Lifeless Me.


Water surged into my lungs, choking my air off. My legs kicked upward toward the waters peak, my head broke the water and then another wave crashed alongside my body. My head snapped back under, shutting any supply of air off before I could even get any. I closed my blue eyes, knowing the battle was lost. My body lunged from side to side, going with the current; moving as one.

Twenty seconds later I opened my eyes and watched as he swam closer, coming to rescue me. Charles, he swam closer and closer, grabbing me from around the waist and pulling me towards the waters break. I watched as he kicked hard and powerful while my body lay there, blue and not breathing. Water poured from my dirt encrusted hair as he slopped me onto shore.

He scrambled to my side and started to count, “One. Two. Three!” He started pushing against my chest before plugging my nose and blowing into my mouth, “Damn it, Ashli, come on!” Others gathered around, watching as he tried to save my life. My best friend was curled on the ground, sobbing. And I was watching from afar as he tried again and again to revive my lifeless body. He came up, checked for my pulse and gave a strangled cry, “Someone call 911!” He pounded my chest three more times, and blew into my mouth again. Nothing.

I watched the mother pull out a phone. She placed the call calmly, tears silently running down her sorrowed face, “There’s a girl. She isn’t breathing. The boy, he’s trying to get her to breathe. Yes, he’s giving her CPR. Thank you.”

Mandy crawled from her spot to me, tears poured from her and sobs pushed their way from her mouth, “Ashli! Please breathe, God please breathe!” She pounded the wet sand beside my body. I walked to her side and gently placed my hand upon her shoulder. I watched as Charles pounded against my chest more and more, his eyes pleading with me to wake up from my endless sleep.

“Make way!” They called; the paramedics were here. The first one came up and nudged Charles from my body, “You’ve done enough son, thank you.” He said quietly.

More came up and encircled me. They placed me upon a stretcher and rushed me from the sand. Charles ran after them and watched as they lifted me up. The woman was already charging the electric shockers when they put me into the back. “One. Two. Three! Charge!” They pounced on my chest, shocking me once then three times more before marking my death. The older one looked at my dead body, “Call it.”

“Three fifteen, sir.” She whispered, and covered my form with a cotton white sheet.

“Ashli, no. Please, God, no.” He screamed, his fists found his eyes and ground into them. “She can’t be dead. Please, she isn’t dead.” Paramedics held him back from my sheet clad body. “Tell me she’s not dead! Tell me, please.” He whispered the last part.

“I’m-I’m sorry.”
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I'm listening to Nick Lachey. And writing this is helping with making me feel better.