Make A Name For Yourself




"Scar, we couldn’t carry on this way. It wasn't working out"

"Yeah but at least you could have given him some warning" I stammered as anger and tears mixed together in my body. AKA not a good mix. "He would have improved"

"Scarlett the label suggested it, and to some degree we agreed with them"

"I don't care, you could have stuck up to the label!"

"Scarl, please don't be angry with me"

"Just shut up" I wailed falling onto our bed, burying my head into the pillow "I can't believe this has happened, I thought you guys were all friends"

"We are, it just doesn't feel like it. Were not a band when there's a brake in the chain"

I moved my face from the pillow and looked at Brendon realising something. "You know this is the first time you've ever seen me cry" I sniffled as my tears started to stop falling.

"I know" he let out a small smile as he wiped a tear away from my cheek. "You still look like a beautiful princess"

I laughed at him. "Your just trying to cheer me up" I sat up on the bed. "Sorry Brendon" I whispered as I kiss his cheek.

"Hey, its not your fault your cousins a prick" I looked wide eyed at my boyfriend. "Sorry, that was out of order"

I shook my head. "Don't worry" I paused, "I agree" I listened to Brendon laugh softly at my remark.

"Maybe you should call him, you know check on him." I nodded my head.

"Considering you've just fired him from the band you still seem caring"

"Don’t say fired, I don’t like the sound of that. It sounds harsh. And I don’t wanna see one of my friends go through hell, I'm sure there are plenty more jobs out there for him"

"I'll check on him tomorrow. I'll visit him and take some cookies."

"Ooh cookies?" Brendon's face lit up.

"Yeah, I feel like making some. Wanna help me?"

"Umm honey, you obviously don’t know me well. Whenever I hear the work cookies. I'm there!" I laughed at the way he said that in a deep goofy voice.


An hour into making biscuits and Brendon and I were messing around. The room was filled with laughter as Brendon and I continued to throw cookie mixture at each other.

I fell to the floor as I got tackled. "Stop it" I barely got out as Brendon tickled me knowing I was ticklish.

"Only if you say 'I have the best boyfriend in the world'"

I shook my head not giving in and still laughing at the feeling of his fingers tickle my body.

"Say ittttttt" he whined continuing to make me laugh.

"Fine" I gave in. "I have the best boyfriend ever" I smiled as he got off me.

"How about we bake these and take a quick shower to get the mixture of us while they cook?"

"Yeah, last one in the shower smells of poo" I giggled as I ran up the stairs making me the first to the shower.

Today started not so well and ended well.
I wonder if tomorrow will be good as well at the thought of having to visit my jobless cousin.