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From Yesterday

Laser Guns & Fragile Hearts

The road seemed never ending for our fearless five as the sun began to set behind heavy evening clouds. The afternoon had been surprisingly quiet, but they were still a ways away from Battery City.

“We need to stop,” Fun Ghoul said urgently.

“What is it?” Party Poison asked.

“I have to piss,” he replied.

“We are not stopping so you can piss,” Danny said, and glared at him.

“Poise, you better stop the fucking car,” Fun Ghoul threatened, “I seriously have to go,”

“Alright, alright!” Party Poison said, and pulled over.

Fun Ghoul practically ran over to the side of the road, getting his business done quickly. He jumped back in the car, and they started off again.

“I swear to god, if you delay us on our way I’ll…” Danny grumbled angrily.

“What was that?” Fun Ghoul quirked an eyebrow.

“I said, I’ll make sure that you can’t ever pee again,” she replied.

“Oh, is that a threat Danger?” he taunted.

“It’s a promise,” she smiled back.

“I’m sure,” he said sarcastically, “you just want a reason to touch my dick,”

“I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole,” Danny scoffed.

“Hey guys?” Kobra Kid said, attempting to get everyone’s attention. Danny and Fun Ghoul ignored him, and continued their bickering.

“Just admit it, you want me,” Fun Ghoul smiled smugly.

Danny snorted, “I want you dead,”

“Ouch, that hurts,” Fun Ghoul mocked, “Right here,” he pointed to his chest, right over his heart.

“Guys?” Kobra Kid tried again.

“It’ll hurt somewhere else if you don’t shut your trap,” Danny snapped.

“Oh, keep it coming Sugar, I like feisty girls,” Fun Ghoul smirked.

“Guys!” Kobra Kid yelled, finally all eyes were on him; “We might want to put the pedal to the metal right now,”

“Why?” Everyone else chimed in unison.

“Some BL/ind goons are right behind us,” he said, and everyone turned to see that there was indeed a white car trailing them.

“Oh shit,” Party Poison cursed, and hit the gas.

They were now speeding down the road, practically flying. The goons trailed behind them, moving just as fast. The cool breeze whipped their hair around their faces; none of them had ever felt so free. Suddenly, a beam of light shot past the car, just missing the unsuspecting head of Party Poison.

“They’re firing!” Jet Star exclaimed, and ducked his head just in time to dodge another laser beam.

“I got this,” Danny said, standing up in her seat and turning around. She grabbed her ray gun from the back of her jeans and, using the hood of the car to support herself, she started to shoot back. Laser beams flew left and right, nearly hitting her several times. It would have been quite a sight had there been anyone around. Two cars shooting at each other, the beams glowing in the darkness of the night, they couldn’t have written a more dynamic action scene.

Finally, one of Danny’s shots hit the right front wheel of the car. They swerved off a little, but kept moving. She aimed for the other front tire and like the good shot she was she hit the target. The Better Living car came to a speeding halt, almost toppling over. They shouted at the Killjoys angrily as they drove away.

“Take that you sons of bitches!” Danny called back victoriously. She sat back down in her seat, hair a mess and completely out of breath. She found that all eyes were on her; the men stared in awe as she put her gun back in its place.

“What?” she asked.

“That was…” Kobra Kid started out.

“Epic,” Jet Star finished.

“Didn’t know you had it in you, Danger,” Fun Ghoul said, all traces of smugness gone.

“How else do you think I made it out here by myself for so long?” she asked back.

“You’re one tough girl, Danny,” Party Poison said with admiration.

“I guess I have to give you some credit, how ‘bout a truce?” Fun Ghoul offered with his hand outstretched.

“Fine, truce,” Danny replied, shaking to confirm their deal.

“For now at least,” Fun Ghoul said smiling viciously.

Danny laughed, “For now,”

$ $ $

Danny sat cross-legged on the ground, staring off into the distance. It could’ve been the sky or the stars or something in between; she just needed to escape for a moment.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” someone spoke next to her. She jumped up to find Kobra Kid seated next to her, his eyes glued to the skies above. Why is he always popping up like that? She wondered.

“I guess,” she eventually replied.

“You know, you’d never be able to see stars like these in Battery City,” he said, but his voice sounded sad. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your parents?” he asked. Danny examined him for a moment, his forearms resting on his knees and his warm eyes locked on hers.

“They died,” she sighed quietly.

“I- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” he stuttered.

“No, it’s ok. It was a while ago.” she reassured.

“Terrible things are hard to forget,” he whispered, but it sounded like he wasn’t just talking about her parents anymore.

“You have a point,” she sighed and then looked at him. He had a sad expression on his face and she really wanted to ask him what was on his mind, but she stopped herself in fear of upsetting him more. She settled for, “If you ever, uh, need to talk I’m here.”

He nodded half-heartedly and began to walk away.

“Wait!” she called, and followed after him. He turned around, and she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck. He was frozen for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“What was that for?” he asked when she pulled away.

“I thought you needed a hug,” she smiled.

“Hugs are nice,” he smiled back. Their little moment was ruined by a very persistent, and impatient, Fun Ghoul.

“Battery City’s not going to invade itself. Come on, it’s time for our game plan,” the dark haired man called to them. They both sighed, and made their way back to the campsite.
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I'm having a boring day, probably be writing more tonight.

Comments are life.