Make A Name For Yourself



"Scarls wake up" a voice cooed into my ears stirring me from my sleep

I fluttered my eyelids open to meet Brendon's behind his new glasses he likes to wear occasionally.

"I thought you were playing with the band?" I yawned

"Yeah, we finished." He smiled still keeping his face close to my tired one.

"What time is it?" I asked him looking around the room seeing no clock

He looked at his watch "Eight fifty"

"Wheres Brent"

"He's shattered, gone to bed" he told me pointing to the ceiling talking about Brent in his room probably snoring.

"Oh. So what are you doing here? Brent does know your down here with me on my own. Yes?"

"Yup. He said I should come and get you to take you home"

"I can get home on my own" remembering I was annoyed with him

"Your not still pissed with me are you?"

"A teeny tiny bit"

He nodded his head

"Take me home. I'm still tired" I yawned again while telling my boyfriend.

"Come on then sleepy."

I followed him out of the house and onto the pavement. My house was only a short distance from Brent's and easy to walk. A minute into the walk and we hadn't said a single word.

"Brendon. I'm still scared"

"Why what's wrong? "

"What happened today. You saying you'd do something but turning me down for the band. That’s gonna happen nearly everyday soon, when the band gets big. I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship where I'm getting ignored"

"I couldn’t practice well today. The others were getting annoyed with me, my singing was off I couldn't play the keyboard right. All because you were on my mind"
I just nodded my head not feeling right to say anything. "I cant ignore you or leave you behind, it'll make me not be able to perform properly. So I'm gonna treat you right I mean not forget about you. Then I'll have nothing to take my mind off me concentrating."

"I know the band is always gonna be your life. I've accepted that"

"Don’t say that"

"We both know its true" I replied walking on an uneven stone on the pavement.

"For now it is. But when I get older, I'm going to want to settle down. Have a family, and when that happens to me they will always be my first priority"

I felt his hand grab mine as I looked into his eyes.

"Do you think we'll have a family"

I looked at his reaction.

"Brrrrrrrendon" I whined looking at his cheey smile


"Well what do you think?"

"I guess only time will tell. But I know I'd love to have one with you"

"I know why"

"Why?" he asked

"You just like the part of making babies"

I looked at his corky smile as he winked at me.

"Oh gosh" I whimpered while laughing at his facial expression.


"Yes Brendy?"

"Are you a virgin?" he asked quietly

I shook my head "no"

"You?" I asked back

"Nope" he paused "So how…."

I stopped him finishing his sentence "It was on prom night, ahah oh god. We thought we were so in love. It was just a crush I think I had on him. You?"

"It was at some house party"

"Oh" I nodded my head laughing a bit.

"Mom still thinks I'm a virgin, she'll abandon me if she ever finds out. She wants me to have it once I'm married"

I cringed at his tale.

"My parents knew I lost mine ages ago. They walked in on us. The shame" I felt my cheeks blushing.

We stopped talking as we arrived outside my house.

"Brendon come in and stay"

"I suppose I can, my parents think I'm at Ryan's"

I led him up to my room.

"Still tired?" I nodded my head slowly for his questions answer

"Sleep with me?"

"Any day" he replied happily

"You know what I mean"

"yeeeeeeeeah I know" I got out my clothes and put on my pyjamas.

He watched me as he got changed. We haven't done it yet, so this was a first for him to see what I have under my clothes.

"Your beautiful"

I smiled at my boyfriend as he stripped to his pants.

"Sing me a lullaby" I asked as I got under the covers like he had.

His voice started to sing gently as his arms wrapped around me making me feel protected from the night. I happily fell asleep in my lovers arms.

Today may have started off on a bad note, but it sure ended on a good one.