Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Three

Chapter Three

I watched as Bree rummaged through my new bag of clothing that my mom left on the bed for me.

“This top,” She said pulling out a black halter top “is stunning.”

“I know, but you can’t wear it before me.”

She frowned, “You’ve got a point.”

“Don’t I always,”

“She went into my closet and came back with a pair of jeans, “I’ve always want to wear these, the rips look epic.”

“Well I’ve worn it twice,” I said studying my nails, the purple polish beginning to chip, “go ahead and taken em’ ”

She threw them over her arm and folded it before stuffing it in a plastic bag.

“So,” she said jumping on my bed “I saw you and Dimitri talking.”

I froze, “What’d you hear?”

“Weren’t you listening? I said I saw.”

The cold feeling faded and I studied her aura, just to make sure. It was a mixture of blue and


“Was there something I should have heard?”

“No,” I said as casually as I could, “we were just… actually starting to get along, you know?”

“That’s good,”

“So, you guys talked a lot during the movie.”

She smiled, “He’s cool and all, but he’s an awesome friend. I’m willing to keep it that way.”

“Really,” I asked furrowing my eye brows.

“Really, besides, he’s not showing any interests. Why waste my time.”

“So all dibs are off?”

“Why? Are you finding interest in him?”

I shook my head, “No, just… wondering.”

She nodded, “Yeah, all dibs off.”


As I walked past Casey and Hope’s desk-the two most popular girls in the school- Casey grabbed my wrist, causing a flood of thoughts to leak through my brain.

I wonder if she realizes the pimple beside my ear. Does my makeup look okay? She’s staring at me like some kind of freak!

I snapped back into reality, “Let me go,” I said trying to pull my wrist back.

But she kept a firm grip, “Why should I listen to you?”

“Since I’m the only one who knows there’s a big, red pimple on the side of your face.”

She gasped and let go of my wrist to put her hand on her face, “How did you know?”

But I just smiled and pulled up my hood, cranking up my IPOD so I wouldn’t have to hear her thoughts about me.

I began nodding my head as my favorite song came on just as the chair beside was pulled away from the desk.

I looked up curious to see who had sat next to me, and of course-Dimitri.

I mean, who would sit next to the freak?

“Morning,” He greeted with a smile.

I ignored him turning my music up even louder.

He studied me curiously before finally pulling an ear plug out and saying, “This isn’t helping.”

“Really, because since I put them in, I haven’t been hearing much.”

He shook his head, “Trust me, it doesn’t help. If anything, you’re making it worse.”

“What, how?”

“Well, for one, loud music makes their thoughts want to be heard. You’re just causing them to get louder.”

“I never really thought of it that way.”

“Of course you didn’t, now hand it over.”

“I’m not giving it to you,”

“Fine,” he shrugged, “Just put it away.”

I stuffed it in the pocket of my hoodie.

He gestured to my hoodie, “It’s in the middle September, and you’re wearing a hoodie.”

I shrugged, “It adds to the effect of blocking out their thoughts.”

“I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, you’re only making things worse.”

I sighed as he continued, “To block your thoughts, think of a black wall. Think of something blocking others from accessing what belongs to you.”

I did as told but he shot me down by saying, “I can still hear your thoughts. I see that you’re trying, but you need to believe what you think.”

I sighed and tried again, “That’s it,” He said softy, “Now try to build it up,”

I shook my head, “I can’t do it.”

“You’ve made it that far-“

“I can’t do it.”

He opened his mouth to object but the teacher then got up and began teaching her lesson.


“Hey,” I greeted, sliding into a seat and setting my lunch on the table.

Bree smiled, David waved, and Dimitri-well, he just acknowledged my presence.

“What’s up?” I asked taking in their dull auras.

Bree’s aura red, with black playing around the edges, still keeping the white flair.

While David’s aura was a sickening green keeping the white stain also.

“I got an F on the history project. “ She said angrily, “An F.” She sighed. “I was up all night for the past week trying to get it perfect and he gives me and F! My aunt is so going to kill me.”

I turned to David who started up right after her, “I got stuck with a nerd for an upcoming project. And someone else got Hope. I’ve wanted to be partners with her for a long, long time.”

I pursed my lips, “Bree, I’m sure your aunt won’t kill you.”

“You have no idea,” She muttered messing with the top of her cupcake.

“David…” I sighed, “David, you should be happy you got paired with a nerd and not Hope. She would’ve made you do all the work anyway.”

He shrugged, “Maybe your right.” And I watched his aura turn from green to blue.

“I’m always right,” I then turned to towards Dimitri, trying to access his head and aura but failing once I hit the black wall. “Is anything wrong with you Dimitri?”

He shook his head,”No.”

“You seem rather distant.”

He narrowed his gaze, knowing exactly what I was getting at, “Nothing is wrong. My day went rather well actually.”

“Hmm. Nice to know.”

“Enough about us,” Bree exclaimed “Dimitri told us that he got you to get rid of those dreadful headphones!”

I shrugged and nodded, “Yeah, so?”

“It’s about time! What’s the deal with them anyway?”

I hesitated for a short moment, “My class is pretty… loud.”

She noticed my hesitation and I watched her aura turn a visual purple.

“I see,” she muttered.

“You do have one of the most obnoxious classes.” David said thoughtfully.

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“There’s a hot dog on your tray.”

I looked down, noticing the hot dog and feeling the vomit well up in my throat. I pushed it aside grabbing the orange instead.

“What’s wrong with hot dogs?” Dimitri asked obliviously.


“I’m a vegetarian,” I said cutting off Bree.

She shot me a blank look and I shrugged it off, “I can talk for myself.” I muttered.

“A vegetarian,” He asked still stuck on the subject.

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No, there's nothing wrong with that, of course not.” He shook his head.

My gaze lingered on him for awhile longer before I began peeling my orange, “Meat eaters are sick.”

Dimitri frowned visibly, “You’re seriously not judging one by what they eat are you? I mean-“

"Dimitri, chill. It’s an insider between me and my friends.”

He sighed and I continued, “Seriously, you should really break some of your walls down now. Get to know us.”

He sighed, shaking his head slowly and I watched as an aura slowly slipped into place.

It was mostly blue with a little touch of pink; Wait a touch of pink.

I almost gasped but I managed to keep it in.

Bree got up in a sudden movement and said, “David, I’m going to check out the lunch list, wanna come?”

He stood up, “Sure.”

She then eyed us over, “You guys wanna join?”

“I’m fine,”


“Whatever,” She said before grabbing David’s wrist and pulling him along.

“Do you think you could manage a short, quick lesson before they show?” I asked.

He twisted his lips to the side in thought, “Look, I’ve never tried blocking my mind to block others out. I just… block my mind so others can’t get in. But I’m willing to try.”

I nodded, listening as he continued, leaning over the table to get my full attention, “Think of the wall again, but believe what you see. Now one of the things we’re capable of doing is manifesting things. You want to make sure you’re just believing this to see it in your head and not believing it so much you’re making it appear in front of you.”

“Manifest things?”

“Well, yeah.” He rubbed his hand over his forehead, “I told you there was more to it than you know.”

“I can manifest things?” I asked again in disbelief.

“Yes,” his voice filled with patience, “anything we want. Including people, but they fade after time because there’s no way that there can be two of one living thing. Unless, you manifest someone new.”


“Now don’t take advantage of this,” he warned. “Please, don’t.”

I shrugged, “Yeah, I got you. But seriously, that’s amazing.”

“Ignore the fact that I said that and let’s focus on the main subject here.”


“Think of the wall.”

I thought long and hard, I imagined a black wall. A solid black one rise slowly. Pitch black in front of my eyes as it grew darker, built higher.

I couldn’t do it, my eyes fluttered open and I stared back at him in disappointment.

“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I do it?”

“There’s nothing wrong with you. I think your just getting confused with manifesting and believing. If there’s something on your mind, forget about it, right now. Clear your mind of any and everything.”

I ran a hand through my black hair that was beginning to curl at the roots; apparently I hadn’t done such a great job straightening it.

I thought of the wall again, this time, my mind clear; a solid, black wall.

And to my surprise, it slipped shut. My eyes opened and I stared at Dimitri in shock, “It worked.”

He smiled, “Yes it did.”

“Dude, “I said louder, “It worked!”

His smile grew wider, “I know.”

“Can you hear my thoughts? Can you see my aura?”

He shook his head, “Nope, I run into a black wall every time.”

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “Dimitri you’re a miracle worker.”

“Thanks, but we still haven’t tried using it to block out he rest of the world. We have no idea if it’s possi-“

“The food is absolutely disgusting!” Bree said sitting back down in her seat, followed by David, “I mean, we all know I’m not a hot dog fan, but the rest of the food is so… icky.” She frowned, “This school has no taste. And you wanna know the best part?” She asked looking both me and Dimitri in the eye, “I dropped my cupcake. Yes, my bloody cupcake!”

I held back a laugh, and apparently David was trying to do the same.

“I’m sorry about your… bloody cupcake.” I said finally toppling over in laughter, barley watching as David joined me.

As we calmed down I wiped a tear that managed to escape my eye, Bree stared at us angrily.

“Alright, alright,” I started, “I’ll treat you to another later on today or tomorrow. Sounds good?” I asked.

She shrugged placing a small smile on her face, “It’s nice to be loved.”

I turned to Dimitri who seemed to be in his own world.

“Guys, we’re going to be late for class,” David said while getting up. Bree got up with him and gave me a brief hug.

“See you.” She said.

I nudged Dimitri hard in the side but he didn’t seem to feel the pain as his head snapped to face me, “What?”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I… nothing.”

I pursed my lips and studied his aura since he left himself unprotected, “Your auras a little red mixed with black, with pink spotting in multiple places. What’s the deal?”

He looked at me an angry expression, plastered onto his face before it disappeared.

“Don’t take advantage of my weak moments.” He basically growled before standing up abruptly and taking long strides out the cafeteria.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Three (:
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