Status: Active (:

Pretty Words Make An Easy Deception


“Sky, you’re such a DWEEB! Give it back, please?!” I begged Skylar, trying to get my iPod back before he hid it from me. See, the other day, I took his phone and took out his SIM card, and hid it, but gave him back his phone, and I still have yet to give it back. So he thought that a good payback would be to delete all my music from my laptop and not give me my iPod back, so even if I got a new one, all my music was gone. My small frame jumped towards his outstretched arm, trying to reach for the precious little device in his palm.

“Uh, no, how about you give me my SIM card back, and I might consider giving this back…”he smiled wolfishly handsomely . Turning on my iPod and browsing through my many artist, “or I could delete the rest of your music from your Ipod.” I screamed, and just straight out attacked him with my body. I pushed all my weight into a forward motion, trying to at least sway his bigger frame, to no avail. I reached desperately towards my iPod which rested in his palm, like a drug addict reaching for the deadly substance in front of them.

I was even tempted to strike him where the sun doesn’t shine, but then I know he would for surely break my iPod, seeing as it wouldn’t be hard for me to get another one. Not to sound like or snob or anything, but my parents had amazing well-paying jobs, meaning money wasn’t a problem.

“Skylar, think of the consequences that this would cause….I swear I will, I…I’ll throw your SIM card in the lake down the road, hell I’ll even eat it. GIVE ME BACK MY IPOD YOU DAMN BARBARIAN” Yes, I resorted to childish behavior. He just laughed and, and stuck my iPod into his, jeans. Like inside, where his wiener lived. “You are soo gross! I don’t want it anymore, you grosso!”

“Yea, that’s why I thought, sissy la la,” and with that he just simply walked away. No apology, or iPod, not that I wanted it anymore. Ew, penis germs. who am I kidding? When he had his back turned to me, I gave a small run, and jumped onto his back. Now, I didn’t run for nothing, it’s just Skylar is freakishly tall. He made an oomph sound as my front collided with his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and arms around his neck to keep from falling. He grabbed my lower thighs. My thighs burned underneath his touch. His hands underneath my thigh gave me a sense of pleasure relief.

“Sky, I’m bored, can we order pizza or something and watch a movie?” I asked. He nodded, and ran up that stairs. I was giggling the whole way up, I grabbed on to him tighter, slightly scared I might fall, and break my neck going down the stairs.

“My room or yours little sister?” he remarked stopping right at the top of the stairs, his breathing slightly ragged.

“Uh, your room, cause your room is like the best room in this whole entire house, maybe even the town, now, off,” he didn’t move “giddy up!” I said, kicking my feet which I found super funny, but Sky on the other hand did not. I leaned forward trying to see his face, which he was trying to conceal a smile.

“Little sister, did you know, I killed my last little sister for something like that?” He said darkly, but his handsome smile gave him away.

“Cool story bro,” I gave my thighs a little wiggle, and he let them go. I slid down his back, my front pressed tightly against his back. It sent a surge of pleasure through me, which of course I didn’t show. I just stood there, rigid because there was a pounding between my legs. I don’t think he noticed that something was wrong because he didn’t look at me funny or anything, just opened his door and walked in, leaving me by myself. I used those few moments by myself to clear my head and remind myself, that he’s my brother.

“Are you just going to stand there, because that’s whack yo,” he said, taking my Ipod out of his pants and throwing it on his desk. I glared at it, than to him. He just stood there looking at me as if I just told him how an astronomical unit is calculated. “Oh chill Tee, I didn’t even put it down my boxers, I put it between my shorts and pants you freak.” And then he tossed me a flash drive, which I caught effortlessly, seeing as I was in softball for most of my life.

“What is this?” I replied, with a sort of whiny attitude.

“Oh stop whining, it’s all your music. Do you think I’m that heartless, that I would do that, and make you die of boredom?” I smiled and just nodded yes. “Well, no. Now gimme the phone so we can get that food, and while I am ordering you can pick out a movie and put it in the projector.”
I tossed the light electronic device towards him, and walked over to our movie collection. Yes our, we have collected tons of movies over the years, some good, some badass! I looked through our new movies that we had recently got back at our old home. Ones that we haven’t seen yet.
I picked out the newest saw, and put it in, and walked towards his bed. His light green painted room was nice. He had let mom decorate it, but made sure that it wasn't girly. His room was neutral, kind of this serene feeling. I liked his a little more then I liked mine. Well, the color and décor and such, the placement, not so much. He had this huge wall, that was plain white, which if you didn’t notice the projector, you’d think that we didn’t have enough paint or something.
His room also had a pretty good size TV that we use to play games on the Xbox 360. We tried the projector, but it just annoyed me, so we had bought a TV together with our own money. I guess you could say we found this as an excuse to buy stuff independently. It gets really boring when you can get almost everything you want, if you just ask your parents.

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Word Count: 1113
I don't know if this was any good, because I just couldn't write. I had to sit myself down and make myself write. It was hard, and i was pushing it, So I'm not quite sure its Good.
I tried my B E S T !
So thats what counts right?

Arggg, I really want this one to turn out really good! So contructive critisism is welcome!