Make A Name For Yourself



I sat with the rest of the boys in Ryan's garage.

"What if he was lying?" Spencer muttered out

"No, he's not that type of person. He wouldn’t, he's probably just late or something!" Ryan shouted back.

"Don't worry guys I'm sure he's just delayed and be here soon" I said breaking the small fight which was about to arise.

The band were waiting on the person who had been interested in them and was coming to check them out.
He was meant to be here an hour ago.

"Yeah she's probably right guys" Brendon replied looking at me.

There was silence for a few minutes until there was a faint sound of a doorbell.

"That must be him" Ryan screamed before leaping over all the instruments to and get the door.

"I have stomach butterflies now." Brent choked out.

"Don’t say that your make me go nervous and my voice will get shaky" Brendon said already sounding shaky.

"Brendon don't get nervous, your voice is amazing and he's going to fall in love with it so don’t make it shaky. Brent ignore the butterflies its probably just your lunch digesting" I said calming them down.

They both looked at me with 'like that’s going to help' looks.

Ryan walked in with the person they had all been waiting for.
He seemed familiar.

"Guys this is Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy and Fuelled by Ramen" Ryan said to the rest of the group.

See my minds not that bad at remembering faces!

"Hey" Pete greeted as he exchanged handshakes with everyone including me.

"So what you guys gonna perform?" He asked in a Chicagoan accent

"WE thought we'd do 'Time to Dance' first" Spencer told him as he took place behind the drum kit.

The rest of the boys took their places too.

Pete and I sat down on the small couch.

The music started to flow and the words spill out of Brendon's mouth as they played there song.

And if I must be honest, that was the best performance they'd ever given.

Time passed until they had played three songs and one cover version of a Radiohead song.

"You guys are great!" Pete told the band as he shaked their hands after they had finished their small performance,

"I'll be sure to put in a good word to the label about you!"

"Thanks Pete, this means a lot to all of us" Ryan replied as his hand meet Pete's.

"No problem. You guys will go far your music is so different to what's out their at the moment."

I still sat on the sofa smiling at the boy's faces.
All of them bearing wide smiles and happiness filling the room.
I stayed sitting on the sofa as they all headed to Ryan's kitchen to fill in some information.

Pete was right.
The band would be big.
And soon they'd forget about me.