Make A Name For Yourself



I breathed in deeply before knocking on my cousins door. I waited patiently for a reply.

"Hello" Brent said as he opened his door.

"Hai" I smiled weakly "Can I come in?"

He nodded his head as he moved to the side closing the door behind me.

"So how are things?" I asked standing in his hallway.

"I'm sure your boyfriend told you the deal" he spat back.

"Yeah, but how are you? That doesn’t come into it!"

"I guess I'm good considering I have no job and my friends let me down"

"Brent, don’t talk like that. They warned you" I paused, "I warned you"

"Can't you see why they did it?" I followed him into his lounge sitting next to him on his sofa.

"Yeah, because you weren't giving it your all, like them"

"No, its because Brendon knew I'd be watching you and taking care of you knowing he's your boyfriend. So he got rid of me so if he did anything to you I wouldn’t be able to hurt him"

I stood up form my seat in shock, "How dare you say that!" I shouted at him. "If he did hurt me anyway he wouldn’t do it intentionally he loves me Brent cant you see that"

"I just don’t want you to get hurt by some rockstar"

"Brent, your being childish and finding someone else to blame for you departure from the band when really its your fault"


I butted in, "No sorry Brent, you've taken this too far, bye" I left him in his seat leaving his house.