Sequel: My Dirty Little Lie
Status: Done .

My Dirty Little Secret

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

I trudged out of bed, definitely not looking forward to school this morning.

I was trying to think of ways to break it down to him, to tell him I didn’t mean to do what I did, I just wanted to make see if the spark was still there, but it was too late.

I sighed, ran a hand through my hair and took a long, hot shower.

I changed into a black turtle neck, seeing that it would be cold this morning, and a pair of dark, blue jeans. Classic.

I left my hair down, I wasn’t about let my neck freeze to death.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and left the house, deciding to drive to school this morning.


“Hey,” Micah greeted me by my locker cheerfully.

I plastered a small smile onto my face, “Hey.”

“So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight.”

I slammed my locker shut and turned to face him, “Maybe tomorrow? I’ve got plans for tonight.”
“Oh, um, sure. What are doing tonight?”

“I’m just-“I considered lying, but what‘s the point? “Dimitri and I are hanging out.”

I watched his face fall almost immediately, “Oh, okay.”

I pursed my lips, “We’re just friends, Micah.”

Although I wished we weren’t.

“I know, I just-“

I kissed his cheek lightly before smiling, “See you.”

I couldn’t help but feel guilty. More guilty than before because of the fact that I was leading him on.

“Okay.” He mumbled, watching as I strolled to my first period class.

I barged in and scanned the room for Dimitri; once I found him I slammed my text book on the table and said, “I need help.”


“Micah and I are sort of… a couple now. Although, it’s not exactly official.”

“So where’s the problem?”

“I don’t… I don’t like him.”


“I mean, I like him… as a friend, but nothing more.”

“Then why date him?”

“He just sort of sucked me in with his… charm?” I said unsure.

Dimitri let out a strained chuckle, “Is that all?”

“I also like another guy.”

“Oh, really?”


“What’s his name?”

“I’m not telling all of that, but-“

“I can keep a secret.”
I frowned, but sighed, “Okay, I’ll tell you.” I mumbled, “After you tell me what you tried to say last time.”

He frowned also, “Fine.”

“So, what should I do?”

“Tell Micah the truth.”

“I don’t think I can. I mean, I already kissed him… He’d hate me forever.”

“I’m sure he’d understand.”

“All truth be told, I just wanted to see if there was still a connection between us.”

“As a relationship… or?”

“Yes, as a relationship.”

I could tell this conversation was slightly awkward to him, “So, did you find out if your theory was true?”

He made an O shape with his mouth and closed his notebook, “Actually, yes. My theory was true.”

“And the theory was-“

“It was Will.”


“Remember how I told you he was kissed but didn’t turn to the light?”

I nodded my head slowly.

“It’s unexplainable, he took over Bree’s body and made her feel hate towards you. That’s why her thoughts were true and her aura also. And now that he’s not in her, he blanked out her mind. She has no memory, thought, or feeling about what happened that day.”

“Because he took over her body-“

“You make it sound weird.”

“That’s because it is weird…”

“Look, to make things simple for you to understand, we got kissed by the heavens and he got kissed by… hell.”

“Whoa; strong use of words.”

He rolled his eyes, “Do you get it now?”

“Yeah, yeah. I understand. But why would he do that?”

He shrugged, “Like I would know. Maybe he enjoys ruining people’s life…”

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, “This is so stupid. I thought this kind of thing only happened in books.”

He chuckled, “We have nothing to worry about, unless he does it again…”


“If you have your own car, why do insist on riding in everyone else’s?”

I smiled at Dimitri and climbed into his car, “It’s called saving gas.”

“Hm, I should try that one day.”

“One day,” I muttered.

“That reminds me of the first day we met, when I was by your house.”

“What does?”

“The fact that you said, ‘one day’. You said the same day the first night we talked about… the being dead thing.”


He sighed, “Yeah.”

“Was that your way of telling me not to mention it again?”

“What? No…”

“Just making sure because you have a problem with being too gentle.”

He gaped at me, “No I don’t.”

I laughed,”Actually you do. C’mon, admitting your problem is the first step to recovery.”

Finally, He cracked a laugh. A genuine one, “You’re funny.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

We didn’t say anything else until we finally reached his house, and I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn’t realized it.

Once we reached inside I jumped on the couch, ignoring the strange look he gave me.

“I’ve missed this couch.”

“Of course you have.”

I sat up to let him sit beside me, “So, we came here for a reason. “ I smiled mischievously.
He sighed, “I’m not sure I can tell you.”

I groaned in frustration, “Dimitri-“

“I want to tell you, it just won’t make sense to do so.”

“I didn’t come here for no reason, so get to talking.”

“Or, you could tell me what you promised you would earlier today.”

“I agreed to do that after you told me what you tried to before.”

He frowned, “Fine.”
♠ ♠ ♠
There You Go !
Shout out to Lilyprincess for being the most active fan the past week (:
So this chapter goes to you.