Status: As Of 8/22/2011 THIS STORY IS COMPLETE!


The Date

I woke up at 8 am. *4 hours until your first date* I smiled to myself. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a red polo that I had and got in the shower. I was dancing and humming. I spent extra time in the shower so I could make sure I was clean. When I got out I checked in the mirror for any blemishes and smiled to know there was none.

I walked out of the bathroom after being in there an hour.

“Excited much?” Garret laughed as he passed me, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Yeah, a little,” I shrugged.

“You are WAY excited!” Garret laughed.

“Whatever,” I smiled.

“Hey, I got some cologne I got for my birthday; it smells manly, want some?” Garret suggested.

“Are you saying I stink?” I asked worried.

“No, no, its like perfume for guys, it just gives you a good scent,” Garret said leading me to his room.

“Here you go,” Garret tossed me a cylinder shaped bottle that had “Axe” written on it. I sprayed myself with it, liking the scent. “What are you going to do with your hair?”

“Brush it?” I asked. I wasn’t planning to do anything special to my hair.

“That’s it!” Garret yelled, making me slightly flinch. He came over and grabbed my wrist, making me jump. Garret let go instantly. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just not over everything, you know,” I sighed.

“Oh, okay, follow me,” Garret said. He lead me back up to my room and over to Eve’s bed. Eve was laying there listening Sami’s Ipod “Hey, Eve, can you help us out?”

“With what?” Eve asked, taking out one ear piece.

“Can you do your brother’s hair for his date please?” Garret asked. “He just wants to leave it like that.”

“Seriously Alex, Do you want her to leave right away?” Eve laughed.

“I don’t think she’ll leave because of my hair,” I mumbled.

“Well, we’ll make sure that isn’t the reason why she leaves,” Eve teased and lead me to the bathroom.

“I need to get off my ankle, it’s starting to hurt!” I complained.

“Fine, sit down on the toilet, and turn so your back is in the front,” Eve ordered. I did as Eve said. Eve walked over to me and I felt her hands running through my hair. ”Ah, I know what to do!”

An hour later, I was looking at myself in the mirror. Eve had really done something to my usually flat head. Eve had gotten some type of moose and used it to make my hair look spiked but not dorky spiked. It really looked cool.

I then went downstairs to sit on the couch with Dr. Dias and wait. My stomach was a jumble of nerves. I couldn’t sit still.

“You okay?” He asked, laughing.

“Yeah, just nervous,” I answered honestly.

“Oh yeah, don’t you have a date tonight?” He asked.

“Yeah, I don’t want to mess up,” I sighed.

“Well, here’s $20, the gentle man should pay for the meal, also open doors for her, and pull out her chair,” Dr. Dias helped. “Also, let her walk on the inside of the sidewalk.”

“Why?” I asked, confused on that.

“It shows you care enough that if something were to happen where a car may loose control, you would rather be able to push her out of the way or something like that,” Dr. Dias smiled.

After that, we sat there and watched a movie called “8 Mile”. It was the first time I ever watched a movie comfortably without fear and with an adult. It was also a good movie. It’s about a rapper trying to overcome his stage fright, basically. It was interesting. After the movie, it was time to go. The whole band was there to walk me to the restaurant and go to the arcade for a little bit.

I wasn’t there long before Izzy showed up. She was wearing a white tank top that really showed off her curves. Her black skinny jeans made her legs look beautiful. Her red hair was shaggy, she was beyond pretty.

“Hey, Alex!” Izzy yelled and came over to give me a big hug. She smelled like roses.

“Hey Izzy,” I smiled. I then lead her to our table. I pulled out a stool but instead she walked around to the other side. Quickly, I ran over to pull that stool put. But instead of sitting, she gave me a dirty look. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know, you’re being a jerk,” she accused.

“How?” I asked, freezing.

“You won’t let me sit,” she said.

“No, no, no, I was trying to pull out your stool for you!” I explained.

“Oh, I’m not used to such a gentleman, sorry,” Izzy managed a weak smile. She then came over and sat at the seat I had out. I pushed her in softly and went to my seat.

“So how are you?” I asked, smiling.

“Been better,” she sighed.

“What’s wrong? Is it me?” I quickly asked.

“No, it’s not you, I promise, stop looking like a kicked puppy please,” she asked, reaching her arm over to my hand and pulling it to the middle of the table to hold it. “My little brother, Jake, is really sick, I haven’t gotten much sleep lately because I’m so worried, which is probably why I snapped at you.”

“What? Does he have a fever?” I asked, using my thumb to rub her hand softly.

“No, it’s a bit worse then that,” her voice trembled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked gently.

“Cancer,” she said breaking down. I let go of her hand and got out of my seat. I walked around the table and pulled her off of her seat. I put her head to my chest and hugged her. She sobbed into my shoulder, soaking my shirt.

“Hey, we can just go home if you like?” I suggested, softly in her ear.

“Will you walk me?” she asked, looking up to me with her now red eyes.

“Yeah, definitely, I got to tell Garret real fast though, okay?” I told her. “You just sit here, I promise I won’t be long.” She nodded her head and took the napkin I handed out to her. I, literally, ran into the arcade to find any of the band members. I found Garret at Dance, Dance, Revolution, waiting for a turn. “Yo, Garret, I’m gonna walk her home real quick, I’ll come back here but if you want to go home, go ahead.” I turned around. to run back to Izzy.

“Alex, wait!” I heard Garret yell after me.

“I’ll explain it later,” I yelled back. I was breathless by the time I got back to her. ”You ready?” I asked her, holding out my hand. She grabbed it and we walked out together. Outside, I put my arm around her shoulders and made sure she was walking on the inside. “So when did you find out?”

“About a month ago, he wasn’t feeling good so we took him in and the doctor’s told us he had leukemia,” Izzy mumbled.

“How old is he?” I asked.

“10,” she whispered.

“That’s how old my little sister is,” I looked down. The 20 minute walk was silent from there until we got to her house.

“Thanks for walking me home,” Izzy said.

“Anytime,” was all I could think to say.

Just then, her door opened. There was a little boy wearing blue basket ball shorts and a matching shirt. He had a basket ball in hand. He had short red hair and freckles. When he saw us, his emerald green eyes got big and lit up. “Uh, Izzy, hey!”

“Jake, you know mom wanted you on bed rest for today,” Izzy scolded him.

“Yeah, but this game was planned for a month now, my team needs me!” Jake argued.

“I heard that if the kid is happy, it’ll help him heal,” I stuck in. Jake smiled up at me while Izzy playfully slapped my chest. Surprisingly, I didn’t flinch.

“Don’t encourage him!” Izzy scolded me. “Fine, but if mom askes I didn’t see you!”

“Thanks Izzy!” Jake cheered. “I love you!” He hugged her around the waist before picking up his basketball and running.

“I think he likes me,” I smiled.

“I do too,” she admitted. I turned towards her just as she kissed me. I felt like I was flying, my first kiss ever.

“Wow,” I said as we pulled away.

“First kiss?” she asked laughing.
“Yeah,” I smiled. “Okay, as much as I want to stay, Garret is waiting for me.”

“Okay, let me get you my number first, call me,” Izzy said. She went into her house, when she came back out she had a piece of paper with a number on it.

“Okay, see ya,” I hugged her good bye.

“Bye,” she waved. All the way back to the restaurant I replayed the kiss over and over in my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update! yes, this is mostly dialog BUT its important so enjoy! Comment please!