Status: As Of 8/22/2011 THIS STORY IS COMPLETE!


The Police Station Surprise

Dr. Dias told the police about it and they came to ask me questions. They asked me alot of questions. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Did my mom know? Did he abuse Eve too? Have I eaten recently? Do I go to school or friend's houses?

I told them everything his threat of killing, getting me out, what really happened to my ankle. It was such a great relief to tell them. For some strange reason, Eve asked to talk to them in private.

They were in the room for a while. One of the other police officers came and gave me some cookies and a mug of milk. When they finally came out of the room her eyes were puffy and she was obviously uncomfortable. What have they done to her?

"Eve, are you okay?" I asked quickly, afraid of the answer.

"Um, yeah, why?" She said, hiding something. I threw the coffee mug they gave me across the room where it hit a wall and shattered. A few cops came in at the sound of the coffee mug breaking but I didn't care I was going to get to the bottom of this.

"What did they to you?!" I basically shouted.

"They didn't do anything," She said but her voice wavered.

"Tell me Eve!," I screamed. Why wasn't she telling me? Did she have to go back to Zac? Did the police hurt her?

"You're scaring me Alex," She cried. When I saw her face, I really saw how horrified she was. I calmed down and sat back down, pointing to the other chair for her. She came and sat in it.

"Please, tell me why you asked to go to a private room, please," I begged.

"Um I just didn't want you to have to worry about me," she whispered.

What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "I know what Zac did to you." When Eve didn't answer, I knew there was something I didn't know and Zac did it. I felt myself heat up with rage, my fists balled up, teeth clenched. I was furious! "What did he do?"

"H-he..h-he um..," Eve stuttered, trying hard to tell me.

I picked up her hand and looked into her eyes. "You can tell me." I said soothingly.
We sat there for about 10 minutes, Eve contemplating whether to tell me her secret, me trying to comfort her. She finally relaxed, looking kind of defeated, and looked me in in the eyes. She was going to tell me.

"He..he..he touched me," Eve said barely loud enough to hear, but painful enough for me and her to both start crying. How could I have let this happen? We sat together, in each others arms, crying until we couldn't cry anymore. I sat up and wiped my eyes. I offered Eve a cookies and she took it but she had a glazed expression on her face. All I could do is hope that she wasn't reliving any memories in her head.
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I know this is a bit short, but it contains important information. Comments are appreciated!