Status: Re-written and re-uploaded

Calling You Home Again


Lexi and Aimee are best friends, but couldn't be bigger opposites. Lexi has had more boyfriends than she can count on both hands and isn't scared of using the word love. Aimee's never even had one and has never said she loves anyone in a romantic way. One evening they meet two guys from a band because of Lexi's cousin. Everything changes from there in all four of the young adults' lives, but for better or for worse is definitely questionable.

DISCLAIMER AND NOTE: We do not own Framing Hanley, Kenneth Nixon, or Ryan Belcher. The band name Six Day Silence is not intentionally a copy of the name Seventh Day Slumber. One of the authors came up with it nearly a year before she ever found out about the real SDS. Also, if you think you've read this before under a different name, you probably read the old version. However, this one has been rewritten because when one of us reread it, she was ready to drive nails through her temples when she realized how unrealistic and suckish it was. Hopefully try number two is better.