Fights That Made Me Love You


If anyone’s going to drive me insane, it’s going to be you.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, ex best friend. Connor Mitchell.
The sand was soft under my skin, my swim suit and shorts allowing me to feel more of it. The sun was turning the inside of my eye lids orange. This was what I lived for. Summer time. The time of the year where I could spend endless hours lying on the beach, the sun kissing my skin. I could hear the waves crashing against the shore, a sound that caressed my ears.
“Looking good Rayne.”
That voice was so familiar and I felt strong emotions immediately flare in my body. But they weren’t the kinds of feelings this boy brought on in most girls.

“Go to hell Connor,” I chimed, keeping my eyes closed. My mind faded back to the ocean breeze, the seagulls calling out in the blue sky. But of course he couldn’t just leave me alone. That was never been in his nature.

“Only if you’ll come with me,” He said and I opened my eyes just in time to see him wink. I glared at him, slamming my eyes shut. I gritted my teeth, balling my hands into fists behind my head. Only he could ruin my days at the beach. “Come on babe, don’t ignore me.”

“Will you shut up?!” I snapped, my eyes flying open. He was crouched beside me, in blue trunks. His blonde hair was long and swooping over his ears and eyes. His tan skin and surfer hair always made it seem like he was born on the beach. “Can’t you handle going a day without harassing me?”
He grinned, and those blue eyes seemed like a growing flame.

“Now, now, it’s only harassment if you don’t like it.”
I didn’t like it. I didn’t like him.
Connor and I had a lot of history. We’d been best friends from 5th to 9th grade, and dated from 8th to 9th. Three days after our year anniversary, he’d cheated on me with one of my close female friends. We’d broken up, fighting and fighting over the situation. In the end, we both gave up on each other, the only thing keeping us connected were our anger and bitter feelings.

“Stuff off, Connor,” I muttered, getting to my feet. I’d long since dried from swimming, so the sand simply fell off my skin. The breeze blew my long red hair around my neck and face. The sand made it so each of our foot steps were silent. I heard him start to speak and spun around. “Just stop, ok?! The summer is my only chance to get away from you! If you continue to follow me around like a stalker, I will rip your-“

“Don’t go off on your bitch threats with me Rayne. I don’t follow you, you just like to pretend I feel something towards you,” He interrupted, a smirk tugging at his lips. My eyes bore into his, because there was truth behind his words. No matter how rotten we’d treated each other in the past two years, I still felt something for him. Some unsettled feeling. Whether it was love, or the burn of being betrayed, it didn’t matter. All that concerned me was that it existed.

“You conceded, arrogant jerk. As if you and your blatant disregard for others could possibly, figure me out. You are the last person on earth I’d hope to have feelings with!” I growled, stepping towards him, my body longing to punch that perfect face.

“Let’s not whip out intelligent words just to feel better about ourselves, alright?” He said, in that mocking tone I’d become so accustomed to since our break up.

“I hate you!” I exclaimed, storming away in exasperation. His hand wrapped around my wrist, wrenching me back around. I came to a halt only inches away from him and my heart started pounding. No matter what happened, the touch of his skin on mine sent my body and mind into a jumble of sensations and longing.

“I hate you more,” He spat, his words cold and honest.