we had our ups and down this year, I was glad to still have her as my best friend.

“Your mom and dad would be proud,” I told her softy before she was called to the stage.


“Elena Cunningham,” She called my name and I rushed on stage, she shook my hand as she handed em my diploma and I took the risk of looking out in the sea of crowds. People I didn’t even know where cheering. But I spotted Bree’s aunt and my parents standing up cheering loudly; and calling my name.

“Graduating with honors and a total of 76 more credits than needed; she will be attending the University of Rome La Sapienza.”

She let go on the diploma and I held it my hand. I was so proud of myself for making it this far. I really was.

After everyone’s name was called- I cheered the loudest for Dimitri- we sat in the crowd in chairs by the stage and listened to Bree who got the honors of saying the farewell speech.

“You know,” She stared, her face scanning the crowd, “I never expected to be standing up here, yet alone, graduate. Most speeches are about how close we’ve become as a class, and I must admit. We have become very close as a class. But we’ve also become close as individuals, not because of some imaginary entity we all belong to, but because of who we are. But that is what's important. In 10 years, we won't be chanting "Senior Power"; we'll be remembering the individual relationships we all had. I remember after our eighth grade graduation milling about the courtyard, hugging each other and crying for what would become of us. We were scared of high school - this time it's the real world. And later in life, we will face much bigger obstacles that we will overcome, and high school graduation will be fondly remembered. As we approach this real world, it's important to remember the many people who have helped us along the way as leaders, advisers, peers, and friends.” She paused, even from here; I could see the tears glistening in her eyelid.

“Well, here we are. Sitting in this stuffy gym wearing these unflattering robes, while the band is poised and ready to play “Pomp and Circumstance.” We’ve always known this day would come and, whether our teachers, our parents or ourselves are prepared for it, here it is. We’re about to take that giant leap in just a few minutes and after that, it’s time to make our own choices. No longer will our biggest decisions entail which person to ask to prom or which period would be the best to TA during.” She continued after wiping her tears hastily.

“What is graduation? Some people would say that it's proof of the freedom we will soon experience. Some say that it's the end of the best years of our lives. Some would say that it's when we're forced to grow up and become adults. Some would say that it's just another day, no different than any other day, other than the scrolls, the funny outfits and the clapping. Some go into it silent, awaiting their chance to be recognized for their victory dance. Some use stupid comparisons to describe it by saying that it's like the opening of a new door or that it's like taking another step on the never-ending ladder of life. Some praise it, some dread it. Everyone has a different opinion, but there's one thing that we all agree on. There's one question on the back of all our minds that we worry about every time we think about this night. And that question is: What's next?” She set the microphone back down on it stand and slowly strutted off as the crowd erupted into a cheer.

She sat back down next to me and I hugged her from the side, “You were great.”


Bree’s aunt gave her forty kisses on the cheek so far-yes, I’ve been counting.

She’s also recited the words ‘I’m so proud of you’ about twenty times.

As for my mom, she’s gone way above both of those stats, “Alright, alright.” I said hugging her back, “I’m proud of myself too.”

She finally let go, giving dad an opportunity to hug me also. “I’m so-“

“Don’t say it,” I mumbled, “I know you’re proud.”

He pulled back and smiled, my mom took another tissue from her purse and blew her nose, “Mom,” I groaned, “I’m the one graduating. I’m suppose to be crying, not you.”

“Sorry, it’s just sad to see my little girl get so old,”

“I’ll still be home all summer,”

”summer will be gone before you know it, dear.” My dad said.

“I’m going to say bye to Micah and David, they’re leaving for college in the morning.”

Mom waved her hand and urged, “Go on, go on. Say goodbye to your friends.”

I got there and met up with them-including Bree and Dimitri.

And also Will.

I ignored him though and pulled both of them into a tight hug, “Are you coming to the after party.”

They sighed, “We’re going home to finish up the last of our packing,” David answered.

I frowned, “What time do you leave in the morning?”

They looked at each other, “Eight, I think.”

“You guys are riding the same flight?”

“Yeah, only one though. I get off at one of the stops, he has to take a second plane,” Micah said.

I crossed my arms, “I think I’ll join the ride.”

“Not a problem.”

“So will I,” Bree said, “Can you pick em up?” She asked.

Her nose was red and so were her eyes, she’d been crying a lot tonight.

I nodded, “I most definitely can.”

I hugged them again, and so did Bree. Dmitri did their man slap thing, but it lasted a bit longer this time, “I’ll see you guys at the house around six?”

Micah nodded, “My house.”

“Great,” I said and began to walk off hand in hand with Dimitri.

“You feel okay?” He asked.

I shook my head and let the tears I’d been holding in for the longest slip out, “I can’t believe it’s all really over.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys read the graduation speech because I came up with that myself, and it was a lot of work ! So I hope I didn't waste my time.

And I know I just updated yesterday and you want the updates to slow, so I'll slow it down.

There's only ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT before you guys have to wait a month or two for the sequel . I repeat, ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT.

So I'l update maybe on Friday . Maybe even later. Sounds about right? and remember, I will have another story to fill the place of this one until I decide to update the sequel.

But during the time, I WILL be working on the sequel, you want it to be just as good as the first book don't you ? Well it requires work .

But anyway, ONE MORE CHAPTER guys, and thats it (:

And it WILL end with a cliff hanger, Haha !