Make A Name For Yourself




"Triple chocolate with sprinkles and a small mint please" I asked the woman behind the ice cream counter.

She nodded her head as she started to scoop up the ice creams.

I handed Brendon his chocolate as I held mine and paid for them

We had made our way to a park with a small fountain and were sitting in front of it on a bench watching the water pour from the stone structure.

"It looks pretty with the moon gleaming on it" I said taking a taste of my cone.

"Yep. Just like you"

I looked at Brendon with a smile, watching as he sat there licking away at his ice cream.

"Is it good?" I asked him referring to the food he was licking away at.

"Sure is, wanna try some?"

"You don't have any germs do you?"

"Don’t get me started baby" he replied winking at me and licking his lips slowly.

I just scrunched up my nose and took a taste.

"Mhmm nice. Try mine" I said holding out my ice cream.

"Yummy sprinkles"

I laughed

"What?!" He asked

"You say sprinkles funny"

"Sprinkles" he said again making me laugh.

I stopped laughing. "You have something on you" I said putting my finger on his nose and placing some of my ice cream on the tip of it.

He glared at me playfully. I giggled.

"Here let me get it off of you" I said moving my head to his and licking it off.

Our heads stayed close together as I pulled away from it.

His eyes staring down at my lips as I did the same, our faces getting closer slowly.

Our lips were just a few particles apart when there was a loud bang.

We both jumped in shock and looked up at the sky where the sound had came from.

Fireworks were filling the air.

We both started laughing.

"Looks like someone's having a party" Brendon laughed as he finished at his ice cream.

"Ahaha yeah" I replied as I finished my cone too.

We both sat there looking up at the sky watching the colourful display fill the air.

I felt Brendon snake his arm behind me and pulled me closer to him, I rested my head on his shoulder still watching the fireworks.

"Well done Brendon" I whispered to him talking about the band.

"Thanks" He quietly said back.

We stayed on our bench watching the fireworks until they had finished

Tonight had been fun.
But I couldn’t help but worry about the band.
What if they got big, and Brendon would forget about me?

Some thoughts I wish I could just get away from in life.
That being one of them.