Make A Name For Yourself



"Honestly Scar why is he taking such a long time these days?" Brendon moaned to me sitting in a seat next to Ryan and Spencer waiting to get photographed.

"I don't know, just because I'm his cousin doesn't mean I know where he is and what he's doing"

"He needs to stop delaying us Scars, he's letting us down and getting us in trouble for his mistakes"

"He's just not used to having all this fame" I paused getting annoyed with them talking about my cousin like that right in front of me. "I'll go and find him, okay?"

"Thanks Scar" Brendon sighed from his seat.

I muttered to myself as I walked off trying to find my cousin.

After ten minutes of looking I came across him by some toilets listening to his I-pod.

"Brent" I shouted with no reply. Probably due to him with his ipod up full volume. I sighed as I took out a headphone from his ear. "Where have you been? You've got a photo shoot!"

"Oh" His face showing no expression. "I forgot"

"Well come on, you gotta go" I told him as he followed me. "Brent you can't keep on doing this, your letting your team down.

"Yeah, I know"

"So why do it?" I asked

"Why so many questions? Give me a break"

I sighed having no energy from touring around with the band to fight back. "Whatever"

As I saw the band still sitting on their seat where I had left them I could make out Spencer saying: "Finally"

As Brent and I stood before them Brent's eyes were locked on his feet as if he were ashamed to look at his band mates.

"You can't keep doing this B" Spencer sighed as he stood up walking over to the photographer who looked impatient to probably tell him they were ready.

"Come on guys lets get ready to pose" Brendon said before walking off to the area where they would be getting photos taken of them. I watched as Brent and Ryan followed him.

I looked at the scene before me. My best friends and cousin smiling in front of a camera acting like everything was all right. If only it were.

I sighed making my way to the tour bus.


"Honey, I'm home"

I smiled hearing Brendon. "How was the shoot?" I called from the lounge area on the bus.

"Yeah we got some good shots" I smiled at him as entered the lounge with Ryan following him.

"Wheres the others?" I asked referring to Brent and Spence.

"Spence is just catching up with a friend he meet back from school and Brent disappeared after the shoot"

I sighed to myself. Brent's attitude is getting on my nerves and its not even my career he's ruining. I dread to think what the others think of him.

"Guys shall I order a Chinese take-away" Ryan asked

I nodded looking at the time. "Can you get me a chow mein please"

"Get me a soup" Brendon told him

"Yeah that’s what I'm gonna ask for. What about the others?" Ryan asked

"Just gets bits and bobs then they can nibble on them" Ryan nodded his head as he took out his cell phone to get in touch with a near by Chinese restaurant.

"I need to chill" Brendon muttered

"Just two more days and we'll be home" I smiled at my boyfriend as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Yeah. Turn the telly on please" I stood up turning it on going back to my seat wrapping myself in Brendon's arms.

"It'll be forty five minutes" Ryan popped in the room again saying taking his place next to me and Brendon to watch the moving pictures on the television screen.

I tossed in the bed. The beds aren't the biggest, but considering were on a bus touring around the world it'll do.

I winced my eyes in the dark seeing Brendon next to me with his arms open.

"Brendon?" I whispered in the dark.

"Shhh" he cooed, "Brent's back"

I hadn't seen Brent since the shoot and its now 1 in the morning.

"Brent were you been?" I listened carefully to the conversation between Ryan and Brent.


"I got some food, its on the counter"

"Not hungry"

"But when I called you on your cell you said" Ryan stopped in his tracks as Brent interrupted him.

"Night Ryan" All I heard then was what I could make out of Brent getting into his bed.

I turned facing Brendon in our bed. "Brendy?"

"Yes Scarly" he mocked

"I'm so sorry for my cousins attitude, I don’t know what's got into him"

"Its okay. Come on, lets sleep now" I let out a small smile as I felt the bed move as he turned in it placing one of his hands on my hip.

Just two more days and I'll be in my own bed.