Make A Name For Yourself



It had been a week since Brents house party and I had made no contact with Brendon.
Its not like he did either.

There was a knock on my front door.

"Sup?" Brent asked me as I opened it and allowed himself in.

"Nothing much just finished my lunch. You?" I asked back

"Came to get you to take you to my band practice."

I looked at him remembering how Brendon was in his band.
Maybe he didn't phone me back because he had no interest in me anymore.
Or maybe he just forgot about me.

"Um.. I don't think I should" I told him sitting down on my sofa.

"What, why not?"

"Brendon will be there, and I don’t think he likes me" I replied quietly

"What the hell. He's the one that made me come and invite you to come" Brent said sitting next to me.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Your kidding me?"

"No" He replied smiling.

Maybe Brendon had been thinking about me.

I smiled back "I'd love to come"

"Come on then" Brent said making his way to his car parked outside my house.

The ride mainly consisted of Brent going on about how he played bass in the band and the type of bass he used.

We arrived at Ryans house after a good few minutes.

"We practice in his garage" Brent told me making his way to the little building attached to the house.

"In here" He said opening a small side door attached to the garage.

The garage was small and nearly bursting out at the reams with being filled up with a lot of instruments.

"Hey, your late" Ryan said popping up from a small battered couch plonked in the corner.

"Yeah by three minutes big deal" Brent replied.

"Where are the others?" I asked mainly thinking about Brendon.

"Raiding my fridge" Ryan replied rolling his eyes like it was nothing new.

"We come bearing gifts" Brendon said in a deep, grand voice coming through another door attached to the actual house. "Oh I didn’t know you were here yet" He said in his normal voice, and sounding like he thought had just made a fool of himself doing his grand impression.

"Hi Brendon, hi spence" Spencer had plonked himself on the stool behind the drum set.
He replied with a wave as did Brendon.

"So what song we doing first?" Brendon asked Ryan who was setting up a guitar.

"Time to dance" He stated. "You can sit there" He said pointing to the battered couch and referring to me.

"Thanks" I clambered over a few wires making my way to the seat.

As I sat down they all started to play their instruments making wonderful sounds.

Brendons voice filling the air.
He had an amazing voice.
Brents bass strumming with some head bopping.
Spencer's drum beats flowing through the room.
And Ryans guitar sounds weaving all the other sounds together.

Towards the end I only seemed to focus on one thing though.
And that was Brendon singing.

His voice seemed so different to all the bands I had ever heard.<br><br>
The band just seemed so different to all the other music that was around these days.

As the song came to an end, I started to clap.

"What's the band called?" I asked as they smiled and thanked me for clapping.

"Panic at the disco" exclaimed Spencer twirling his drumsticks in the air.

"Well, panic at the disco. I think I'm your number one fan"

They laughed.

"Hey guys I'm just gonna get the drinks I was telling you about left over from my party out the car" Brent said exiting the room.

"Oh yeah, you gonna stay the night Scarl?" Ryan said standing his guitar up on a rest.

"Why, whats happening?" I asked

"We usually stay in and watch films on a Friday night" Brendon told me grinning.

"I'd love to" I thanked Ryan

He winked at me as he left the garage with Spencer following him.

"So what did you think?" Brendon asked me putting away his microphone.

"It was really really amazing. You have an exciting voice"

"I've never heard that one before" He said laughing and coming over to me.

I looked into his eyes as he stared back at mine.
Suddenly thoughts came rushing to my head.

"Why didn't you phone me?" I whispered to him.

"I thought you were going to phone me" He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I thought you might have hated me"

"I thought that too since you didn’t phone me"<br><Br>
I looked down to my shoes then back at him laughing at the both us.

He opened his arms signalling for a hug.

Which I happily accepted.

I stood there hugging him wondering what the night would be like.
I couldn’t help but smile to myself.