Status: Active (:

Pretty Words Make An Easy Deception


"Tegan, do you mind if Skylar takes you to school? I know its your first day in all, but I'm so tired from all this moving around." She peeked her head into my room, still in her pjs.

"Uh sure, I don't care..." she smiled, flashing her perfect white teeth.

"Thanks honey, maybe after school we can go get ice cream or something...If we can find an ice cream shop in this damn town. Have you been into town yet? It's like they never heard of modern; everything is Anyways, ice cream, after school?" I nodded not really paying attention to her anymore. My mind was so focused on that damn dream I had.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. The whole thing shook me to my core. I had a sex dream.

About my brother.

What is wrong with me? He is my brother. I'm his little sister!

Not by blood...

It doesn't matter. I've known him since I was practically in diapers. He's still my brother. No matter what.

I grabbed my bag before heading downstairs to an awaiting Skylar. As soon as I got downstairs I was hit with an aroma of biscuits and gravy.

Mmm, my favorite breakfast food. I smiled knowing Sky made this just for me. He knew how nervous I was to attend school. Maybe it's just being a teenager, maybe we all have this instinct to not like school.

"Hey Tee, guess what I made!" Skylar asked, excited. Like I didn't already know. I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"I can smell it...and by the smell of it, seems like your biscuits are burning..." his cute dimpled smile fell as he rushed over to the biscuits. Opening the oven, black smoke filled the kitchen, it's burnt smell tickling my nostrils. Well, there goes that option. No B&G for me.

"Damn, and I was really trying to make your first day special...I guess there is always tomorrow right?" He took off his apron, tossing it on the table.

"You best put that where it came from, you know if mom comes down and sees it not hung up she's going to have your balls on a silver platter..." I told him whilst grabbing an apple from the counter. Our mom was super anal about organization. I think it's honestly OCD, but she says she doesn't like laziness. Why do something later when it can be done now is her motto. Ridiculous, but true...although I think it was said a little differently.

After he put up the apron we made our way outside. We were almost to the truck before he stopped and looked at the treeline.

"Sky? Why'd you stop? What are you looking at?" he didn't seem to hear me because he was still staring at whatever caught his attention. I tried looking toward what he was looking at but just seen trees. Nothing out of the ordinary. He seemed to snap out of it because he looked at me and smiled.

"It was nothing, I thought I saw someone, or something. But it was nothing I guess...." with that we both got into the truck. He started the engine and we were off.

I'm your little starlet, scarlet
singing in the garden
kiss me on my open mouth

I sang along to the radio. I leaned back in my seat, staring out the window. I looked over at Sky. His hair blowing in the window. I made the worst mistake I could have made because without school on my mind I was instantly aware of my dream.

His lips pressed against mine, his hands roaming my body.. I quickly shook the thought from my mind. No. No more him and me. Instead I thought of other things, like school, friends, grades. I turned to look at the window again, trying to get any thoughts of Skylar and my dream out of my head. I was happy to finally reach school. I had to get away from Skylar. I can't be around him if I keep thinking about him the way I do.

Without looking at him, I thanked him for dropping me off, and reminded him that he needed to hurry and pick up Mitch and drop him off. He was going to be late if not. He just nodded knowing that something was up with me but not pushing the subject.

Thank God.

It was too early for my brain to work thoroughly. I couldn't come up with a good lie. With the earliness and my mind still thinking over the sex dream, I would surely fail. I was more freaked out about the sex dream then the maggot monster. I think the maggot monster was just a way of my mind making an image for what I've been feeling when I jog. Like I'm being watched.

I felt the hairs on my neck rise. I had the feeling I was being watched again. I looked around me. People we everywhere so maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Being out in the middle of nowhere can do that to a person I guess.

I looked at my new school. It looked like any other high school. Full of hormonal teenagers and teachers who wanted to be anywhere but here. I walked up the steps of my new school towards the administration office.
I opened the office door and was met with cold air and the smell of cleaning products.

"Hi, may I help you young lady?" An older woman dressed in a floral blouse asked me. She was sitting in a desk with a rather obnoxious looking computer.

"Uh yea, I'm new and I need my schedule." She smiled and began looking at her computer screen.

"Tegan Montgomery, correct?" I nodded. "Ah, yes. It's not everyday we get new students! Now you're in grade 11 right? Well let me get your schedule printed out for ya" I patiently wait as she prints it out from the dinosaur computer. "Are you finding everything okay? Do you need a map?" I smiled sheepishly, and told her I was fine. I mean, the buildings did have numbers on them.

Now where to now...

Math Analysis - Peterson - 1007
English 11 AP - Bravo - 614
Spanish 2 - Escobar - 812
Chemistry AP - Spots - 1202
5th LUNCH - Sandoval
Art Inter - Willis - 909

Locker #904A
Combination 05 - 19 - 31

Of course my first period would be math. God must surely hate me. At least it seemed as if my locker was in the middle of campus, meaning its close to all my classes.


Room 1007. This room was second farthest from my other classes. I stopped right before the door and took a couple of deep breathes. I could do this. Its the second quarter... I can do this!

I grabbed the handle and open the door and slowly walked inside. I was met with dozens of eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"And you are?" A voice asked. I looked away from the students to see the cutest teacher I have ever seen.

"I'm Tegan, I'm uh new..." I trailed off. I began rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Trying my best not to blush anymore that I already was.

"Well, obviously.." I heard someone snickered. This caused me to blush even more.

"Yes, well Tegan, we have a policy of no tardy-ness. Please take a seat in any of the empty seats..." With thus being said the teacher turned around and began writing notes on the board again. I took a seat in the back.

So far, this school blows.

♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 1290


I know.
It's boooring right now, but soon my pretties, soon C;