Re-Occuring Thoughts

After Thoughts

I still stood there, completely shocked.
She looked up at me. “Do you and Victor have a thing going on or something?” she asked kinda annoyed. “Because if you do, then you shouldn’t have been kissing Michael!”
“No we don’t have anything going on! He told me he hated me!” I told her.
She shot up from the couch. “No he did not!” she said in disbelief.
“He did! When y’all were looking at the Star Wars stuff! He said I didn’t do anything wrong, he just hated me!”
“Wtf!” Kaitlyn said. “Who would say that!”
I just shook my head.
“Wait,” she said. “If he hates you, then why did he get all jealous and attack Michael!?”
I was wondering the same thing. That obviously was an act of jealousy. He couldn’t stand that Michael was flirting with me, and he lost it when he kissed me. But why was he jealous?! This made no sense!
I was going to figure this out.
“Well, this “eventful” night has worn me out. I’m going to bed.” Kaitlyn said.
We said our goodnights and I sat on the couch, thinking of what just happened. I couldn’t figure this out by myself.
I looked at the door.
I was getting to the bottom of this. Tonight.
I put a jacket on and went out the door, heading for my next door neighbor’s house.