***in' Perfect

Not Now

Lexi POV-

I hadn't felt this nauseated the entire time I was pregnant. "You okay?" Zack asked, rubbing my back. "No. I feel like shit," I replied. "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Zack was good to me. He always wanted to know how he could make things better when they were going wrong. Maybe it was just the flight, I told myself. Yeah, that had to be it. That had to be why I was so nauseated...and why my stomach was cramping like a fucking bitch. I shook my head no and unbuckled my seatbelt, headed for the bathroom. My head was dizzy and I stumbled into the room, shutting the door behind me. I took a few deep breaths and looked up at myself in the mirror. I was paler than usual. Something was wrong. "Lex?" Zack's voice came from outside the door. I was too afraid to reply, too afraid that if I opened my mouth I'd puke everywhere. "Just a minute," I choked out. A sharp pain shot across my lower abdomen. This was definitely not good. "Come on. Not now. Don't ruin Daddy's birthday," I said to my stomach. I splashed my face with cool water and stood there for a few minutes. The pain didn't come back and I wasn't quite as queasy anymore. I opened the door to find Zack still standing there. "You okay? You ran off kinda fast," he said. "Fine. Let's go sit back down," I said, taking him by the hand.

Zack and I made our way back to our seats, next to Alli and Brian. "You okay?" Alli asked, leaning over Brian. "Yeah. Fine. Just got a little nauseated is all," I replied. "Happens...sucks, doesn't it?" she asked. "Yeah. A lot," I answered. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. The cramps were gone, but the nausea was still nagging me. I just wanted to feel better. I didn't want to ruin Zack's birthday by being sick. That wouldn't be fair. He deserved a good birthday after the hell he'd been through in the past year. He'd lost his best friend, gained two girlfriends, lost one of them, gained a kid, and had two more on the way. Things were starting to look up, though, and I didn't want to ruin that for him. I was going to be okay.

As the day progressed, I only felt worse. Instead of going out with Alli and the guys, I laid in bed in the hotel all day with a cool rag over my face and a trash can beside the bed in case I spewed. The cramps in my stomach were becoming unbearable. I slowly got to my feet and shuffled to the bathroom, hoping a cool bath would help. I stripped down and tossed my clothes into a corner, turned on the water, and climbed into the tub. As the water rose, I noticed that there was a pink tint to it. "No," I mumbled. This couldn't be happening. Not now, of all times. My stomach had been cramping an awful lot, though. I turned off the water and got out of the tub, wrapping myself in one of the robes on the back of the door. I picked up my phone and called Dan. I didn't want to startle Zack, but I needed someone I could trust. Voicemail picked up on Dan's phone. "Damn it!" I said, hanging up. I dialed Alli's number. "Hello?" she answered. "Al?" I said. "Yeah? What's up? You sound upset. Are you okay?" she asked. "I think I'm having a miscarraige."