Make A Name For Yourself




"So I'll see you then"

"okay, bye"

"Oh and Scarl"


"Love you."

I paused as a smile flung itself on my face. "I love you too Brendon" I replied as we both ung up.

Brendon would be coming to my house after they had finished their work on their album today. They were doing the photo shoot for it right now and also seeing the design for the album artwork. Right now I was in Brandon's flat, his parents had thrown him out of their house as they were disappointed in him not taking up a proper career as in their views being in a band wasn’t what thy had hoped their son to grow up and be.

Right now I was putting some food I had just brought for him in his fridge.

"What the hell" I exclaimed as I looked at a can of tuna a year old. The door started to open. "Brendon, your early" my head still in the fridge looking through all the items.


"Oh um Hi" I had no idea who just walked in, I wasn’t scared though as it was a lady. Still never the less she could do something I wasn't expecting.

"And who the hell are you?" she replied

"Excuse me, I think I should be asking you that. You've just come in my boyfriends flat" I replied back in a harsh but gentle tone

"Well I'm Brendon's mother"

I let out and oh. "He didn’t tell me you were coming around"

"No he didn’t know I was and he didn’t tell me had a girlfriend"

"I thought he would have let you known about that" I was unsure of what to say as I didn’t want to get Brendon in trouble.

"Looks like my son hasn’t been saying a lot of things" she paused as she sat down on his small sofa "I'm Georgina Urie"

"Scarlett" I closed the fridge.

"So how long have you two been going out?" She quizzed

"Nearly four months" I answered her.

She nodded her head. Disappointment showing in her eyes of her son not telling her what's been going on in his life.

"I had no idea he hadn't told you about me. I'm sorry it worked out this way" She nodded her head.

"I just came to give him some clothes he left at home." She placed the bundle of clothes where she had just sat and stood up. "I'll be going then. Nice to meet you Scarlett, maybe you and Brendon could come to his fathers and I's place for dinner? Tell him to phone me please" she smiled.

I nodded "Thank you" I watched as she left the flat.

I too was disappointed in Brendon too. I would have expected him to tell his parents about us, that was an odd situation I was in. I shook my head mentally noting to myself to have a go at him when he comes home. I continued cleaning out the fridge and putting in the goods I had.

As time I passed of me cleaning the small grubby flat the door opened for the second time that day. "please be Brendon" I muttered to myself hoping it wouldn’t be another stranger I'd have to explain myself to.

"Honey?" I heard a voice called.

My heart stopped beating fat, "In here" I called as I washed my hands under his kitchen taps feeling the luke warm water run all over my hands.

"Hey" he walked behind me placing his hands on my hips and kissing my neck.

I turned around and wiped my hands on his plain grey shirt he had on.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to change now"

"okay, there are some clothes on your sofa". He walked away.

"Scarl, I haven't seen these before where they from?"

I walked into the same room as him. "Your mom dropped them off" His face froze as he looked up to me. He made an oh expression just like I had too earlier.

"Why didn’t you tell her about us?" I paused, thinking of all the thoughts that crossed my mind earlier. "Am I not good enough for you to tell your parents about me to?"

He shook his head. "No nothing like that. I was just worried what with her being disappointed in me and the band that she think I'd turn into a big rock star like having groupies and that."

I saw where he was coming from. "Still, you could have told her your not like that. Surely she knows your not"

"I know I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

I nodded my head still feeling a bit angry and upset with him. "She said you should phone her."

He nodded his head. "I'll do it now" he pulled out his cell phone and dialled a number. "Shhh" he whispered to me as he held the cell to his ear then pulled it away.

"Mom" He had put it on loudspeaker.


"Yeah its me." He paused, "Scarlett told me you asked me to phone you"

"Yes I did. Brendon, I'm so disappointed with you, I'm your mother it would be nice to know what's going on in your life"

"Mom, I told you what was going on with my life when I told you about the band. You threw me out my home, your meant to support me in life" he shouted in the phone as he sat down on the pull out sofa.

"Brendon don’t raise your voice to me" he just shook his head. "So when were you going to tell me about your girlfriend?"

"I don’t know, whenever I felt it was right"

"out of all my kids you've always been the hardest to handle"

"Mom, I'm just living my life my way and I'm telling you now, I have a beautiful girlfriend who I wouldn’t change for the world"

"Oh Brendon" his mother replied softly

"Sorry mom, I should have told you sooner." Brendon's face showed shame on it as he talked into his cell.

"Just don’t do anything I taught you about when you were young, or your disappoint your religion and you know what I mean" I remembered the conversation me and Brendon had about losing our virginity and how his parents would be disappointed in him if he lost it before getting married.

"Mom, I told you and promised you I'd wait till I'm married" His eyes looked to mine showing he didn’t like lying to his mother.

"Good boy." She let out a small cough. "Your have to bring your girl to Sunday dinner this Sunday"

"Yeah I'll ask her, I'll phone you tomorrow mom and tell you if we can make it"

"Talk then, your fathers wanting me to make his dinner for him. Brendon you do upset me sometimes, but I love you and whatever you do I'll be proud of you"

"Thanks mom, I love you"

"Love too hunnie bye" And with that the phone conversation came to an end. He placed his cell on a small table in the corner of his flat.

I looked at his eyes as he rubbed them with his hands. "I did the right thing you think?"

I just nodded my head not knowing if he had. "Hungry?"

"Starving, haven't ate all day apart from brekkie"

"I'll make some pasta and salad with what I got earlier" I made my way to the fridge to go and prepare dinner. I washed my hands under the taps as all good chefs know to wash their hands before handling food. I felt two hands place them self on my hips. I turned around and dried my hands on Brendons shirt, his hands still attached to me.

"Hey not again" he replied looking at the water stain I left on his shirt.

I smirked as I shrugged my soldiers and leant towards his lips pouting mine.

"I'm not going to forgive you for doing this to my shirt that easily" I fluttered my eyelashes looking into his warm hazel eyes. "Fine, maybe I will" he continued as he pressed his lips onto mine. The kiss was deep and lasted for a good few minutes.

I backed away "I'm not hungry anymore"

"Me neither" he made his way back to the small lounge room pulling out the sofa to make it into a bed. "You staying here?" I walked into the same room.

"Yeah, I'll go home tomorrow morning" he nodded as he laid down on the bed. "Brendon its early"

"I know but I worked hard today. So what did you do while I was gone?"

I was still standing up looking out the small framed window on the left side of his flat. The view was nothing special just another building opposite and a small park in front of it. "Went shopping"

"Mhmm, what did you get" he asked as he ruffed his hair back and forwards.

"Some food for your place, some pens and underwear" I closed the windows curtains as the sky was getting blacker and there was no point in having them open anymore.

I laughed as his eyes widened and his attention was fully on me.

"Ooh, is that what I can see" I looked down and saw my new pants slightly showing as my trousers had lowered themselves onto my hips more.

"Yep" I slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on the side looking at the peeling walls. "You know, you should come stay in my house, my parents are never there and its lonely being all on my own there"

He didn’t reply, he was more fixed on my underwear. I felt his breath on the back of my neck making me get goose bumps slightly. His lips gently kissed my neck turning into a small bite as his hands stayed on my hips like earlier in the tiny kitchen.

I moaned, "Brendon" he didn’t stop. I turned around on the bed and faced him connecting our lips together. His hands running up the back of my flimsy top as one of mine played with his hair. I pushed him back wrapping my legs around the middle of him. His hands quickly took my top off leaving me in my new bra.

"You look beautiful in it" Brendon said breaking away from our kiss.

"Brendon, your mom"

"She wont find out" his lips pressing hard against mine again.


I laid next to my lover in his arms feeling protected. "Brendon?" I whispered wondering if he was still awake. His head slightly moved letting his eyes allow to look straight in mine.

"Yes gorgeous?" he questioned.

"I love you" I whispered to him closing my eyes.

"I love you" he whispered back, kissing my head.