Status: Parade in the streets the new album is here, and maybe even click subscribe?

From Yesterday

Safe & I Can't Stand It

A girl stands alone in the middle of a desert wasteland, before her lies a large grey building. It was headquarters, it was salvation, and it was the heartbeat of the rebellion. She takes a deep breath before pushing open the heavy doors, the identification system scans her, and another set of doors is opened up.

She was expecting to find an organized set-up of efficient offices, but what she was expecting is not what she found. Instead the once pristine headquarters resemble a war zone, papers are everywhere, furniture is destroyed, and there are lifeless bodies on the floor. For a young woman who has never seen a violent day in her life, it came as quite a shock. She spins around, surveying everything around her. Then out of nowhere, she spots a flash of white.

“Who’s there?” she calls out.

Footsteps. The crunch of papers. Another flash of white. That’s when she spotted him, a Draculoid. As soon as eye contact was made he began to fire at her, the girl who was helpless without a weapon ducked behind a desk. Her mind raced, how could she get out of this alive? That’s when she spotted a glint of metal beside her, a ray gun. She had no idea how to use it, but it was her only hope. Gathering all her courage she grabbed it and stood, the Draculoid was nowhere in sight. She began to move, her hands shaking. Slowly but surely she made her way to the office she had come to see, stepping over bodies on her way.

She reached the door and twisted the knob slowly. An eerie silence hung over the room like smoke. She could hardly breathe. She couldn’t see anyone, so she walked to the other side of the desk. There he was, looking as peaceful as ever. She could almost convince her self he was just asleep, almost. But she knew he wasn’t.

She fell to her knees beside his still form and touched his face, “Daddy?”

Crimson was shaken awake from her slumber by a very grumpy Fun Ghoul, “Get up, Skinny, we’re here,”

“Skinny?” she asked, shaking off the dream.

“Yup.” He said simply as he hopped out of the car.

“Hey, wait up Shorty!” she called to him jokingly as she jogged after him. He turned to glare at her to which she simply smiled innocently.

They caught up to the other three who were now situated outside a small garage-like building. It was grafitied in rainbow paints and in huge neon green letters across the front it said:

Would you destroy something perfect, in order to make it beautiful?

This was it, the soundtrack behind the rebellion. The only free radio station left, run by Dr. Death Defying himself. It was as if the world had stopped turning for a brief moment in time, the five Killjoys took it in.

“Come on,” Party Poison whispered, Danny had never seen him show as much emotion as in those past seconds. They began to walk through the front opening, Party Poison leading the way. They rounded the corner, entering what must have been the broadcasting room. There they spotted a man in a jean jacket with long black hair and headphones over his ears, his feet were propped up on the desk and his back was to them. Party Poison cleared his throat to get the man’s attention.

“Huh, what? Who’s there?” Dr. Death turned frantically, nearly tipping out of his chair. “Well it can’t be, Party Poison? I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, giving them all a quick once over, “And the rest of you,” he nodded. “Except…” he looked to Danny, “You.”

“Oh, I’m Danny Danger,” she replied, stepping forward.

“The fifth Killjoy,” Dr. Death enunciated each word clearly, “So, what brings all of you here to see me?”

“Well now that you mention it, we were wondering if you could watch Danny while we…” Fun Ghoul started before receiving a quick jab to the stomach by Danny and a glare from Party Poison.

“Actually, we need your help.”

$ $ $

“So you want me, to help you, break into Better Living?” Dr. Death asked after they had explained their situation. They all nodded and he stared at them. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go then,” All six of them stood up and dusted themselves off and then they made their way out into the warm evening air.

“Amazing,” Dr. Death breathed in his low voice, “One of the last great automobiles on Earth this one,” he placed a hand on the hood of the Trans Am, “But it’ll never fit us all, and the equipment,”

“Equipment?” Jet Star raised a questioning eyebrow.

“You’ve always got to be prepared,” Dr. Death replied, “C’mon, we’ll use the van. You can leave the car here,”

He led them to the backside of the building where a large blue van was parked, by the amount of dust covering it you could tell it had been a while since it was used.

“So, you got a plan yet?” Dr. Death asked the Killjoys.

“We were hoping you could help us with that one…” Kobra Kid trailed off, scratching the back of his head which Danny had noticed was a nervous habit of his.

“I can’t tell you how great it is to be fighting the good fight again,” Dr. Death said staring off out the window. “I’ve been playin’ it safe for way too long now, and I can’t stand it,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy hipsters in space, it has been awhile. I am soooo sorry! Really I have no excuse aside from lack of inspiration. You'd think after seeing My Chem live in December I'd really want to write, but apparently them in the FLESH was not enough to get my creative juices flowing.

But anyways here it is. I even came up with a great new plot twist!! Updates will be more frequent now that I actually know where I'm going with it.

To everyone who's still hanging on to this story, thanks. I dedicate this chapter to you.