Re-Occuring Thoughts

I Love You?

Luckily, when I got back to the beach, everyone was just starting to pack up. They all came running to the car laughing and playing around.
No one noticed that I was antsy to get back in the car, fly home, and go to bed. Forever.
No one sat up front with me. They were all in the back horse-playing. Having too much fun to notice me.
I was getting the keys out of my bag when the passenger door opened and closed signaling that someone just got in the car.
I closed my eyes and prayed that it was ANYONE but that once person.
I looked up slowly.
God must have been out to lunch or something, because the person that I was looking at was no other than Vic.
He stared at me with big sad puppy dog eyes. I just wanted to hug him and never let him go. Then I remembered that I was mad at him and shoved the keys in the ignition and angrily pulled out of the beach parking lot.
I felt him staring at me the whole time, but I refused to look at him. I just kept my concentration on the road in front of me.
After a couple minutes of driving he finally said, “Come on Sarah, you can’t ignore me.”
Sure I could.
“I’m sorry! I was scared”
“Please talk to me!”
It sounded like he was almost in tears, but I didn’t dare look over.
“I love you” he said with audible tears.
I almost slammed on the brakes.
I looked over to him and saw tears running down his face. Everyone in the back must have known something was up and was all of a sudden extremely quiet.
“What???” I said, barely able to speak.
He reached for my hand that wasn’t on the wheel. I was too shocked to pull away.
“I love you” he said again.
Everyone let out an “AWHHH” from the backseat. Everyone but Michael, who had about the same look on his face that I did.
“I…I… don’t know what to say.” I said.
“You don’t have to say anything, we will talk about this later” he said as I pulled into the driveway.
Everyone got out of the car and went into the house, but I just sat there and put my head on the steering wheel.