

Gerard hadn’t talked in over a year. Ever since Lyn-Z took off with Bandit, he fell back into past addictions, the band broke up, and eventually he completely shut everyone out. If it weren’t for Mikey and Alicia taking him in, he’d of let everything he owned be taken away from him till he was living in the streets starving to death.

All the boys have moved back to New Jersey because of these events. Despite the break up of My Chemical Romance, they are all still close as ever. It’s not rare to see Frank or Ray stopping by unannounced every few hours to keep up their ‘Suicide Watch’ for Gerard even though Mikey is perfectly capable.

Frank’s visits though were always awkward for Mikey. Frank would talk with Mikey for a moment or two, then take Gerard outside no matter the weather condition and talk to him for a good hour about everything that’s going on for them. Gerard would listen contently the entire time, sometimes even smiling and laughing. Never an actual word though.

One time Frank even brought his twins over, and let Gerard hold Lily till Jamia came by to take them home. That day got a lot of mixed emotions. Some of them to the point Gerard was showing Mikey how adorable the girls were, then to where all he could do was cry after they left because he kept flashbacks of his wife and daughter.

That’s beside the point though. After Frank would talk to Gerard, they would go back inside. Frank always brought hand written letters from fans that he would read out loud to Gerard and Mikey (and Ray too if he happened to be there), then they’d all write letters back. Each letter was written on notebook paper, written in a different colored ink, then shoved into the same envelope as the others, and they would move on to the next one.

Frank knew he was close to getting Gee to talk again. Writing wasn’t enough for him anymore. Gerard wanted to give input on the stories, but was never able to get the courage to talk. He’d gone as far as opening his mouth to speak, but when he realized what he was doing, shut it once again and let Frank continue his thoughts.

--- ♥ ---

Jamia drove away leaving Frank on the Way’s front porch with the simple instructions of: ‘Come get me as soon as I call. The ways are either going to hate my guts, or have a lot to take in. Drive fast on the way here.’ on a sticky note stuck to the dashboard.

The cold December air blew by, and Frank stopped hesitating from barging in. As usual, Mikey had a cup of coffee in his hand, and a video game controller in his other. Alicia was nowhere to be seen, and Gerard was watching him mildly amused, also with coffee in hand.

Gee was the first to notice Frank. Like always, there was a bag of letters in his hand; most of those letters replies from a few weeks ago. “Want to try something new today?” Frank asked taking a seat incredibly too close to him. If he were any closer to Gerard, Frank would have to be sitting on his lap.

It only took a few seconds for Gerard to walk across the room to get Frank a blanket after concluding the reason he was so close was because he was fucking cold from being outside.

“Thanks Gee.” Frank replied giving him a weak smile. “Anyway, do you want to do something different today?” He asked once again forcing eye contact with Gerard.

He nodded slowly getting a confused look on his face. This would be only the second time that Frank had ever switched it up, and Gerard was uncomfortable with it. He’d gotten so used to the schedule that he didn’t even consider it a task anymore. Writing letters and listening to Frank was as much a challenge as drinking coffee. It becomes a mindless compulsion after a while.

Frank handed him the bag of letters, and proceeded to stand up, blanket still draped over his shoulders. “Then we’re going ice skating today after letters… ‘cause I really couldn’t think of anything to talk about today, and also, because I know very well you haven’t been more than 10 feet out this door since Mikey dragged you in a year ago.”

It was only then Mikey actually realized Frank was standing in his house. “No way I’m going skating, dude. Tall and awkward with no coordination. I’d look like a total dumbass.” He argued, shutting off the game system and getting the bin of letter supplies out from the closet.

“Fine, you don’t have to come, but you better drive us there.” Frank whined, taking the bag back from Gee and tearing open the first letter.

--- ♥ ---

A few hours later, the boys finished up their letters, and Mikey was currently driving them to the local ice rink. A copy of Danger Days was in the CD player, and Gerard was hearing his voice again for the first time. To much surprise, he was actually humming along to the tracks, and neither Frank nor Mikey dared say a word about it.

This was a break through for Gerard, and no one wanted to be the guy who scared him from talking for even longer.

Mikey pulled up to the curb letting his brother and ex-band mate leave to twirl around on the ice for a few hours. “Call me or Ray when you guys are done freezing your asses off!” Mikey called as he drove away.

With that being said, Frank grabbed Gerard by his jacked sleeve and dragged him in through the double doors. There really wasn’t much of a temperature change from outside to in the building, but if there was, it would have to be warmer in here.

“I’m gonna go get us skates now. Hand over your shoes.” He demanded stranding Gerard by the ice for a few moments.

Out on the ice rink, there was one person that stood out to Gerard the most. A girl dressed in all black. Half her hair was died bleach blonde, and the other half jet black. That’s not what got him though. The t-shirt she had on is what really made him feel guilty.

My Chemical Romance

The girl couldn’t be more than 14 years old, but she was extremely talented on the ice. Thankfully she was too busy focusing on her skates to see Gerard staring at her.

Frank suddenly appeared next to Gerard again, shoving a pair of skates at him. In a few minutes, both boys had their skates laced up, and Frank was stepping onto the ice. Gerard followed moments later, keeping a death grip on the wall encasing the ice in the rink.

“Just take my hand. All you do is keep your feet steady, and I’ll do the rest.” Frank mumbled, leading Gerard away from the wall. Gee’s one hand way buried in his pocket, and the other interlaced with Frank’s, keeping a grip so tight both their knuckles were white. “I need you to promise me something.” Frank stated suddenly getting all serious.

Gerard nodded his head, keeping his gaze fixated on the scratched up ice in front of him.
“Say something to me before I leave today. After listening to a few tracks off danger days, I realized how much I miss hearing your voice.” Frank mumbled hardly loud enough to hear. He knew it was an almost-unreasonable request, but he had to try anyway.

On the other hand, Gerard was strangely calm about Frank’s plead. All that was on his mind was the rink girl, Frank, and Bandit.

--- ♥ ---

The rest of the time they were on the ice, neither of them spoke. Gerard’s distraction left about half an hour before open ice time ended, and all that was on his mind afterward was what he would decide to say to Frank.

Frank finally made the call to leave five minutes before they had to be off the ice so they wouldn’t get stuck in the swarm of skaters.

Now though, Frank and Gerard are sitting on the curb waiting for Mikey to pick them back up. The flow of traffic on the main road is usually busier than it is now, so it’s awkwardly quiet till Gerard finally turns his head to force Frank to meet his gaze.

“I want to sing again.” Gerard whispered searching Frank’s face for any emotions at all.

♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 1,443