Make A Name For Yourself



It had been two weeks since I had quit my job and seen Brendon. My memory of him had gotten fuzzy now trying to remember his innocent, sweet looking face. I'd mainly spent my time now just sitting on my couch watching daytime telly eating Ben & Jerrys ice cream. My form of mental counselling.


"Hello, Scarlett speaking"

"Hey, its me" I recognised the voice as my close friend and cousin Brent.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked into the phone

"Having a small party at my place tonight, and thought why not invite the cousin along!"

"Aww, how kind of you. What time?" I asked

"Around seven, I'm gonna lay out snack type things for people to eat"

"Need any help?"

"No I got it sorted thanks" he replied

"Okay so I'll see you around seven then!"

"Sweet, bye"


It was only three, so I had a good few hours to do some things that needed done before getting ready.

I laid my eyes on the house that I was standing in.
And that was it.
I had decided what to do with those hours.
The house was a pig sty from socks on the stairs to ice cream containers on the floor.
And dust being on the surface of everything.
"Looks like I better get my scrubbing gloves on" I said to myself.


I pulled up to Brent's house which he shared with his parents.

I made my way to the front door and opened it. Music started to blare through my ears. Thank god the house had double glazing, or the whole neighbourhood would be hearing it all. I pushed my way past a lot of people until I met Brent in the kitchen getting some beer out of the fridge.

"Wow, someone has a lot of friends" I said smirking

"Scarlett! You made it!

"So I take it your taking advantage of your parents not being home?"

Brent winked at me "Sure am"

I laughed at his response. "So whats been going on?" I asked him sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Well, I started a band with some friends and were hoping to make it big. We've been working butt hard"

"Sounds rad, when do I get to hear it then?"

"I'll ask Ryan if you can come along to our next practice."

"Ryan" I shrieked

"Yeah Ryan, you know my best friend from school"

"Yeah I know, is he still dorky?"

"The last time you saw him was five years ago when your parents left you here at my mums and dads. All of us were dorks. But yeah, of course he still is"

"I remember walking in on you two posing in front of the camera."

"Hey we were only 14"

"Still, you camera whores"

"Anyway, if people see me socializing with my cousin their think I'm a loner" and with that Brent walked off to go chat with other people.

I stayed sat on the counter eating some crisps which were next to me.

I watched ahead as I saw a boy rummage through the fridge looking for something. He seemed familiar,

"RYAN?" I shouted.

The boy jumped in shock.

"Holy cow, you scared me" He said turning around to face me.

"Remember me?"

"Oh, Brent's annoying cousin"

I gave him a sarcastic smile. Ryan had changed. His figure was taller and seemed more grown up. And he didn't look like the goofy boy he used to look like. All in all, he seemed to change for the better and would be called good looking by any girl now.

"Does Brenty know your scavenging through his food?"

"He told me to get them" he replied sticking his tongue out.

He turned back around to the fridge and took some beer out of it like Brent had done earlier.

Just as he walked past me with them in his hand he asked me "Wanna come along with me?"

I nodded and brought myself off of the counter.

I followed him into the lounge where some boys were hanging out on the couch.

"Hey Brent I found your cousin" Ryan told Brent passing the beer out to the boys and me, then sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"Oh right, Scarlett, this is Ryan, Spencer and Brendon." Brent said introducing me too his friends.

My eyes fixed on Brendons and his fixed on mine. They stayed like that forever until Ryan had to butt in.

"You guys know each other?" He asked taking a sip of his drink. I broke eye contact with Brendon to make it with Ryan, "Yeah he came to the opticians I work in" I stammered "Well used to work in"

"Here take my place, I need to go mix with other people" Brent told me leaving the sofa.

I sat down in-between Brendon and Spencer.

"I'm Spencer, but you can call me Spence" He said offering me his hand to shake

"Hi" I replied shaking his hand.

"So when you said you used to work in the opticians you mean you left?" Brendon asked me.

"Yeah, my boss was a real pain. It wasnt the life for me" I paused and turned to him. "You look different without glasses" I told him

"Well, after getting kicked out your opticians leaving my glasses behind. I had to go find a new opticians. I'll tell you it was hard, not seeing where I was going with out any eye wear. But once I got some help from an old lady I found one and got some contacts" He said with a proud smile.

I laughed.

"So how do you know Brent?" I asked referring to Spence, Brendon and Ryan.

Ryan answered with "Were in a band together"

"Oh, yeah he was telling me"

"You should come hear us sometime" Spencer told me.


It seemed like hours that me and the three boys had been talking. Many other guests at the party had been disappearing slowly after time.

I looked at my watch.


"I should be getting home, was nice to see you guys. Maybe I'll see you guys at your band practice or something.."

They all said their byes and 'was nice to meet you's.

I left Brent's house walking down his porch stairs to my car.

"Um Scarl" I turned around and saw Brendon standing on the porch.

"Yeah?" I asked him

"Maybe, we can like meet up sometime?"

I smiled. "I'd love to" I stood there like a doofus still smiling.

"Um can I have your number or something then?" he replied shyly scratching his head.

I walked up to him and typed my number into his mobile. As he did the same to mine.

"See you then" I said after exchanging numbers.

"Um yeah.. wait" I turned around to him.

He placed a kiss on my cheek

"Goodbye kiss. My mum always gives me them if I'm going somewhere" He blushed a bit.

I smiled at him.

"My mum always gave me them too. Like when She'd drive me to school and I'd get out of the car she'd always give me one."

And with saying that I placed one on his cheek.

"Bye" I said waving and walking to my car.

"Bye and get home safely" He shouted as I walked away from him.

God was that boy one hell of a cutie.