***in' Perfect

I miss you.

Lexi POV-

Zack practically ran off stage that night after the show. I was terrified of his reaction, and he was coming straight for me. He picked me up and spun me around once before setting me back on my feet and kissing my lips. "That's why you left, isn't it?" he asked before kissing me again. "I was scared," I replied, tears forming in my eyes. "Lex...you didn't have to be afraid...or scared or whatever. Do you have any idea how happy this makes me?" he asked. "I thought you'd be upset...since Alli just had Belle and all," I told him. Zack shook his head and kissed me once more. "Baby, no. I love you...I love you, and I love our baby."

Alli POV-

I switched Belle into my left arm and waved at Lexi as she walked down the airport terminal toward me. She smiled happily and started walking faster toward me. She took Belle from me and kissed her forehead before hugging me, one armed. "You've got a belly! You're two months...how do you already have a belly?" I asked her, pulling one of her suitcases behind me. "Shut up, Alli. I know I'm fat. Don't remind me," she answered. "You're not fat, just...wow. What if you're having twins?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me, wide-eyed. "Don't play like that!"

"What?! It's a possiblity, Lex. You know it is, with our family history," I said. She shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't have twins, Alli," she told me. "Why not, Lex?" I replied, linking my arm with hers and walking forward again. "Zack would flip his shit...and seeing what you went through having her, I'm scared. Things are risky with twins, and I just...I'm scared, plain and simple," she told me.

Zack POV-

I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes and stepped off the plane into the sand. Iraq was exactly the way I always imagined it would be, like a big sand box. Soldiers were all around, guns strapped to their backs. This was what they did, this was their job. Suddenly, I felt a new appreciation for my life, my friends, my job, and my family. I missed Alli and Belle more than I had the whole tour at that very moment, too. I knew that I was lucky, though. I knew that some of those guys may not ever see their kids. I knew that some of them probably hadn't seen their kids ever. I was excited to be there, though. Nervous, but excited. "Watch out, dude," Johnny said from behind me. I nodded and stepped out of the way, looking around me as we waited for the USO director to come take us to where we would be staying. Apparently it was a top-secret deal, really high security and all. I looked down at my Blackberry. No service. I sighed and shoved it back into my pocket. I wanted to talk to the girls. I wanted to talk to Belle, even though she couldn't talk back. She mainly baby-babbled and laughed back at me, but I loved it. I slung my Macbook bag over my shoulder and got into the van with the rest of the guys. We were given a lot of safety precautions and rules to follow. The show wasn't until the next day, so we were going to be able to rest for a bit before meeting with some of the troops later that evening. I looked down at my watch. It was still set on California time. It wasn't too late at home, so maybe the girls would still be up when I got settled in. I hoped they would be anyway.

Lexi POV-

I was sitting on the couch feeding Belle while Alli started some laundry when the Skype notification popped up. I clicked accept and turned on the lamp next to me so Zack could see us better. "Hey baby," I said. "Hey," he replied. He sounded and looked so tired and sad. "Look who I've got," I told him, setting Belle's bottle on the table and holding her up so he could see. She started fussing. She didn't like me taking her food away, I guess. "Hey, Belle. Daddy misses you," he said. She stopped fussing almost immediately. She knew the sound of her dad's voice. "Look, Belle. There's Daddy!" I told my niece, pointing to the screen. "I miss you, Princess. Daddy will be home soon," he told her. Alli sat down next to me and took Belle, wiping her mouth, laying her up on her shoulder to burp her. "Alli's here," I told Zack, turning the laptop so he could see her, too. "Hey baby girl," he said. Alli smiled and waved. "I miss you so much," she said. "I miss you, too. Just a few more days, though," he replied. "I know. A few too many," she told him. He nodded and said something, but we couldn't understand it. The audio was garbled and the video became choppy. A few seconds later, he was completely disconnected.
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Comments or it'll be even longer before I update!!