Make A Name For Yourself



Hi, my names Scarlett.

You may have seen me before, I work as an optician in a mall.

One day I just wish I could leave this job. Go and travel the world, make new friends explore places I've never been before. Live the life.

But back to the life I'm living right now.

"Snap out of it Scarlett, you have a job your meant to be doing" The round plump lady shouted at me.

I awoke out of my day dream. The round plump lady is also known as my boss, Matilda.

"Stop daydreaming we have customers" I'm surprised she hadn't fired me by now. I was always in my own world wondering what it would be like to live the life out of the scummy town that I did live in.

"How can I help you?" I asked the boy who was standing in front of me.

"I need my eyes checked up" He said smiling. His face was cute and his brown eyes were behind some simple glasses. His black hair brushed neatly into a fringe. Overall, he was rather good looking.

"Okay, follow me" I said walking over to one of our eye booths. He sat down in one of the chairs.

"So what's your name?" I asked at I looked in a drawer for the utensils I would need to use.


"What a nice name"

"I hate it"

"Well I like it"

"Well I hate it"

I paused and gave him a confused look. The kid was different to all my other customers. He made conversation.

"I know your only doing your job, but its not a nice name"

I nodded and let out a small laugh.

"If you wouldnt mind me asking a few details before we check your eyes, its procedure"

"Sure" he replied

"Full name?" I asked

"Brendon Boyd Urie" He paused "Dont laugh"

"Hell why would I when mines Scarlett Shane Samson" He laughed softly back

He has a cute laugh. "Date of birth?"

"April 12th 1987" I wrote down his details

"Oh" He looked older than I thought he was.


"You look younger"

"I'll take that as a compliment. How about you?"

"I'm 19 in a few days"

"oh well Happy Birthday for then"

I smiled, "thanks. Address?"

He went on to tell me his contact details.

"Okay now to check your eyes"

He placed his current glasses on the table.

"Can you see how many fingers are I holding up?" I asked holding up 3.


"Well done, How about this plaque?" I said pointing to a white tablet with different sized letters on it.

"I, C, B, Y, H, K, O, S"

"Well done, got it all right, you can put your glasses back on"

"So how was I?"

"Fantastic, your eyes seem good but we should stick with you still wearing your current glasses for now until further notice"

"So I guess thats it?" He asked

"Um. Yep."

"I'll be seeing you then" He said standing up from his seat.

I stood up as well.

"Yeah, bye" Something inside me really didnt want him to go and the way he was acting seemed like it to.

"So my eyes are fine then?"

"Yes" I replied. We both seemed stuck for words.

"Is everything okay here" Matilda came over asking.

"Yes just fine, we just finished" I said irritated that she had come over to check up on me doing my job.

"Well I'll be going then" Brendon said as he turned away from the booth and walked out

"Bye" I shouted out after him.

I looked at Matilda who was staring at me. "I hope you weren't hitting on him"

I scrunched my nose up at her and walked off to serve another customer.

All of the other customers were boring and dull and seemed to have difficulty being easy customers like Brendon. Out of all of them he stood out the most today.

His cute face stayed in my mind for the whole day trying to hold on to the capture knowing it would never see him again.