Make A Name For Yourself



"Grease oh grease lightening" he sang along with to the film.

Since meeting Brendon, we'd become best friends.
He'd always take me places with him.
Show me new sites I'd never seen in Las Vegas before.
I'd return him the favour by doing the same back.
We'd only really known each other for three weeks, but those three weeks have been full of adventures.
And I don't regret a single one of them.
Maybe the zoo though.
But that’s a story for another day!

"Brendon your giving me a headache" I shouted back wincing

"Okay I'll be quiet then" he said whispering

"You'd better not sing that badly when your performing at your concerts in front of thousands of people!"

He let out his small laugh "Aahaha whatever. And anyway I doubt were perform in front of that many people. We might not even make a hundred you know"

I just shook my head.

It was a few days after there small show to Pete and the label had already got back to them.
Thanks to the reccommdation of Pete they had signed them up.

"Scarlett, you've been a quiet since yesterday" he paused "you okay?"

"Yeah" I stopped, wondering if I should be honest or not. "I'm a bit worried to tell you truth."

I decided to be honest.


"Brends, what if you guys get really big and forget about me? I'll have no one left"

"Aww baby, we or I could never forget about you like that"

I let out a small smile.

"Come here" He said opening his arms

I moved over to him and engaged in a small hug.

"You hear that. I could never forget about you. I love you"
We both froze.

I pulled away from him, hearing that small part at the end of his sentence.

His face turned red and words spilling out his mouth.

"I…..I……. I mean"

I placed my index finger over his lips.

"I love you too" I replied all shy and feeling my cheeks turn red.

I smiled at him and I took away my finger from him to reveal a smile on his face too.

"You do?" he asked

I nodded meekly.

He placed his hands on the side of my face and slowly pulled my face to his.

His lips touched mine.
They started to move slowly over mine as mine did to his.
It only just struck me as his lips were against mine, that I'd been wanting this to happen since I first met him.

After a few minutes we pulled away.

"Scarlett. Be mine?"

"I'd love too, but why Brendon. Why me?"

"Your fucking stunning and the time I've been with you has just been full of smiles. I don’t know Scar's I just fell in love with you the moment my bad eyes laid on you"

"Well your bad eyes are now good eyes. If it weren't for your eyesight, you wouldn't know me!"

"Maybe through Brent though"

"I suppose"

"You really don't mind being my girlfriend?" he asked with a surprised face

"Nope. I'd only recently started to get stronger feelings for you, but I'd try to ignore them. I've fallen for your charms Mr Urie" I said smiling nervously and playing with my hair.

His beautiful eyes just stared at me.

"Lay with me and watch the 'Nightmare Before Christmas'" he said in a childish tone patting the spot next to him.

"I'd love to" I replied moving over to the spot he had just signalled for me sit in.

I couldn’t help but smile.

The rest of the day we sat watching musical films singing along and being in each others company.