Status: in progress

Unchained Melody

Workin' for the weekend

The rest of the evening didn’t disappoint. I ended up serving the guys until closing and even got to dance with Max when he ‘stole’ me on my way back to the bar.

I was bringing the last load of bottles and shot glasses down from the Mezz when Ahna stopped me at the bar.

“So, how did you think your first night went?”

“I loved it. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep up, but it was fun and I felt like I just clicked. It kind of helps too that the Pens were so much fun,” I said with a smile.

“Well then I believe it is time to tell you that Callie, Mike, and I all think you would be a great choice to work here. I wasn’t sure if I was going to let you stay in the Mezz all night, but when Jordan told me how well you were getting on with the guys, and you didn’t go all fan-girl on them, I figured I’d let you do your thing. So, Brogan, welcome to Diesel.”

I was a little slow on the response; this was the easiest interview I had ever had to go through and if every night was like tonight, I was really going to like it here. “Sorry, um, I mean thank you. I wasn’t expecting my first job interview here to go so well. Thank you so much for this. I can’t wait for another shift.”

They laughed at my excitement and muttered about waiting until a weekend was over before I said that.

“So Brogan, what are you doing the rest of tonight?” Ahna asked while we headed back to her dressing room to get ready to leave.

“I was just planning on going back to my hotel room. I have a pretty big day of apartment searching planned. I want to find one that is nice enough and something I can afford as soon as possible; I’m not a fan of living out of a suitcase.”

“That sounds like the best way to spend a Thursday. Well how about you go out to a late dinner/early breakfast with me and then afterwards you can check out my apartment to see if you like it.”

I looked at Ahna like she had grown another head. “You barely even know me and you’re offering me a room. Shouldn’t you ask your roommates about that first? I mean, thank you for the idea but I really don’t want to tread on any toes.”

“Lucky for you, my last roommate was my ex and we had gotten the apartment together and since he decided he needed to cheat on me, I have the whole thing to myself. I would really like a roommate; it gets boring being by yourself all the time.”

“Ok. I’ll take you up on the breakfast/dinner offer, but how about I check out the loft tomorrow. As much as I loved tonight, the longer I stand around, the more I notice how tired my feet are,” I gave her a smile then added, “Alright lets go. I’m hungry.”
♠ ♠ ♠
- sorry for the large gap since the last update
- I know it is short and a bit of a filler, but in my amazing-ness that is writers block, I needed a little point a to point b action so here is the transition (sort-of).

Thank you to those of you who commented. I would love to hear more!