Status: Contest Entry. Completed :)

You Are The One

I am in love with Jake Douglias. Plain and simple to say because I know that he is the one.

I've known it since the first day of kindergarten when he shared his crayons with me because my mom forgot to pack mine. I've known since the first time he got sent to the principles office for beating up a guy that bullied me in grade four. I've known it since he became my first real boyfriend in grade six, my first kiss in grade seven, and my first time in grade ten.

He was my first for everything. We were never referred to as singular people, but as a package. We were simply known as "Jake and Candice", our names never being parted. We were inseparable and on top of the world.

The best part is, we still are.

Candice and Jake.

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Word Count: 2185 words

Written for this contest.
Contest by babydemon666.
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