Status: As Of 8/22/2011 THIS STORY IS COMPLETE!


Isabella Jinx

The first rehearsal with Snake Eyes was pretty bad but in a good, normal bad. I didnt know any of the songs but I tried my best and it was okay with them. Garret was an amazing singer and he seemed to be enjoying himself. We had two guitar plays, David or Davy as he said to call him and Jake. Jake's brother, Blake, was our piano player. They were all really good and took me in as if I was there the whole time.

After 30 minutes of not really getting anything right, Garret turned around and said to stop, he was laughing. "Okay guys, we need to get this right this time." He walked over to me. "We'll do FireFlies by Owl City, its a simple drum song," he said, taking the sticks and showing me the rhythm. He gave me the ssticks back and watched me practice a few times before going back up to the microphone. We began playing and it actually sounded pretty good.

We were all so into it that we didnt even hear the door open but in came running Eve, Sami, and a bunch of their friends. They had little signs with " I <3 you, Garret" or "Snake Eyes spits Venom!". Eve was holding an "I <3 Alex" sign. They were dancing and singing with Garret like it was a real concert. Why couldnt time just freeze there? It was fun.

After the Fireflies was over, Garret announced that we were having a 3 minute intermission and not to go anywhere. He then came back and asked if I knew the drum beats to a certain song. I listened to the song in my head and nodded. Garret then went over and whispering the song to the other members. They all smiled and nodded their heads. I started the drums as Garret went over to the mic.

"You drive the limo round front!" Garret sings. "Ooh woah oh"

The girls all laugh and sing along as we finish the theme song for Disney Channel's show, Hannah Montana, a show that I did not know about until coming here.

"Hope you enjoyed the show!" Garret yelled into the microphone. "We do it all for you!" He pointed at Eve who screamed and fake fainted into Sami's arms.

After we finished straightening up the garage we decide to go out to eat. "As a celebration for our new prodigy drummer," Garret smiled. He asked his dad for 20$ while the other band members went to ask each of their parents for 10$ each. When everyone got back together we started walking up to the local pizza parlor. It was called "Gefro's Dish" and it had an arcade with it! We order a large extra cheese with fries. We each also got a milkshake. We each put in 6.50$ for the order. This left enough money to have fun in the arcade until the food was ready.

I started to play a game of pin ball, leaning on the machine for support. Dr. Dias took my crutches away about a week ago, saying that I needed to walk on my foot a little. It hurt, but not as much as berfore. I was close to the highscore when I heard foot steps stop behind me. I tensed bu didnt stop playing, if it was someone bad (one of Zac's friends maybe) I'd be able to hold the machine tightly.

"Hey," the person behind me said, it was a girl's voice.

The sound of her voice made be flinch, losing my last ball. I turned around to see a girl, my age. She was red headed with beautiful blue eyes. She was thin and smiling at me in jean capris and a "Horton Hears A Who" T-shirt. She was a bit shorter then me. "H-hi," I stuttered
smiling. I was nervous but I didnt understand it.

"I'm Isabella, but every just calls me Izzy," she smiled.

"Alex," I said after a few seconds of trying to remember my name. My stomach was filled with butterflies, it was nice.

"Wanna play air hockey?" Izzy asked.

"Um, sure," I said. I never played air hockey in my life. I follwed her to a purple table with neon green lights above it. She went to put money in but I jumped infront. "I got it!" I smiled.
"Well, arnt you the gentleman," Izzy smiled going to one side of the table.

"One thing," I said looking at her sternly.

"Yeah?" she asked confused.

"I've never played this game," I laughed.

"Oh, well its simple, you take this plastic, blocker thing and try to stop the buck from getting in the goal," She explained. "You want to get the buck in my goal."

"Oh, sounds simple enough," I said nodding going to the other side of the table. At the end of the game, I won 7-6.

"Beginner's Luck!" Izzy laughed.

"Surree," I said.

"Izzy!" another female voice yelled.

"Oh, I gotta go, wanna hang tomorrow?" she asked.

"Uh, sure, same time?" I asked her.

"It's a date!" Izzy exclaimed excitedly.

"Guess so," I said then she left. I went to look for Garret and found him playing Pac Man.

"Sup dude," Garret asked, not taking his eyes off the game.

"I have a date tomorrow," I said, smiling like an idiot.

"Oh yeah?" Garret said looking at me, which made him die.

"Yup," I said.

"With who?" Garret asked, paying even closer attention to the game.

"Girl named Isabella," I said leaning against the game.

This time Garret stopped all together to look at me. "Isabella? Isabella Jinx?" He asked with a weird look on his face.

"Er, I dont know her last name," I said, confused.

"Red hair, kinda short, likes to be called Izzy?" Garret described her.

"Yeah, why you know her?" I said.

"Know her? She's the nicest, most popular, hottest girl in the entire school!" Garret laughed. "Come on we gotta go tell everyone!" Garret grabbed my arm and led me to our table, which soon was filled with the band. "Alex has a date with Izzy tomorrow!" Their faces filled with surprise.

"Really?" Jake asked.

"Uh, yeah," I shrugged.

"That's awesome!" Blake commented.

The rest of lunch was all about how the new kid was going on a date with the hot girl. That night, I went to bed smiling. I fell asleep thinking of Izzy, her angelike voice, her beautiful figure, the shine in her eyes when I said yes. For the first time in a long time, I went to bed extremely happy.
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Yay! Update! Thank you for cooperating with me guys! My computer has been busted and its finally fixed. Sorry this chapter seemed kinda short to me for a two months wait, but I like it. You?