Status: Active (:

Pretty Words Make An Easy Deception


Pretty Words Can Make An Easy

“Tegan we enrolled you and Mitchell in school. You guys start on different days though. You’re going to have to pick Mitchell up for his first two days since you don’t start till the next week, until I can arrange a babysitter to take care of him.” My mother said to me, unpacking. I nodded to her, grabbing my box of clothes and walking towards the stairs.

“Ma, what room is mine?” I asked before I walked all the way upstairs.

“Oh honey, any room you want. No one has had time to pick one yet, so you can have anyone you want sweetie” I nodded, not really getting excited. She did this before, I could still choose any room I want, but if I chose the room she wants, then she says that “Maybe the other room will be better for you” but that’s alright I guess.

I hopped up the stairwell, admiring the looks of our house. It’s actually a really nice house, pretty old but nice. It’s big but small enough to be cozy and not empty. The carpet must be new though, because it’s really white and clean. The walls were freshly painted a light sky blue.

There are a total of five bedrooms, three bathrooms, one partial, an attic, a basement, two living rooms one kitchen a huge gated front and back yard. I liked it, it is smaller than the one we lived in before. The other one had two extra guestrooms; this one has one and one less bathroom too. Our house is surrounded by a deep lush forest, with a dirt road leading back into town. We have neighbors, about a mile away.

I looked at all the rooms, trying to find one that was nice for me and my mom wouldn’t kick me out of. After about ten minutes of going in circles, I finally picked the room I wanted.

It was big, but not the master bedroom, but probably the second largest bedroom. It had a full bathroom, a tiny balcony and a normal closet. It was facing the back of the house, towards the forest. The room had a very homey feel for me. I knew this is the one I wanted, and I’m wasn’t going to let anyone take it.

“Ma, I found my room, I’m leaving this box in here! Make sure no one takes this one!” I could faintly here my mom say okay. I put down my box, making my way over to the balcony. I opened the glass doors leading outside. I took a deep breath. Pretty soon I would be starting in a new school; I would have to meet new people.

I’ll be starting school next Monday at Northfair High. I’m definitely not ready, I hate meeting new people. Probably because I suck at meeting new people. I get all nervous, and I just kind of freeze. I really wish that my brother still went to school with me, he graduated about two years ago, maybe more. Even with the grade differences, he always found a way to be there for me. Speaking of Skylar, he’s been gone for a little too long. I sped down stairs, grabbing my mom’s keys and quickly asked her if I could go to our old house and get something I left behind.

“Ma, please?” I almost begged.

“No Tegan, that’s my final answer, I asked you before we left if you got all your stuff, and you said yes, If it really was important you would have remembered before we left. If you really want it so bad, then you’re just going to have to wait till Steven heads back down there.” She finished with a mild glare, I just huffed and walked away. When she put her foot down, she did just that. There would be no more fuss. So I just set her keys down, and decided to go for a run, admire the surroundings, and find a nice place to set up my starting point for my morning jogs, and I could kill time till Sky got back. Before I could get to the front door, my mom’s voice rang throughout the house.

“Tegan,” she yelled “can you help me unpack the living room?” I nodded my head, even though she would hear or see me. So I yelled out a simply ‘yea’ before she could say anything else, and walked towards the dark leather couches. I looked for the throw pillows, but gave up on that, seeing as I looked for ten minutes, I’d let my mom handle that, I thought, deciding to take out the picture frames and set them up on the shelves and tables as my mom had in our old house.

After twenty-five minutes had passed, I was almost finished helping my mum unpack, I just really had to find a place to put a couple of more picture frames. I hung up a lot of them on the walls in the hallways, but only a few in the living rooms, seeing as my mum had art, and various décor hung up. Our living room was starting to look, normal. It looked just like how our old house looked. The inside did at least.

I called my mom from god knows where, because she just popped out of nowhere, and was just covered in dirt, I laughed lightly and told her I was finished.

“Well, it looks nice.” Was all she said and walked away, making me feel a little deflated. Before I could stick out my tongue at her, she beat me to the punch. “And don’t you stick your tongue and me Tegan, now go do something else besides annoy me,” she said, but in a light tone. Meaning she was only kidding.

After she said that, I decided to go on that jog I was going to do earlier, since sky still wasn’t here.

But only if I knew, that that jog would be the start of the domino effect, that changes everything.

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Word Count: 1038