Make A Name For Yourself



I've never been out of Las Vegas. My parents could never afford it. Either of them were even rarely home. I didnt know what they did as job or even where they were at times. Haven't for a whole month. I'm starting to think They've abandoned me.


I snapped out of it.

"Um, hey" It was brendon.

"Oh, hi"

"I've had a problem with my glasses."

"Oh okay, explain"

"I was cooking and they fell off, and they broke"

"Can I see them?" He took them our of his pocket.

I carefully examined them with a small grin forming on my lips.

"These glasses, they have plastic lenses. So it would be pretty hard for them to brake by just dropping on the floor"

"Oh, well they definitely fell" he replied stammering and scratching his head.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "These didnt fall did they. Someone stood on them"

"Um. yeah" He let out a small smile turning red from embarrassment.

"So whats the deal?" I asked leaning on the counted passing his stamped on glasses over.

"Maybe I should get contact lenses?" He smiled innocently.

"Only if you tell me why you stood on your glasses!" I said devishly

"I dunno, 'cos I felt like it"

I laughed loudly.

"Thats not normal" I replied.

"Scarlett go serve that person over there, I'll handle with this one" Matilda rudely butted in saying.

"No its okay I've got it sorted!"

"no I don't think you do" She spat back

"Shes got it under control" Brendon said politely

"You were here yesterday weren't you!" She looked at him quizzically

He slowly nodded.

"Scarlett, go serve them now" She said pointing over to a bald man and fat women.

"I dont mean to sound rude, but why cant she serve me?" Brendon asked Matilda.

"Oh, I see what your doing. You want to chat my worker up."

"Um no I dont I was just getting served by her" A flash of anger showed in Brendons beautiful eyes.

"I'm calling security" She said as she pressed the mall security button under the till.

"Matilda, there was no call for that" I Told her after she pressed the button with her plump fingers.

"Your young, you cant see what he's trying to do"

"If your saying what I think, your making a fool of yourself, he just came because he needs new glasses" She looked at me doubtfully, when suddenly the shop door opened.

"Over here" She shouted to the big security guard that came in.

Brendon was so slim and small compared the guard that there was no way he would have won in a fight against him.

"Excuse me, but please get off me" Brendon said with wide eyes as the security guard lifted him over his shoulder.

I couldnt help but laugh at the site.

"Brendon!" I shouted after him

His reply?

A few kicks in the air as he was still being held by the guard being carried away.

"Go home. I'll cope with the shop. Come back tomorrow." Matilda told me smiling like nothing had happened.

"No there wont be a tomorrow, I quit" I said as I walked out of the shop not regretting what I had just said.

I went home thinking about today. Probably one of the eventful days I've had in ages. One thing kept hitting me the most. & that was if I'd ever get to see Brendon again.