Make A Name For Yourself



I looked down at the pregnancy test.
It had confirmed my worst fear.
It felt like my whole world had collapsed when I saw that test.
What would Brendon say?
Of course he wouldn’t want it, his parents are against sex before marriage.
& if we were to try and even get married quickly to try and cover it up, his family still wouldn’t approve of getting married this young.
My parents.
The last time I heard from them was months ago on my birthday.
I carefully placed the test in some toilet paper and placed it in the bin.

"I need help" I muttered to myself as I left the small toilet on the tour bus. I sighed as I saw Jon on his bunk reading a book. I looked around checking no one else was on board to disturb us. I softly sat down on his bed. "Jon" I barely whispered, "I need help"

"sure shoot" he replied as he placed his book down.

"I'm pregnant" I told him not looking him in the eyes not wanting to see the expression on his face.


I butted in, "No that’s bad news"

"It is Brendon right" he questioned me

"of course it is"

"So why is it bad news?" he replied.

"Because his family won’t approve"

"Well Scar, the only thing I can suggest is tell him, I mean its his kid as well"

"It doesn’t even feel like a child, its just like a little thing growing in me" I placed a hand on my tummy. I was hardly fat, I just looked bloated.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Jon asked as he sat up a bit on his bed.

"Ask Ryan what to do"

"You know he's just gonna tell Brendon though"

"Damn your right" I groaned "What am I gonna do"

"Do what I told you. Tell Brendon" I groaned again. Jon was right.


"Yes Scarlett?"

"please don’t tell anyone" I asked him.

"Don't worry, I wont tell a soul" he told me with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you" I let out a small smile as I hugged him.

Yeah, its true.
When I'm on tour with the boys Jon Walker ir my Agony Aunt.