Status: As Of 8/22/2011 THIS STORY IS COMPLETE!



Dr. Diaz had a huge house. It was a three-story house, only 10 miles from the beach! We were given the attic which was like a 2 bed room apartment. It had its own mini kitchen and bathroom. It was really cool to feel like we were actually living on our own.

The only thing that stopped me was what Detective Finn said earlier. Why was my mom doing that? She lifted me and told me that she loved me countless times yet she is willing to die for this man? I dont understand her and if thats true love, I never want to be in love.

I did enjoy Garret, Sami, and Teddy though. They were Dr. Diaz's kids. Garret was a boy my age that was actually in my class. Sami was Eve's age. She was in her class last year. Teddy is only 3 years old and is adorable. Garret helped me catch up on classwork and lessons. Then we played video games. It was really nice to get my mind off of my problems. I knew Eve was safe, playing barbies in the other room with Sami. Teddy was taking a nap.

"Hey, want to see my drum set?" asked Garret when we beat the game.

"Sure," I said grabbing my crutches.

We had to go outside to the garage. That's where he and his band, Snake Eyes, pracitced so that they could practice any hour of the day without interupting anyone. Garret led me over to a set of pearl white drums. I instantly fell in love with them.

"I see you like them," Garret said with a smile. "Want to try them out?"

"Um I never played before," I said. I didnt really want to try them knowing that I would be bad. What if he didnt like me because I couldnt play? Would he not hang anymore? Would he tease me? Would he or others beat me up? I couldnt risk it.

"Come on, give it a chance," Garret said placing his hand on my shoulder. I jumped, fear of being hit, and fell to the floor in a ball. I instantly started bawling. "Uh you okay dude?" Garret asked, his voice quivering. I heard his foot steps as he ran and two pairs of feet when he came back. I felt a strong hand on my arm pull me up and I instantly tensed.

"I'm sorry, so so so sorry, I didnt mean to, really i didnt, it was an accident," I said quickly.

"Sorry for what?" Dr. Diaz asked placing his hands on my shoulders. He gently used his hand so that I would look at him, forcing me to look into his eyes, which I WAS NOT allowed to do with Zac. "You didn't do anything Alex, you are okay, Im okay, everything is fine," he said slowly. "Okay?" I slowly nodded my head, calming down. " Okay, so how about you try out these drums over here? Its okay if your bad, I'm completely tone-deaf so you can imagine how bad I am," Dr. Diaz said with a laugh.

I smiled at Dr. Diaz. "Um sorry for that Gar-"

I was quickly interrupted "Dont even worry about it dude, it happens," Garret said, picking up my crutch. I really liked this family. I hobbled over to the drums and started to hit the drums I felt were necessary. It felt good to bang on something and it didnt sound to bad to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and got lost in the music. It was a few minutes before I heard Garret and dr. Diaz calling my name. I instantly stopped and got up, scared.

"Oh dont worry, Alex," Garret said with a smile. "We stopped you because you were really good!"

"I dont even like loud noises and I was impressed," Dr. Diaz said with a smile. "You're a prodigy or something, I gotta get back to my report though" He started walking out.

I smiled at the compliements and waved good bye to Dr. Diaz.

"Hey, Alex," Garret called. "Would you like to join Snake Eyes?"

"As what?" i asked confused.

"Drummer of course," Garret said as if I shouldve knew.

"But arent you drummer?" I asked not wanting to replace him in his own band.

"Yeah, but I wanted to be lead singer," Garret said with a smile.

"Well then, count me in!" I cheered.
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Sorry this as been such a long wait, I've been extremely busy and working on other stories hasnt helped. And I know that this part is pretty short but its important and atleast its an update, right? I will try to get back into routine with this story. Tell me what you think in the comment section please!