Status: Coming along slowly.

Living In The Moonlight

Kale's Past and Getting Closer

The people in the pavilion did not settle down for another fifteen minutes after Detrix was dragged away. I could tell the whispering was truly bothering Kale, and I really wanted it all to just stop. Kale finished eating his delicious looking salmon quickly and retreated back to his tent.

However, I was forced to stay at the pavilion and watch the others eat their salmons and listen to the faint words I could pick up. I heard "Amalia" and "Kale's love" through out the rest of the dinner. I want so badly to ask someone what happened between this Amalia women, Detrix and Kale, but I was to afraid to ask.

When people started to leave, Devlin appeared with a devilish grin on his face. I was afraid of more cleaning.

"Dearest Clara. Kale summons you." He said with a giggle before all but dancing off, expecting me to follow. I quickly stood up and ran after Devlin, catching up rather fast.

"What does Kale want with me?" I asked extremely confused. Obviously I would expect him to want someone he trusts around, not some prisoner slash maid slash whatever the hell I was. Devlin only shrugged his shoulders before picking up his pace.

We arrive at Kale's tent and I walked straight in. Kale stood, his shirt raised above his head. And let me tell you, it was not a bad sight to see. His abs were sexy and muscular. His arms while flexed were drool worthy. At this sight, I wouldn't mind being a whore once more.

I instantly grew angry at myself at the thought I just had. Wanting to be a whore? God I was truly messed up. I turned around quickly before Kale noticed me staring at him.

"Oh, Clara." was all Kale said. I heard more movement but refused to turn around until Kale gave the go ahead.

"Okay, I am decent." he mumbled.

I turned back towards him and saw he was wearing a loose white t-shirt, and some well fit dark blue jeans. I couldn't help but to notice just how attractive Kale really was, and letting myself know I thought that frustrated me.

"I asked for you because I figured I should inform you of Detrix and uh-." It seemed he couldn't say Amalia's name but the look on his face showed he truly was hurt by her.

"You don't have to tell me, Kale. It is none of my business. I am merely a prisoner here waiting to remember why I am here and then hopefully return to my home outside of this forest." I knew my words of leaving here were not going to be possible. I knew to much. Honestly, I wasn't in a hurry to go home anyways. With just the memories I had now, I knew I would never want to return there again.

"It would be better for you to know so you are not confused when later things happen." Kale spoke, ignoring the thought of me possibly returning home. I just nodded my head for him to continue.

"It happened when I was eighteen, four years ago. My father had planned an arrange marriage before he had passed away. Since my mother had died giving birth to me, I was stuck in the arranged marriage. The girl he had chosen to be my wife was none of then Amalia. When had been okay friend while growing up, but that was it. Or at least that had been what I thought when I first found out about the marriage when I was thirteen. I had started spending time with her, and by my sixteenth birthday I had fallen in love with her. I had thought she loved me too, but I was wrong. The night before my eighteen birthday, and the day we were suppose to start arranging our wedding, she left me. I had found out that she had been sneaking around with Detrix and had fallen in love with him. The entire thing had broken my heart. The love of my life running away with some mere fool, I hated it. " I could here his pain with every word he spoke. He truly still wasn't over losing his love to another. I wanted to walk over and wrap my arms around him, but I knew I shouldn't and couldn't.

"I- I'm so sorry." Was all I could even come close3 to offering. I didn't know how to react to this or what to say. I could tell he was truly hurt by the entire experience and really who wouldn't be?

"It's the past." was all Kale mumbled, but the sound of his voice made me so sad. Pushing all thoughts of common sense, I moved towards Kale and wrapped my arms around his stomach. I laid my head on his back and just stood there. At first, Kale was tense under my touch but did not shove me away. We stood like that, me against his back with my arms around him, for a while. We stood in silence, but it was not awkward at all.

"Thank you" I heard him say softly after him relaxed into my arms. I didn't say anything back. We stayed like that a little more before Devlin came bursting into the tent.

"KALE! She's here!" was all he seemed to be able to get out before trying to regain his breath. Kale quickly tore himself from my arms and moved a foot away from me. He turned to Devlin, who still stood gasping for breath.

"She? As in Amalia?" He asked, pain and annoyance in his voice.

"Yes, sir." Devlin answered between gasps.

Kale nodded his head before exiting the tent trying to look calm, but completely failing. I turned to Devlin and just stared at him as he leaned over still trying to regain himself.

"What's going to happen?" I asked. Devlin looked up and me and shrugged. I nodded my head before walking out of the tent. I didn't know what to do next, so I just wandered through the tents thinking over every Kale told me minutes before.

Amalia, the women who hurt Kale, is back. The women who through aside the opportunity of being in married to the leader of the pack here, the chance of being great. She threw away the chance of having a family with someone who loves her.

~*~ Flashback ~*~

"Mommy!" a seven year old version of myself screeched at as I saw my mother, a beautiful women, come wasting into the room. She turned to me with adorning her face, brightening up the room that much more. Her gorgeous braided black hair feel past her butt, and swished as she walked towards me. Her green eyes sparkled with love in them. She had a slim figure, an hour glass shape to her, and the palest skin I had ever seen.

I threw my hands up and jumped around hoping she would pick me up and just hold me. I wanted to feel the love from her. She scooped me up into her arms and twirled in a circle. I giggled with joy as me danced across the room, swaying to and fro.

I stopped giggling when I saw Daddy over my mothers shoulder. He held a smile that I knew all to well at that age, and I moved myself closer in my mothers arms hoping they would protect me from him. Even at that age, I knew he was a danger.

~~Skip Memory~~

"MOMMY!" I screamed in terror. I knew that I couldn't save her, but I had to try. One of my fathers men had a death grip on my body. I struggled in his arms, clawing and biting him whenever I got the chance. I had to get free. I had to save her.

In front of me, my father had his callused, rough hands wrapped around my mothers neck. The same hands that had been touching me since I was only five. Those hands that slowly cut the off the air from my mothers windpipes.

I screamed and cried as I watch my father murder my mother. I felt helpless. The last look I had of my mother was her staring over my father's shoulder at me with the same love she has always had for me. The true love that you were suppose to receive from a parent.

I watched as the sparkle in my mother's eyes slowly went away when I was only nine years old.


I wanted to cry. This memory I could of lived without. My father, my own flesh and blood, killed my mother. The suppose women he loves, the women he married. The women he had me with. I wanted to scream and shout and curl up into a ball and just cry. Emotions where going wild in my head as I replayed the memories over and over inside of my head.

I hadn't realized I had stopped walking until I felt someone bump into me. I fell forward a little before catching my balance. I turned to see that Argus sprawled out on the ground. I looked down at him confused.

"How did that even happen?" I asked him as I held my hand out for him. He clasped my hand and I slowly helped him get back up.

"I wasn't watching where I was going while looking for you." He mumbled.

"But why did you end up on the ground?" I asked.

" I have no idea." I he said rubbing the back of his neck. I couldn't help but to laugh at him, forgetting what I had just been thinking about. For such a huge guy, he was a goof when he wasn't trying to be all serious-I-am-going-to-kill-you like.

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked after finally controlling my laughing. The laughing helped ease some of the other emotions I had growing inside my head.

"You're a prisoner. You have to be watched." he stated like it was nothing. The comment wiped the smile right off my face. Just a prisoner. I sighed an nodded my head, before letting Argus take my upper arm in his hand and dragging me off to my tent for the night.

I sat on my horrid cot and just stared at the wall thinking of how beautiful my mother had been.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it has taken so long for me to update. This has been the first time since who knows that I have actually been able to sit down and just work on my story. I have been so super busy with school and getting ready for my SAT and prep for my senior year AND I have to practice for a french competition I am taking part in. Plus I am packing for my spring break that is in only 3 weeks. I am so flipping stressed its not even funny. But please do tell me what you think. I am sorry it is not as long as the others, but really its the best I have been able to do lately. I am sooo sorry :(